Everytime I make money I feel an impulse to shout 'HEIL HITLER' and do the Nazi salute. What's wrong with me?
Everytime I make money I feel an impulse to shout 'HEIL HITLER' and do the Nazi salute. What's wrong with me?
go back to /pol/, larper
Sounds normal to me
honestly we all do it...
standard behavior
It's an amazing phenomenon playing out for someone a bit older (31) because my grandpa actually fought against these people. Now teens laugh and LARP about it because it's too remote. They never knew anyone that actually lived through it.
That + the rise of hateful neets who feel excluded by modern left wing rhetoric = some interesting consequences.
I say it when I orgasm.
your an autistic 4chaner who stutters like a stroke victim when they have social interactions. Of course you love Hitler.
I'll probably at least think it from now on, just because of your autistic post.
>They never knew anyone that actually lived through it.
>T. 31 years old
Only a complete and utter brainlet would allow subjective relatives personal accounts of a world war to influence their opinion of the greater forces at work during that time period. Nobody is denying it was an awful experience for all involved, in fact I think most would agree that the western world has still not recovered from it.
Try “Hail Victory” it’s a little more normie friendly.
the position of my johnson dictates my political leaning. at the moment it is center-left.
Your grandfather was also at war with the Japanese but I guess its okay for you to dress up as a little anime girl and post it on /cgl/.
Sorry bitch but the younger kids are growing up in a multicultural country. They see expressions of pride by shitskinned people buy whites get called Nazis if they do the same. Then they get red-pilled and it pisses them off. So much that being called racist or “hateful neets” doesn’t alter their desire to have a strong, ethnic-based community of their own. Whites see a problem, and naturally think ahead to the solution. Those that have swallowed the red pill won’t be deterred by name-calling.
After the war, Hitler went underground, adopting the alias Satoshi Nakamoto, and inventing Bitcoin.
By the way your grandpa lived through the Cold War and would be foaming at the mouth over the Bolshevik bullshit now being foisted on this country.
George Lincoln Rockwell fought in the big one, even he put on the swastika when his eyes were opened.
He did this to undermine fiat currencies, the supreme weapon of the J*w
Numbers confirm.
>subjective relatives personal accounts of a world war to influence their opinion
But this is ok for (((Great-grandchildren of Holocaust survivors))).
I'm not arguing in favor of the current situation so, no, it isn't.
You’re a brainlet that’s what is wrong
Is that why the Russian collusion is waved away? Because we're returning to a sort of global prison mentality divided along broad racial lines?
You say prison mentality. However this mentality can be found in schools, the work place as well as society at large. You're denying reality if you don't see it too. Almost as if its just a natural instinct the majority of people share.
Muh russian collusion has been waved away because it was mostly baseless accusations and it comes to light that the blue team were actually knee deep in corruption and scandal in the same country the more it was "investigated" if you can call it that, the more it was clear that it was FUD.
You ought to re-think relying on cnn and fox to tell you whats going on in the world because they wont report on things that sway the boat off course too much given who controls them.
Anime girls have nothing to do with Japan in WW2. Nazis were the symbol of ww2 germany. You're retarded.
>missing the point by this much
holy shit im amazed you manged to register on Veeky Forums in the first place.
This is absolutely normal. The fire rises.
that's just the sound of soy coming out
It is funnythat nazi-larpers were sent underground by overzealous liberals and this resulted in them becoming incredibly rich from the cryptoboom
Basically you are on polchan/biz/ at this point. Get comfy.
Big if true
Heil Hitler
too much time on Veeky Forums
they'll have an ICD code for it some day
t. man who will also have it