is monero the better bitcoin?
Is monero the better bitcoin?
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You decide for yourself
How is fiat supposed to be private
i think he means cash
how much is in mr smiths wallet rite now
the dubs have spoken
How much BTC is in my wallet now? Because apparently that graph says bitcoin isn't private
name the btc address, i tell you the balance.
Hang on I think I answered my own question
The clue is in the name: CRYPTO-currency.
It's not called Transparency-currency Kek.
Blockchain analysis is not a joke. I can see exactly how much is contained within your bitcoin wallet and a transaction log from the very first transaction made. Head over onto r/darknetmarkets and see the general consensus for yourself.
Why does this even need to be said, isnt this super fundamental knowledge about how bitcoin works.
1.8 billion who is this whale the wallet above them is the bitfinex cold wallet
You can only give the balance for that address btw, not for the wallet. Wallets can have multiple addresses and you've no way of knowing which belong to any one wallet.
None of which matters because like any non-pleb I've been buying XMR since 2014. Pic related, take note of the price.
Good point!
Not at all.
I'd say an overwhelming majority of people believe that Bitcoin is a payment method that is truly private/anonymous and fungible. None of those aspects are true for Bitcoin but it is true for XMR/Monero.
It's just better. Not bitcoin since it inflates.
it's the best bitcoin for money laundering, black market, and for cypherpunk
Wow,it would most kind if you imparted some knowledge unto us plebs user and tell me this:
1.What motivated you to buy in 2014?
2.If it was foresight, then what is your philosophy on cryptoassets?
3.Where are we and where are we going?
From a technological standpoint, literally every crypto its better than bitcoin. All of them. That's the bitch of being the first of anything. You get upgraded on. Especially software.
Monero is an incredibly powerful and valuable tool that every man needs to know how to use. Why? One very simple, maybe inevitable reason: Divorce.
It'll happen to you. And with Monero, you get to keep your shirt.
And I really don't give a fuck about btc anymore but I do like monero.
Maybe Jihan?
So, in about 5-8 years when all us young folk would be married would anyone trying to analyse monero fundamentals look at the divorce rates in the young age range among the countries with the most monero users and then estimate a figure as to how many of them hold monero and eventually factor that into their valuation?? Seems like a stretch
I'm just saying that Monero will allow you to hide your liquidated assets in the event that you want to upgrade your wife to a newer model or if you know you're about to be taken to the divorce court cleaning house.
>Upgrade wife to a newer model
Relax user i know what you meant
Bitcoin Private rich list:
Monero rich list:
Monero has no good memes. Worst coin for memes. This worries me greatly.
Monero has an unknown amount of memes.
Yes it's superior, but so many other cryptos.
But, in the end the market is who decide... so it doesn't matter.