>could not get a job for a year straight after graduating
>complete my first year in social science, now 2nd year
>take off resume "bachelor of business" and put "2nd year student - social science
>get constant call backs and interviews, been offered the following roles in debt collections, loans analyst, executive assistant, IT support
How the actual fuq do I get offered these jobs as a second year social science student and not with my biz degree, like legit? Am I living in some sort of dream or what? Why the fuk do you cunts waste time on a business degree? I was even honest to one of the following employers and explained that I have completed a business degree and his response was "business degrees are not worth the paper they're on", legit, wtf did i waste 3 years of this shit??
ps im going for the debt collections officer, 4 days a week >65K start up plus perks
Jacob Hall
Good choice user. There will always be debt that needs collecting. Just keep your wits about you if you have to contact people in person outside of your office
Parker Carter
sorry to hear that user
I have a degree in IT (programming) and haven't landed a job 8 years later
>no refunds
Sebastian Garcia
fuck that its not possible. what did you get bachelor of it in pajeet boot camp?
Josiah Adams
Logan Lopez
it's from a 2nd rate technical institute in new zealand
Mason Jackson
I'm curious, what's a debt collections officer? Do you get to wear knuckledusters and break thumbs?
Ryder Stewart
>business degrees are not worth the paper they're on nothing wrong with that 2bh (((business))) is a joke.
Hunter Carter
its a soulcrushing job, calling and emailing clients asking for payments, reconciling accounts.
Chase Cooper
Hey user I'll let you in on a little secret.
No university degree is worth shit anymore. SUch a huge supply of graduates has diluted the worth of it down to 0.
You know why I was able to get a good paying job right out of uni? Because I had actual fucking work experience with internships that gave me credibility.
And let's be real anons, what degree has actually mattered in your job? Even in the field you studied for?
Nolan Diaz
that just means you weren't looking.
Jonathan Nguyen
I worked at a company that sent products to customers and allowed them to pay after receiving the order. My boss probably did this on the basis of his religion and obviously this got taken advantage of and they had a huge blacklist of defaulters. The poor cunt in charge of the department spent half her days calling nigs begging them to pay up and she absolutely hated her job. I tried reasoning with them to bring his shop into the 21th century but in the end I got booted out because I didn´t fit into the company culture.
Kayden Edwards
you're right though. I freaked out with stress by the time I graduated and literally ran away from my apartment and everything in life for 3 months
Grayson Martinez
Ayden Davis
I will finish my Bachelor at 28 too, but I did an apprenticeship before that. Think before you write, fucktard.
John Hall
kek scheiss fast-hochschüler genieß dein mittelmäßiges leben als sachbearbeiter gebiet G-M
Brandon Martinez
Bist du komplett behindert, du degenerierter Untermensch?! Was lässt dich glauben, dass ich einen Sachbearbeiter-Job hatte und haben werde? Wie kann man so dumm sein. Ich empfehle Zyklon-B zur inneren Anwendung.
Carter Carter
I literally just think I've wasted my time with a business degree and can't believe I did that for nothing - I wanted to be a business analyst
I think the social science degree is great thought, im majoring in social welfare but im thinking of transferring to social work - a career adviser has legit convinced me it is the cream of the crop of humanities. You are the boss once you finish the degree with a minimum of 65K -
but on the hand -
>debt collections officer >65K ... with perks and financial benefits
how does this add up.... I even got offered a job in construction and have had no labour experience and theyre offering me 72k. Do employers see a humnanities degree valuable or do they think "this guy is studying social science, we can swindle him around as much as we can" ?
I get called retarded for doing the social science degree BTW
Leo Cook
>he isnt making money in crypto >he wants a job >craves it cuck
Joseph Howard
wundert mich gar nicht dass du so ultrasalzig bist du hirnlein. wirst nunmal ein leben im durchschnitt fristen. sowohl intellektuell, als auch finanziell und erst recht sexuell.
viel spaß dabei.
Joshua Cooper
lmfao. love u user. completely btfoed that subhuman
Mason Turner
Hahahaha, alles klar Untermensch. Wenn du Glück hast, darfst du mir später vielleicht mal die Schuhe sauber lecken. Wobei ich mich wohl eher nicht in Gegenden rumtreiben werde, wo sich Hirntote wie du aufhalten.