It doesn't depend on normies at all, on the contrary.
You hate moneys, dont you?
Brayden Hernandez
Colton Gray
>muh normie appeal
you understand that they are going after hedge fund and bank money
an order of magnitude more than normie money
oh boy it will be fun leaving you in the dust while this moons hard
Grayson Kelly
i know it's like buying bitcoin at $0.10 but didn't invest JNT because
John Reyes
and checked
JNT $19000 conf
Lucas Sanchez
Should i sell my VEN for this?
William Martinez
>google dubai fdi
>it's domain is
fuck me sideways
James Lee
It's true
Juan Thompson
I did two weeks ago personally.
Blake Morales
Third worlder poorfag here, bought 100 a few days ago. Will I make like $1,000 at least this year from it? That's a lot in Venezuela
Nathan Carter
Nobody knows. I'd say you have a decent chance