HAHAHAHA, some salty walty got Lu'd for talking shit, the absolute madman AND he didn't even stick around!! hahahaha.
Sunny Lu the absolute Madman
Hahahaha. Who was she? Looks like shes one of THOSE society ruiners who deserve this shit.
Lot wtf
She was all like "Hey, where's your whitepaper."
Sunny Lu aint got time for that.
I don't think it's him but funny af
Heh I also hate old people.
it is, check twitter
>So what you are really saying is that...
All asians look the same?
can you give me some context.
i need a quick rundown on this
haha boomer BTFO
He's fast !
>u no like vechain?
>we list binance best coin
>u still no liek?
>u no liek masternode?
>fuck your mother if you want fuck
>howr abou v-kick
I read the article about this one. Apparently, she was accusing Sunny of groping her in the elevator while screaming "thor power"
BTCP once it hits the markets
bald guy: holders
chinaman: whales
boomer: bitcoin private
He can't get away with this.
My sides
Last weekend me and the boys went out clubbing, we ran into Sunny at the waiting line and all of a sudden he starts singing "We wish you a merry
Vechain and a happy ChingChong". Whilst this was going on the bouncers came and kindly asked him to stop. He flipped them off and walked away
whilst doing the Gangnam Style dance. He then squatted on the street laying a big fat turd which he than flung at us. We were like wtf? Really?
Did that just happen? He can't keep getting away with this shit..
That fucking naruto run
Cowardly chink. He's probably a jew.
It's time you went back.
There he is, he posted it again...
the run is what makes this as funny as it is
I mean some legbearded cunt getting kicked out of nowhere is funny
but that run off
Looks like Charlie lee
It's time you got cancer
he is smart, why stay to face the 1000 white knights coming to defend the post-wall-thoth
How does it feel knowing that you have the wit of mentally retarded 5 year old and as much humour as a 80 year old german woman? Just kill yourself
>Sunny Lu
sauce that its him? (founder of vechain)
thats like a post - post - post wall thot m8
it's actually him not even joking
that's the reason why vechain is tanking
how u know, after wall they get to looking like that pretty quick, she could be 40
Honestly that security guy was total shit with no classical martial arts training what so ever.
He telegraphs the kick so hard by putting his arms out infront of him.
What security guy? Also have you ever been in a fight irl? Good luck reacting in any way to someone that close suddenly attacking.
did he really bought the meme facebook tshirt? what a fucking idiot
I actually read that as with a heavy Chinese accent.
>Sunny Lu
Please stop joking I need sauce, background ,something; I cant find anything but I cant stop watching
>Pump It
Dumped my remaining WTC for VEN after watching this.
i still believe the old woman deserved it.
was probably being a cunt
Alpha af
>What security guy?
See pic related, you can see him try to radio to his colleague at the end of the webm
>Also have you ever been in a fight irl? Good luck reacting in any way to someone that close suddenly attacking.
Yes, which is why you always want to watch your opponent for signes they are about to attack. You can see him looking at the guys fist but paying 0 attention to what his leg is doing.
whoops forgot mah pic
Holy shieeet this is legendary. The guy deserves all the pussy and money in the world.
Lines up perfectly with what this guy has to say about Sunny Lu youtu.be
>that channel
i think it's more likely that the guy behind him is "secuity" and that's just a random white dude who thinks it's his business to intervene
Is that Charlie The Shill Lee?
cunt i would hate myself if i was you
I think this is in a book store, and the guy behind probably works for the place.
requesting sanic music version
was kicking her genitals part of your master plan?
its Jackie Chan!!
Thanks just bought 100k
Of course!
>blue jeans
>casual jacket
>no badge
>no duty belt
>nothing labeled "security"
That's just some guy, and even if he was thinking it was going to physically escalate and was maintaining a proper reactionary gap, it wouldn't have mattered because the old bitch wouldn't.
he's cia
Jesus, so many fucking asians. Where are they?
Canada. Where else?
I thought it was just a meme
haha u so funnay, me like u long time.