germany finally approved the government coalition, markets are very likely to react positively tomorrow. What to buy?
Germany finally approved the government coalition, markets are very likely to react positively tomorrow. What to buy?
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The news already has several days but it was a question of an increase in public spending (notably infrastructure)
Maybe german companies related to this sector
Because of Trump’s trade tariff threat, expect a monday general selloff
if dubs the DAX drops 14% at open
Some coins since you are on /bit/
>markets are open on weekends
Since trump is shoving its cock up our german asses atm we will end up +-0,00% if we're lucky
Ill watch what happens on monday and maybe buy on tuesday
Its about time the bulls take over again.
DAX is -1,2% over the last 52 weeks
Germany is an export driven country and the main contributor of the currency
Trump is basically Euro is too weak and your exports are so cheap that the US can’t compete
But since the Euro is shared by a bunch of shithole countries (Greece, Italy, Spain), it cannot be too strong or else those countries would fall apart (strong currency = they become even less competitive)
The EU and Germany are kinda like in a «damned if I do, damned if I don’t» situation
I may add that German financial institutions has a shitload of debts from other European countries (Italy, Greece)
Their balance sheets are hiding many many skeletons
Banks being fucked is nothing new desu
Wow it's another globalist government filled with spineless cocksucking yesmen.
Prepositions don't work that way Pajeet. Try again.
>merkel has been in power since i was 3 years old
Any german fags here? What is it going to take to get merkel out of office? I just dont understand germans.
she hinted at this being her last period in office
But who knows, german sheeple fear change, even for good, more than anything else.
If this continues im leaving this shithole
You were born in 2000? But the year 2018 just started.. meaning YOU'RE underage.
Why do you hate her when she's the reason why Germany is sucking the life out of Europe for the benefit of Germans?
Merkel entered office in 2005
Her party (CDU, "conservatives") is still standing behind her, because she removed all her critics years ago and nobody dares to attack her.
Then there is the SPD (socialist cucks), which ruled out to form a new coalition with the CDU, but then they changed their attitude and say they must do what they think is good for the country. They're very afraid of new elections because of the AfD.
Also the media LOVES merkel...
we'll see what the Italian elections do to the market
You can securitize skeletons
>implying GroKo 3.0 is not a total disaster
>doing anything at all for the benefit of Germans
You clearly have never lived in Germany
>You clearly have never lived in Germany
Yep. We don't care about you and you don't care about us. Seems fair enough and I understand why you would care for a 3rd world country anyways.
But doesn't statistics show that EU overall benefits germany and that's also thanks to Merkel?
>we'll see what the Italian elections do to the market
economically, italy is insignificant
You mean Germany benefits EU
Ah yes, Germoney not getting debnts paid by lazy Greece
I miss those days on /pol/ before the Great Meme War
Doesn't the Euro give Germans a huge advantage?
they are fake and biased. The overall quality of life in Germany tanked heavily since Merkel became chancellor in 2005. Grave mistakes have been made and it will always be remembered as a lost decade and her name will be always connected to it.
nigga germany is the poorest country in the EU if you go by wealth / household
google that shit ECB did a study about it and they actually tried to bury it before the 2013 elections
>Trump is basically Euro is too weak
euro is stronger than the dollar, has always been since creation
from my brainlet point of view that would be better for the us economy as it would be cheaper to buy american products for eu companies, and at the same time american people would spend there money on us products and not eu becasue they re cheaper
>pump money into the pockets of globalists, EUphiles and corrupted fucks
I dunno if i should believe you..
But I looked at the stats and that's wrong.
it gives a huge advantage to the german (((economy)))
economy is booming its just that none of this money ends up with the workers. wages have been stagnating for decades, living costs exploding and yet germanfags are told we have to feed the entire world because its sad that theyre poor basically.
>But I looked at the stats and that's wrong.
>Germans are one of the poorest groups in Europe even poorer than those in the troubled peripheral nations of Greece, Spain and Italy, according to the surprising findings of a joint survey by various divisions within the European Central Bank.
>oh no, she made germany the strongest, most scucessful player in europe, basically keeping alive the european shitholes by giving them money.
I wonder why people are voting for her.
Check wealth/household
Check the development of real wages
Check the absolute state of the army
Check the state of the pension system
Check the state of the infrastructure
Check the state of public facilites
Check the state of education
Just to name a few
germans are cucked to the max
therell probably be some germcucks in this thread who will defend high taxes and having their country stolen by shitskins
70 years of brainwashing and non-stop propaganda will do that to a nation
Check the state of costs of rent and housing
Check the costs of utility and electricity
Check the state of public security
There is literally no field that is relevant for the average German that has NOT been fucked up by Merkel
lol no. Shitholes in southern europe devalue the euro so much were bleeding poor.
Also the bureaucacy od the EU with thousands of bullshit jobs is costing millions everyday and as shitholes have no money the Germans need to pay for Everything.
And dont forget 2008 and the bancrupcy of Greecy, Italy, Spain and Portugal and its banks.
Now guess who volunteered to pay for those chimps
>There is literally no field that is relevant for the average German that has NOT been fucked up by Merkel
and yet they keep voting her in...
May I ask where you're from? I suppose you're a burger, if so, "thanks" for your retarded nigger PC culture, your genderism, and your fucking globalist agenda which is being imported here.
lol im german you faggot
im just one of the few who are not total cucks and hate seeing my country going down the drain
But the economy has been strong under her, that's why she won.
Its mostly old people and boomers who just vote the same shit for 30+ years because they are unable to admit they've been wrong
Ich sah die Doppel-Tripel, Bruder
Verzeih mir die Verwechslung, ich fühle ja genau so wie Du.
>muh economy is strong because of merkel
sure it has nothing to do with germans being the hardest-working and most capable people in europe
its all thanks to merkel
alles gut mein lieber, der tag des stricks kann nicht schnell genug kommen
She has also fucked the future for Germans and other Europeans with Schultz and Juncker with their,delusional idea of a centralized federal EU thst takes in all the world's poor and gives them handouts.
Well I didn't notice anything of that. My family's quality of life has improved A LOT during the last 15 years, yes, but thats due to the fact that my parents were working their asses off all that time and got much better paid positions now. Merkel has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Funny thing the ECB study came out the week after Germany send a few billions to cyprus, which is one of the richest countries.
But german brainlets dont care because they get told how rich they are by the media.
I am typing on my phone so I may forget some words
Companies are more interested in selling shit than buying it. Nearly everyone in this world wants a weak currency except when you have things others dearly desire.
The EU problem is its currency which is shared by many different countries. Each one of them has different levels of productivity and deficit and yet, they all use the same money with the same value, which is quite insane when you think about it.
Also, I am surely a retard so I am surely wrong. But if Trump did his things, then there may be some truth to it
For a few days, I expect the USD to be tanking against EUR and CNY. USD will be stronger against JPY. Then I expect a recovery in JPY.
Which is basically what has been happening for a few years now
ECB has been kicking the can down the road because otherwise, the debt assets in German financial institutions wouldn have to be written down
I am monitoring the short bet by Ray Dalio against the European market. Shit is gonna be epic
The EU problem is the EU itself.
Well, I don't know much about the issue so I would just take you word for it, for now. Forgive my ignorance on the issue.
I really am in the dark about the EU mostly. Ever since Duterte told the EU and Merkel to fuckoff and rejected all EU gibs I don't really hear anything about Europe.
Jesus how can you be such a brainlet.
Your quality of life didnt go up because of Merkel.
If you slave your ass youll improve even at a total tax rate of over 60%, an interest tax of 50%, a consumer tax of 19% and the highest petrol, natural gas, electricity prices in the world. jesus if we had a similar tax system as the USA we would be one of the richest nations in the world.
How does it feel to slave in the hamsters wheel?
There is only ONE group in Germany which has HEAVILY profited from Merkel's reign and it is (illegal) immigrants.
I wrote:
>Merkel has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
And then you call me a brainlet? Look at yourself you fucking total imbecile that can't even fucking read.
germany has the second higheest taxes in EU and among lowest wealth per household, even though its the strongest economy.
thats all you need to know really.
its a big open-air slave colony. good news is that once it turns into an islamic caliphate they might at least run out all the jews and faggots
That is my thought too
But a currency is the translation irl of an institution. If the currency fails, the instituin will fail
Why are we discussing macroeconomy instead of shitposting and shilling cuckcoins ?????
As for normal people, those who profited the most would be the already wealthy who has access to cheap credits and those related to the German export sector
They still have to pay rent for their children studying in other cities for example.
They still have to pay super high taxes and watch them getting wasted on illegal immigrant trash
They still have to suffer from increased crime rates.
>Deutsche eMark
>approved during Blitzkrieg, backed by Nazi Gold
The only time a politician should take a crumb of credit for the economy for doing well is when they stay completely out of the way and let the free market work.
You are right
I come to think that the EU and Venezuela have the same strategy
One can wonder people in Venezuela haven’t toppled Maduro already ? That is because they are impoverished but not so much as to revolt. And the soldiers are feeling the pain and they are given advantages so as to keep obeying orders
The EU is basically applying the same strategy but in a milder and more subtle form