Well, what is your opinion Veeky Forums? It's quite a drop. We've seen it before, but nothing is certain, with one hype wave already gone in December.
What are your predictions?
Well, what is your opinion Veeky Forums? It's quite a drop. We've seen it before, but nothing is certain, with one hype wave already gone in December.
What are your predictions?
Concerned self bump
Bitcoin is an entry point for alts you retard, if it keeps falling that means it's all going to shit
Ok you guys keep spamming about link and ven and any similar shit. I bet you know how important this is but are too scared to even think about it
VEN best coin.
Also transactions are a flawed metric since BCH fanatics spammed the network.
no it certainly is not faggot. Litecoin and ETH are the entry point for alts. go back to your reddit cuck lair
I stopped using Bitcoin almost a year ago and only use ETH for entry/trading. Fuck Bitcoin.
Maybe there's less tumbling going on of transactions for illegal goods and services.
Shut up, normy. Average block size is at an ATH, which means Bitcoin got much more efficient and that there are more batch transactions.
Good riddance to this shitcoin
>that old piece of shit IBM will die and be replaced by Apple and Microsoft ;^)
Stopped using btc except to buy other crap coins.
looks like we're ferreting out the retards today
cryptocurrency is "over", the bubble popped back in January-February.
Transactions are batched
Some shit coins may be over, not the whole market though. Did dot com bubble end all internet enterprises? Some died, new arised.
I think it will be the same this time over
>he thinks self bumping works
kys newfag
Shits doomed, its eventually going to die. Just a matter of when. And when it does finally its going to drag a lot of other alts with it.
This is mass media fud to make normies sell at what they consider an "ok price": 10k. Yes, this actually happens. Once price dips into the 9k range mass hysteria begins.
Well no shit, nobody actually uses bitcoin for other than purchases of drugs, weapons and cp. This has always been the intended purpose of BTC and crypto. Why do you think Satoshi never revealed himself. Why do you think Vitalik defends CP and drugs? Only corecucks and cryptocucks push the narrative of transactions happening on the blockchain when in truth nobody is using crypto. The only usecase for crypto is to trade it and become richer. Nothing else.
It's going to be even worse for ETH. All those ERC20 shitokens sitting onto of it. When that shit pops it'll take everything with it.
I've been here since 2012. Doesn't it work?
It's over unless institutional money flows in but it doesn't seem like it's happening.
this site provides better insight on btc usage
Thanks to batching the total number of transaction is back to 2016 levels, but this doesn't mean there is less Bitcoin usage. The estimated transaction value in USD by blockchain.info is still at Nov 2017 levels (just before the crazy speculation period of December)
What do you think of that:
Transaction numbers have indeed dropped off
As longoing as it's a part of a cycle, I don't have a problem with it. Let's hope people come investing in crypto again.
Pic related is the only chart that matters.
As long*
fucking autocorrect
Your phone corrected long to longoing?
im a brainlet why?
less supply?
God it's so disingenuous the way you phrased that
Nov 2017 levels are basically the levels it sat at for the past 3 years--i.e. only used by money laundering asians
All the USD txn volume from the bubble is completely gone
Output numbers have gone up. the decrease in transactions is because big exchanges are batchig finally.
Yup. It's not very smart