VEN hit double bottom indicating a trend reversal. Feel free to buy back anytime soon.
VEN hit double bottom indicating a trend reversal. Feel free to buy back anytime soon
buy back and watch it fall to 0
VEN hit lines going direction, take action!
No thanks. Got plenty of other coins to buy before handing my money over for a chink scamcoin.
Went all in yesterday. Hope it isn’t a scam
Ven probably won’t do much until past June. That’s when it should skyrocket.............. should
Sold off for profit and not buying this shit coin again
Same. We had a good run, but it's definitely time to bail on this one.
BitOcean has been approved by FSA in Japan. VEN is MOONING
It will moon and dump repeatedly till june. Ven wont break the sell the news pattern. Its only chance is massive announcements and demonstration of hardware and application.
Its not going to get anywhere near 80k sats till june minimum. The only way it managed to was massive hype and momentum from early jan to late jan. Do you have any idea how difficult it will be to recreate that when we are already used to CCK and quality partnerships already?
If it breaks its 9$ ATH it will not be in sats, it will rise with the tide due to BTC reaching ath or something. as we know, dollar values mean nothing in alt market. sat value is the only indicator of performance.
There are plenty of moon missions between now and June. I sold my VEN node at 53k sats, and i'm planning to increase my position before i get back into VEn by early June when hype starts being built again. IDGAF about temporary spikes with news. they will dip down again after. the momentum is gone.
haha screenshotting this when june comes around and gonna post when ven hits 100k sats before june
Well thought out and ballsy but I disagree. They have too many conferences and shit and at any one of those there could be a reason for the price to spike.
Hope you get your node back, no way in hell I'm selling mine to try to flip other shit.
Sorry dude, but when you hold you hold for the long term. don't expect 100k sats unless they change things drastically with their approach. If they can develop big hype and momentum before June it can break SAT ATH. i doubt it though. 100k sats will come later.
If you are a low test holder don't delude yourself. if you do the work and make some trades you will go into main net launch with potentially at least twice your current stack. hell you would have almost done that if you sold rebrand already. It just means looking for things which are good to flip which is hard work. its easier to hold but don't delude yourself. VEN mooned hard already. its not due to have another parabolic growth till main net hype starts building.
I believe in VEN long term which is why its my mission to increase my stack before main net.
You need to understand that the markets don't work logically and how you think they do with news and "quality" of a project. once you learn how hype and momentum along with the general tide the market follows in relation to BTC you will make good trades and holding becomes a much less attractive option when you have a long time between big events.
Isn't this old news?
Nope, we knew about BitOcean but it hadn't been approved yet.
Do you have source?
Conferences are one off events. Especially ones we already know about.they get priced in early. Without consistent momentum being built it will just be small moons followed by bleeds till the next one. no real movement.
the huge moon comes after main net.
I don't think it will be too difficult to out perform VEN between now and then with solid trades.
its very old news. its already priced in by the large open market purchasers of VEN. we already learned that enterprise purchasers don't buy on the open market so they don't influence price at all.
Also we already learned that VEN foundation sell on the open market to cover expenses so they provide the sell walls. I don't consider that a FUD or bad thing agaisn't the project. this is a long term hold and they are transparent about that.
>Also we already learned that VEN foundation sell on the open market to cover expenses so they provide the sell walls.
Source on this FUD please. Oh right you can't because it's not true.
So old news okay.
Walls from december
These walls are worth alot more now, they are not gone, just hidden.
Shills claimed "whales accumlating for nodes"
nodes came "whales accumalating before rebrand"
rebrand came
"whales accumulating for mainnet thor"
it isn't hard to pay people to praise your product on social media or switch accounts to praise yourself on the net(walton got caught last month)
It is not a secret that chinkcoins have and always will set up walls to give an illusion that the shitcoin is "undervalued" and is the best time to get in etc.
The VEN foundation isn't selling on the open market. This FUD has been addressed.
If you think you have the time and skill to get a fat VEN stack by trading then more power to you.
Risk of having money on exchanges.
Risk of being wrong because crypto markets are illogical.
I KNOW I don't have the time or skills to trade so in my case it would be illogical to move before the main net.
It's like
>wait a few months and you're guaranteed rich
>take risky actions and be more rich?
When is enough enough?
It's literally stated in the financial report they sell it. open market or not idk. either way it doesn't matter.. It's not FUD. it's transparent and part of their strategy. This is a 3-5 year hold. This is a blockchain with actual application in the world. A real business. Vechain is already 3 years old. These kind of things have a long ramp up time because they are REAL and not just hyped marketed vapor wear like most. This also means its more stable once it gets rolling and has huge returns when it finally delivers. realise this and either hold for long term and don't expect sudden moons, or plan to flip to increase your position before it starts rolling.
fucking adhd investors on here from reddit. you expect everything with your "le hodl" meme. you think its gonna give you the best of both worlds. long term huge gains and short term ATHs. deluded.
No source so you become angry I called out your FUD. They do not sell VEN on the market and never will. Pic related
They do sell VET directly to partners, who lock it up to generate THOR.
made a nice 6%. got in last night was a litte hairy but held through and woke up today to some nice gains. this crypto shit is easy
>trend reversal
haha, no
it's barely even started bleeding
don't tell me you haven't sold when it was >$6
Made a ton of money on it, but I was nervous while in it. Any coin that has a leaker in it as a marketing tool is pretty fucking scummy
I'm sure it'll end up doing fine but I genuinely hate the coins team and the following
Angry? No. This confirms that you are defensive to my general idea about VEN in the coming few months.
i'm not trying to say its a bad product, i'm arguing about the bigger picture of the market along with VEN and its cycles. You are just reading into small details and missing my entire points and in turn seeing it as FUD. Keep holding if it's too difficult for you to accept or understand. It's alot safer if you don't know waht yo uare doing. Just don't delude yourself into thinking you get constant moons and ATHs and also long term massive ATHs. its delusional. you hold for long term gains, not for short term gains.Ven already mooned hard. Stay on reddit pleb
Who talked about moons or gains? Not me. You fudded by telling blatant lies (VET sold on market by Vechain Foundation), I asked for source, you couldn't give it.
I then showed how Sunny Lu himself said those claims were false. Maybe he lies, or else you lie. I'm thinking it's you.
Does anyone here see the cup and handle forming at the 6hr chart. I'm holding until it completes
and how does that, whether its true or not, change anything about the current projected situation and trends of the market as a whole and historic accumulation/distribution phases?
Please. it was mostly irrelevant to my point.
so fucking retarded look at normies fomoeing in
>tfw went all in yesterday
Cup and handle is worthless on such small timescales and cryptomarket in general.
Telling lies to FUD is a waste of everyone's time. Why come in a Vechain thread to spread lies?
because you're telling blatant lies as if they were fact ergo FUDding
You believe i'm FUD because of your own insecurities. that is what FUD is. you can claim anything you wnt to be FUD. FUD lies in the interpretation, not the message. sorry that you feel so insecure about VEN right now with the huge sell of, but i promise it will get better one day user, dont fret. this is a long term hold. you will be fine.
If you are scared just hold and it will be fine. if you wana put the big boy boots on and try make some profit out of the situation as it is, swing your stack.
Is there new news on this?
Bitflyer when?
I have made a video to show support for Vechain. I encourage whole community to follow my lead, and we will show that Vechain is the best investment in blockchain right now!
Fucking Veeky Forums is shit-tier now.
>Terrible shilling
>Terrible FUD
>ID replying
>Spamming threads
fucking 12 year old ADHD cancer
Implying Veeky Forums wasn't always shit-tier faggot
>VEN hit double bottom indicating a trend reversal
it used to be substantially less fucking underage and /pol/ than this suckfest