ITT: Foods which smell better than they taste

ITT: Foods which smell better than they taste

What a dumb thread.

What next? Go on /mu/ and post
>"Bands which look better than they sound"


Or how aboutt go on Veeky Forums and post

>"Words which sound better than they are spelled"


Kill yourself my man

Is it just me or has the price of bell peppers gone up?


KISS is a band that looks better than they sound.

They look like the hardest old school metal band you've ever heard, but they're dad rock


Smell is a direct part of the eating experience you big uppity dork.

They look like a bunch of faggots what are you talking about



Smells great when cooking but tastes incredibly bland. Same goes for chicken but chicken has better consistency than beef.

OP, once again, reveals he doesn't know how to cook.

If you really can't draw the good flavor out of a bell, then gtfo Veeky Forums

>if ur bad at cooking don't try and learn cooking

hmm teach me pepper sensei how do I make these fuckers taste nice

roast em, fry em, use em in a soup.

just don't fall for the raw meme.

slice the fuckers in half long wise, fill them with a mix of precooked rice mixed with hot peppers and tomato, and then throw them on the grill for a few mins.

This isn't hard

Ever since I've been a kid I thought peppers were color coded by their spiciness. Like green ones are mild, yellow are medium and red are spicy. Even though I know that's not true I can't help but think that whenever I see peppers.

This whole thing is the saddest thread I've ever seen on ck. I've been on Veeky Forums for a long time, daily.

Haven't tried reading your own posts yet then mate?

If I showed you these guys without you knowing what the band was, and that they've been playing since the 70's would you assume it was an old metal band or the safest rock band in existence

We all thought that at one point, videogames, streetlights, children's TV all taught us things were color coded

I would genuinely assume Glam before old school metal.

Tbqh that's a fair assumption in and of itself

I often judge a book by it's cover.

If the artwork fucking impresses me, i'll read the book without looking at what it's about.

>What next? Go on /mu/ and post
>>"Bands which look better than they sound"

>smells good
>tastes like water

What's this cucumbers are flavorless meme

You're mum pussy

cucumbers taste infinitely better if you grow them yourself