You didn't buy at ICO, fair enough. You didn't buy when it dipped to near-ICO prices again. You haven't bought now at 2x+ ICO
Will you buy in another 2x? Maybe after 10x? Perhaps only when it's established at 100x, right before a huge dump?
Yes, that's probably the best idea. Carry on.
Dominic Wright
Don't bother, we tried to get them in on the ground floor.
They will buy our bags in half a year/ a year when it's ATH.
Juan Collins
People who are shilling something worthwhile usually say something about the project they are shilling. People trying to dump bags usually say shit like :
Gavin Perez
Everyone thinks it's a scam and you probably know it.
Justin Brown
Not dumping. I'm gonna dump before mainnet launches in june ( probably gonna be delayed a bit )
Still believe this project is gonna 20x before then.
Grayson Nguyen
It's genuinely a shame, most shill threads on /biz are for pumped and/or shit coins, way past their best, that people are trying to unload bags from.
But here we have a brand new, genuinely legit opportunity, no one is dumping bags for a longgg time yet. We are shilling it because we want to pump it, make no mistake - but not because we want to dump it on user.
Sebastian Ward
The word "scam" has lost all meaning in crypto - every coin is described as a "scam" by salty fags who don't have any and want to see it fail.
Will credits succeed with its stated aims? I dunno lol. Is it a "scam", as in they have no intention of attempting to reach those goals? No, clearly fucking not.
Christopher Jones
It's a Russian blockchain/platform project with a fast-moving roadmap and a lot of hype. Slightly disorganised ICO, rough around the edges and not a clean-cut professional operation yet. Has been shilled by suppoman several times and will continue to get hype.
99.9% of ICOs and new projects are pointless dapp shit with an unnecessary token involved just to get the funding. If you're going to take risks with new coins, at least do so on ambitious wide-reaching projects such as this.
Christian Peterson
Blah blah blah. Not sure if you're pretending like you don't understand, no, I mean it LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE A PONZIE.
Elijah Hall
What’s so special about it? I looked at it a few days ago and wasn’t blown away by the aims or the team why am i wrong
Jacob Foster
That goes without saying, of course it's a fucking Ponzi. Name me one coin that isn't, LOL. Have you literally just found out about crypto this week and still think it's shocking news that people buy these things only in order to sell at a higher price?
Gosh, I am truly surprised. Who would do such a thing?
Dominic Mitchell
Basically some unknown russian guys on the internet claim they can build a blockchain platform with 1m tps. If you still think it's a good investment you can buy tron as well.
Jonathan Perez
Another blah blah blah. People buy many other assets like stocks to resell it which doesn't make it a ponzie.
Benjamin Powell
Dude. Look at the LinkedIn for the team. All bullshit. Look at their YouTube presentations. All claims no technical details. Look at the white paper. Their model doesn't make any sense. This is a scam. Obviously, ten minutes of research would tell you that.
Christopher Brown
Implying that tron has not been a fucking unimaginably good investment, lamo.
tps is a meme, I can make muh 1b tps right now and it means nothing.
Liam Thomas
feels good to be in on ground floor, holding almost 50k of these since the ico.
Grayson Ross
There's already been about 5 different coins named 'credits' already
Lucas Rodriguez
lol whitepaper is just bullshit with nice equations to make brainlets like you buy in, advertised a false INXT partnership, these guys can't do shit
Bentley Walker
t. slaty retard who didnt read the technical white paper and sold off to early
Noah Morales
"technical" whitepaper
stay poor
Tyler Roberts
keep fudding buddeh im keeping these screenshots for the $1 celebration bread next week
Charles Turner
>stay poor
nigger i turned 5 ethers into 12 ethers just by buying into the ico