What man is stupid enough to agree to this? He will have a slut walking around who will fuck anyone but him. And if he demands some sort of payment, she will make him go to jail.
What man is stupid enough to agree to this? He will have a slut walking around who will fuck anyone but him. And if he demands some sort of payment, she will make him go to jail.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd rather have someone pay me 500 dollarydoos a week then on demand pussy.
If I wanted to pay for pussy, I'd use the rent money to buy some. Fuck giving some bitch a place to live because she can fuck..
my ex did this
area rents for 1200 a month but she only paid 400
figured it out after seeing how they interacted
Every time I see that avocado and toast reference I just want to reach inside the author's mouth and rip their tongue out along with anything else that comes with it.
Fucking retarded article.
>just because he explicitly stated it was the voluntary exchange of services doesn't mean its consent!
Low grade
Drugs and prostitution should be legal.
This victim narrative is so weird: "Poor people who offer their bodies for payment are victims and we must stop them getting goods and services for their own good."
hello virgin
Its literal free sex. Some girl at work was telling me about how the writer of 50 shades of grey was a homeless girl adopted by a social worker that have her rent and food for sex. Technically if a prostitute costs 100-200 dollars an hour, that's 3000-6000 dollars a month if you only have sex once a day. Room and food for one person is less that 1 grand so it's basically buying in bulk.
If I were a women, I'd screenshot that ad, move in, deny him sex and rent and if he acts up, report him for molestation and rape.
Fucker has it coming.
And why would she refuse to fuck you? You can literally kick her out on the street at any time since it's your house. If she tries to fuck you over, then what's next in her master plan? She can't sieze your property so she's homeless now.
This. It's not like someone forced them into slavery. They find the ads, they call the number and they do the needful.
this kid of arrangement isn't new, I remember seeing this type of advert back in 2007 in Vancouver
>Report guy you're living with for rape after having consentual sex daily
>long night at the police station! Phew I'm so tired can't wait to go home
>Has no home
>Sleep on street
>Rape test comes back to detect consentual vaginal sex. Police find that as described a two way exchange of services.
>Guy let go, still homeless
both pajeets
Must feel terrible being a man over 30 and not having any assets or money. Can't get girls normally cause old, and can't get them with money/power either. I'd kill myself.
Yeah but I read on /pol/ there is reverse Onus on rape and the world is out to get straight white men!
Though in all seriousness the arrangement is illegal. Not rape but not exactly legal either.
More like evict her for not paying rent. Good luck proving a verbal agreement of sex for a place to live.
Actually, it's Schambeesh, good Sir.
This. They should empower themselves buy selling their snatch for money. #feminism #empoweredwomen
Yeah, the landlord should let them live there completely for free because they are woman and he is a man!!!!!!!!1
no assets + no pussy = mental asylum material
assets + no pussy = academic
no assets + pussy = criminal
assets + pussy = chad
Boomers set it up this way knowing that when they retire, they can have all the 18 to 20 somethings that their heart desires because they have all the wealth from all the SS, pensions, early home investment from the 50s, great stock options, hardly any inflation, etc and Millennials are left with scraps. of course, all by design.
These hos should be living with their parents.
>but Mr. Goldberg says I'm a failure as a parent if my daughter is living with me instead of being a prostitute!
Real talk
that article is obviously written by a 30s + single woman
there should be laws keeping spinsters from infecting younger generations with their bitter loneliness
it's not just for sheilas
>straight guy who wants to fuck men or women
Yup i had a young cutie at the local deli give me her number after i asked her during a late lunch. When i was leaving her 30 yr old co worker said ugghh how boring he's just gonna talk all day about work.
(((they)) are trying to normalize prostitution. Many white people are still alive, so they haven't been degraded enough.
People like that don't want to fuck regular prostitutes, it's boring to them. They want the girl next door who is desperate for a room and will do anything. It's also a sort of sexual arousal through power over these girls
fags are gay and so are you
God you are such a loser. Please go back. This is the world people like you have created. Do not deny this strong woman’s ability to utilize all available resources she possesses to reduce her burden and cost of living. After all, it’s just sex. And she is capable of choosing who and who not to have sex with. Are you some prude?
I literally have girls that agreed to live a 24/7 submissive lifestyle that live with me and my wife.
Generally we find them at our "local" bdsm club, some are very interested in it the fetish, some literally just need a place to crash for a few months. We have been doing this for a few years; so we have some rep that we arent crazy murderers or anything which is nice when looking for new prospects. I have 1 girl right now, generally that are around 18 - 25. Only cute ones, and theirs really no "shortage" of them. Its a pretty solid deal, we get a full time slave girl that basically can be used for ANYTHING we want at all, some have harder limits then others of course... and in exchange she gets food, roof, protection and all lifes necessities given to her + some spending cash on the weekends. Hell. For a while we even had a 26yr old accountant who was pushing like 60k a year, she just liked to live this life after work.
>TL:DR Women are wild and crazy.
you're a werido
How do I get one of those?
t. spinster
Don't be jelly.
Its seriously the best.
All the remedial housework gets done, and the wife can do the good cooking and take her sweet time... Plus nothings better then coming home after work to a clean house food on the table and saying. "Hey slavegirl, come here, on your knees, open, now suck" and more the half the time the wife joins in and gets her collar cuz she loves this shit too..
So there i sit, two hotties of 25 / 26 yrs - Sucking on my dick, while i fucking post this garbage, trade crypto, play games, clean rifles.. or fuck.. sometimes when im fucking around on the truck i literally have a slave there to get me fucking tools.. and she GETS OFF on being told what to do...
Im not a wierdo im a goddamned genius and id never live my life any otherway.
>Plus; i even got the wife to sign a prenup with a lawyer friend of mine as witness. Becuase CYA
7/10 larp but nice phantasy bro
I wonder who's behind this post?
i tried this with my gf but the only girls keen to get involved were 3/10 disgusting landwhales
>diversity shaming
>Don't be jelly
Are you mentally retarded? You live like an animal and a degenerate who thinks this is living the dream.
Of course an accountant would agree to this, even a banker would. It's because their lives are boring and they also lack imagination and standards, that's why anyone would ever pick accountant as a job.
A normal intellectual who thinks and behaves like an adult who gets bored of sex after the first week would pity you.
Here we have dreams of being movie directors, creating our own TV series, animated series, video games, popular websites, technology, medicine, publishing a book, discovering lost relics.
Being a scientist, a weapons & armor expert, a biology scientist, an astronaut, a programmer.
And then there's you and your wife. 2 manchildren with the dreams of 14 year olds who just learned about sex and can't get enough of it. A normal person gets bored of it in less than a month.
>man over 30
>Can't get girls normally cause old
At least he makes the deal chrystal clear
tfw am an accountant and like to think I am a pretty creative guy. I only do what I do for the money, when I retire in c10yrs I'm planning to carry on with my writing and musical work. I had the option to do more creative work for a living but the pay is 10x worse. My life is boring though, you're right there.
I don't know what's more autistic. His larp or your response.
>A normal intellectual who thinks and behaves like an adult who gets bored of sex after the first week would pity you.
Please aware us on what "normal intellectuals" think and believe.
Stupid enough to agree? user you know that in the vast majority of these cases it's the man that proposes this and it's the women that agrees. If the woman's a slut, what's the guy? They're bith degenerate. It's two sided. I think the whole practice is stupid btw.
>who gets bored of sex after the first week
The type of sex you have, yes.
Not kidding, this is honestly pretty common in the community.
Keep looking, its easier being on the outskirts of a major city. Lots of people with similar interests; and open to this type of "relationship". The wifes actually pretty conservative in her values (even tho she feels liberal at heart) which is funny cuz she doesn't notice it... and usually the "slave" is some citygirl / experimenting / college type of deal.
What the fuck are you babbling about ?
you can't just instantly kick people out, she could sign that contract and deny you sex after living there for 1 day and get 3 months rent free because you have to give people 3 months notice before you evict, even if they say "I'm not paying money"
Or a woman
this has to be a pasta.
nobody is this pathetic and cringy...
say, do you and your "intellectual" friends have a fine collection of fedoras or scarfs? do you discuss the finer, philosophical implications of rick and morty? i heard that's some deep shit. kek
if you want to see a narcicistics possesive manchild that can't even let other people have their own kind of sexuality due to their own sexusal frustration, just look in the mirror...
you are pathetic and you deserve to be alone. this comes from somebody who once used to be like you.
Small dock cuck spotted
What happens to all the wealth when the boomers die though?
legit way of summing it up.
The slave-herder guy is in the wrong in that he's a chad spoiling women. This makes productive betas less attractive to the females, who now understand what they are missing while with a beta.
The beta stops being productive or focuses on ways to become like the Chad. Civilisation crumbles.
Looks like I'm on my way to the Asylum then...
Literally the stupidest exchange possible, I'd rather take the money since sex is fucking free unless youre handicapped or drink soy.
>civilization crumbles when betas cant find a mate
Kinda the opposite there dontcha think?
Nope. When betas never get any pussy they have no stake any society and contract virgin rage and become ISIS.
>You can literally kick her out on the street at any time since it's your house
That's not how it works, user.
nice larp
I used to have this arrangement with some Ukrainian students.
>Be me, back then 19, inherit apartment from grandfather
>Good part of the city in Poland, great condition
>Live abroad, start thinking what's the best thing to do about the apartment
>Priced at around $82,000 which is a very decent amount for an apartment in Poland
>Leave an ad on gumtree that I'll rent it out very cheap to a women but under special conditions, DM for more information
>Basically the conditions are they can live there on essentially 1/3 rent, but whenever I'm in Poland I can sleep there and they'll "make sure I'm comfortable"
>End up renting the place to 2 Ukrainian students, one was a 7, the other easily an 8
>When I'm over I take turns sleeping with them, the slightly less attractive one seems to be more into it, maybe because the 8 has a boyfriend back in Ukraine
>We all keep it quiet for a year
>Skip a year, I'm going to university myself, need money
>Tell the girls the arrangement is over, they have to pay full rent
>Can't afford it so I kick them out, as far as I know they live in some shithole part of the city now
>Rent it to a couple now for full rent
Shit was good.
poland lets foreigners own property?
sounds fun
Free market. There is nothing wrong with someone trying to arrange a real like this. If the bitch doesn't like it like somewhere else.
I'm a dual citizen, I was born and lived for a few years in Poland before moving.
Lol exactly this, women are so stupid and easily manipulated
>thinks 30 is old
if this is true then i feel truly sorry for you
>$800 a pop
Jesus, that's nearly high-class escort fees, I guarantee she wasn't hot enough or good enough at sex to justify that price tag.
maybe it was once a week
>beign this young and thirsty
>all by design.
I refuse to believe that the majority of their generation is this malevolent. It's far more likely that they're just selfish, greedy, lazy and stupid.
don't gotta be chad, just learn pickup and hodl crypto
That landlord sounds like a really poor business man.
Older millennial's i'm ok with, but younger ones and Gen Z can suck the biggest dick they can find. I hope to see more exploitation of these brain dead idiots.
Get outta here pol. Don't you know that isis are probably the good guys in your narrative?
>i hate pol so i get to say what their narrative is.. probably
Agreed, if they are taxed.
But drugs should be quality-controled and sex workers should be syndicated.