Why do stupid people like messy burgers, or burgers so big they can't even fit in your mouth?

Why do stupid people like messy burgers, or burgers so big they can't even fit in your mouth?

Just stick with the classics, right OP?

I hate that shit so much.
Messy burgers and pieces of shells / bones in my seafood completely ruin the entire meal.

Protein intake

>mommy fed me 10 neatly organized chicken nuggets every day: the posts

>he can't detach his jaw

>wanting to eat and enjoy my food
>not wanting it all over myself and the table

It's almost like you were raised by white trash retards.

>tfw the burger place on campus makes ones exactly like this

you're missing out OP

>he can't enjoy a messy burger
>not knowing he can cut it up
are you trolling me or are you actually retarded?

>not 12 when mom makes then and 15 when im making dindin


Grow up you stupid faggots.

>not wanting it all over myself and the table

Lean over the plate retard.

I don't think everyone wants to go through 400 napkins or eat a sandwich with a fork and knife fuck face.

>Why do stupid people like messy burgers, or burgers so big they can't even fit in your mouth?
>I don't think everyone wants to go through 400 napkins or eat a sandwich with a fork and knife fuck face.

Novice eater, do you have the physical and cognitive development of an infant?
When you eat do you just push food at your face?

I'm more upset with the super double/triple/quadruple trend.
at some point the piles of meat cheese and bacon just taste like salt and grease.
burgers need to be a bit more subtle than smashing shit together under a bun.

>Why do stupid people like messy burgers, or burgers so big they can't even fit in your mouth?

Idk, why do stupid people think that nobody uses utensils to cut a burger in half?

the GOAT burgers have thin patties and no stupid gimmick toppings such as avocado or chutney or fried eggs

because they think quantity is more important than quality

You guys doing this ironically, right? No one argues (very opinionated and very poorly) over burgers on the internet. Or maybe you are serious, so it proves predominantly male boards tend to be shittier in general.

>No one argues (very opinionated and very poorly) over burgers on the internet

Where do you think you are?

I guess you went to a restaurant that only serves one item. Why the fuck did you order it?

I have to ask you the same question.

because the toppings taste good so who cares if grease runs down your fingers?



Spoken like a true nu-male.

I would eat my own shit if it looked like that.

>he even considers taking a knife and fork to a burger

this is faggotry beyond the scale

Hello you stupid nancy boy dandy bougie faggot "I eat pizza and hamburgers with knives and forks" fucks. Fuck OFF and learn to eat some real food

>people who cook their burgers
fucking degenerates learn how to appreciate the true flavour of your beef.

Are you autist? Can't you eat without making a mess?