>buy 1 BTC at 6k
>sell at 7k
>buy back 1 BTC at 8k
>sell at 9k
>buy at 10k
>sell at 11k
>tfw realize l only made 1k profit from the first sale and everything after that made me broke even
Daytrading was a mistake
>buy 1 BTC at 6k
>sell at 7k
>buy back 1 BTC at 8k
>sell at 9k
>buy at 10k
>sell at 11k
>tfw realize l only made 1k profit from the first sale and everything after that made me broke even
Daytrading was a mistake
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.
How did he buy at 8k if he only sold at 7k where did the 1k come from?
You made 3k profit.
Assuming you can go into debt:
Starting: 0
0 - 6 = -6
-6 + 7 = 1
1 - 8 = -7
-7 + 9 = 2
2 - 10 = -8
-8 + 11 = 3k
final: 3k
i laughed
i dont understand what you mean OP
He used the profit to buy again.
Yes and then he sold it for a higher profit thus making more money he started with 6k.
Youve done goood
Assuming OP is normie enough to pay taxes and lives in US he owes A good deal of taxes.
name? please tell me thats not a trap
You missed 3k profits because of day trading. If you just held you could have made 50% more
Stacey Cancertits.
Selling was rational because there was a big possibility that btc would have diven down. Its stupid to speculate how you could have made more now.
But he exposed himself to less risk. He would also had more if he won the casino.
you are doing it wrong
you made 3k instead of 5k if you just hodl. daytraders BTFO eternally.
i cannot ascertain if OP is retarded or brilliant
Oh no, not this bait thread again.
We already went through this with the goat/coin bait thread here
Missing profits is losing money though.
You fucking children. He made money. Unrealized profits are different than profits.
You are essentially saying anyone who has sold in the history of trading has lost money if their stock went up in the future. The example could be extended to not selling every peak and buying every low.
I don’t know why this idea is constantly showing up here, but it is a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and investing.
Those who reap profits do better than the degenerate gambler who is constantly letting it ride.
If there is ANYTHING that the internet and Veeky Forums has taught me, it is that making mistakes and not being perfect is unacceptable and one should immediate work on suicide if they cannot meet the proper standards
according to my math you lost 3k
better luck next time grug