Where do I get meat that isn't pumped full of hormones and antibiotics?

Where do I get meat that isn't pumped full of hormones and antibiotics?

Do I have to buy a farm and raise my own animals under a dome that prevents gene manipulated seeds from interfering or go on a hunting trip to a third world country?

Go to a local cattle producer.

I just had the illumination that a farm takes so much water that I couldn't help but rely on government controlled water resources.

Does anyone have experience or tips in raising and consuming crickets or other insects as a substitute for farm animals?

How do I make sure those fuckers aren't all in the governments pockets and feed their cattle with some shit they bought from Monsanto?

>How do I make sure those fuckers aren't all in the governments pockets and feed their cattle with some shit they bought from Monsanto?

Go to a farmer's market, dummy.

The more careful you get about sourcing your food the more expensive it's going to be. If you don't want to eat shitty meat you'd better be rich or raise your own.

For crickets, there's a startup called Entocube in Finland about creating cricket farms in shipping containers that are easy to use and efficient. Don't know if they sell the containers yet, though. You could always contact them. if you want to check it out, their page is

Are there any ways to make sure the meat they sell me is actually from different animals than what I would get at the super market?

What besides my own vegetables can I eat until I have enough capital to open the world's most natural cricket farm?

Is there any plant I can grow to replace the nutrition meat would provide?

Thanks user, I don't trust Finland but I will certainly look into that

>Dont's trust Finland
What are you, a commie?

>Where do I get meat that isn't pumped full of hormones and antibiotics?

I can go to the store in my tiny town right now and buy organic, grass fed meat that claims to be free of hormones/antibiotics/synthetic pesticides. It's not hard to find.

>Is there any plant I can grow to replace the nutrition meat would provide?

What is it you think you can only find in meat? There's nothing in it that you can't get from a plant source.

Maybe he's a furry and thinks he doesn't produce taurine?

>Is there any plant I can grow to replace the nutrition meat would provide?
Beans and lentils would be a good start. But they're pretty cheap to buy, so there isn't much point in growing your own.

I have never looked into anything vegetarian before so I honestly don't really know what's in plants vs meat and whatnot.

Now that I'm looking it up it seems like there is some difference between animal and plant protein but there are a whole bunch of plants that people believe can replace meat.

I'm just looking all of this up for the first time now though, are there any specific plants you can recommend?

Thanks user, I can probably find beans from some third world country where they don't have anything wonky to put in them

Growing lentils is apparently pretty easy but harvesting looks difficult

You don't trust US agencies with largely transparent regulatory standards, but you're willing to trust the anonymous degenerates on an Indonesia cross-stitching bbs?

An individual is more trustworthy than a cabal.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out if the government has my best interests in mind or not.

Anything provided here is just advice that I can evaluate, while the government gives me nothing but a mandate that I must blindly follow and obey.

>Thanks user, I can probably find beans from some third world country where they were soaked in surplus pesticides now illegal in first world countries

-"If you don't want to eat shitty meat you'd better be rich or raise your own."


I was kidding user, I don't want nigger beans.

As far as I'm informed it's pretty difficult to find any produce from the third world anyways because the government taxes it to protect domestic farmers and third worlders don't have the means to transport anything before it rots or something

Or eat good meat 3 times a week instead of trash every day.

>tricking yourself into believing the drug cocktail they feed you is "good meat"

you know in cartoons when they put a bunch of pills into a hunk of meat to trick the guard dog and eliminate him? that's you.

but whatever makes you happy i guess
