Why aren't you buying The Billion Coin Veeky Forums?
Do you WANT to be poor?
Just watch this testimonial from one of our over 2 million members!
The sooner you buy TBC, the more money you will make!
Thousands of testimonials here:
Why aren't you buying The Billion Coin Veeky Forums?
Do you WANT to be poor?
Just watch this testimonial from one of our over 2 million members!
The sooner you buy TBC, the more money you will make!
Thousands of testimonials here:
Other urls found in this thread:
William has been raised from poverty thanks to the TBC Community!
The value of TBC continues to rise!
Don't miss out!
Xlm 2.0
>feeding wild animals
I was gonna post more testimonials but its honestly just sad. Thousands of third worlders buying into a ponzi in the hopes of getting out of poverty:
How do we stop these people
listen @ 4:45
Exchange your TBC for Kringe Kash!
tfw when no emotional ponzi gilf gf
The Current Price
The Current Price is increased once every 24 hours according to the Formula embedded within the software until it reaches its Ultimate Price. The value of The Billion Coin is not attached to the volatility of the markets; and both Buyers and Sellers of TBC use the Current Price to conduct transactions.
just bought one billion
What is the ulltimate price? LINK 1000$ EOY?
sergey is a stupid cuck link should have just embedded the the formula into the software for the ultimate price of one billion $ link eoy like these alpha chad motherfuckers
lmao i literally mined a 'billion coin' four years ago
Pretty sure this guy is behind it bitcointalk.org
>these fucking comments
I fucking hate this world
>What is your mothers maiden name?
"Tina Shima
1 month ago
Hello. nice video and motivating. please I have forgotten my security answer, exact how I put it. can anyone help me out how to retrieve it? thanks
Cyndie Shelton
Cyndie Shelton
1 month ago
Tina Shima Send them a ticket and tell them you do not remember your security answers… Send it to [email protected]
They will help you recover your account"
wa a v awd ad wa dfs fvdsgx vfse fvrszbghdjgtyfnjhfhsgts
yeah, that puts the nail in the coffin that i'm never buying that shitcoin.
One more, straight outta pajeetstreet
Straight up white Afghanistan right there. I feel kinda bad now, she clearly has no husband to keep her from doing dumb shit but she's doing a lot of things right with having a lot of sons and trying to make things work out any way she knows how in a world incredibly hostile to white people on the lower half of the bell curve. These scammers are some evil dudes.
I would have assumed the fact it's a fucking scam would mean you'd never invest in it, not because of the testimonials
>Why aren't you buying The Billion Coin Veeky Forums?
I can show you that if a cryptocoin has a stupid name (e.g. "The Billion Coin") or a pompous technical-sounding name (e.g. "RAIblocks"), then it's an absurdly stinking shitcoin
>be faggOP
>buy into some Hurr Durr New Coin
>shill hard on Veeky Forums and plebbit
>no mooning ensues
>shill even harder
>eventually shitcoin crashes
>post pink wojaks to let people laugh at him
it's always the same story.
oh, i know it's a scam, but i have unironically made a large sum of money off scams
Do they sell it to new people? Is that what they do with it? And then it doubles for other people so that they can infect someone else for the cost of basically nothing to them because of their fake gains. Who's the head honcho? I know Bitcoin "The voice of TBC" Randy is in touch with him at least. Bitcoin "The voice of TBC" Randy honestly looks like a bitch ass nigga who would give the deets if he received fake lawsuit threats.
Also, I know it's hard to tell but OPs being facetious.
Surely you didn't buy bitconnect?
Why hasn't someone freed this guys brain from his skull with a base ball bat? What is his name and address?
Fucking kek
Bitch is in denial. Cant for her rekt video
This scam is worse then I thought...
I can't wait for the statement where she tells her ''community'' that she's subpoena'd by the SEC and she has to go to court
Stop shilling the next bitconnect you fucking nigger
Funny enough; I actually filed a report on her and told her that without any bargain attached. I just want that bitch to burn.
lol its a joke
We just wanna see this thing crash and burn
And have that fat el goblino vlog about it while it happens
This thing is just as funny as carlos
She's just as guilty as BCC promoters.
I have no fucking clue what the fuck I'm looking at
THIS is what real cults produce, our shitty LINK memes pale in comparison.
Should've at least asked for some ETH as blackmail. If she delivers you could report her anyways
Just use this simple spreadsheet user
someone change this to link
Nigeria has some heavy fucking bags.
Please only post the official gif sir
Yeah no. I'm sort of the guy that doesn't even care for that. I don't want to communicate with her in the first place. I just wanted to let her know I filed the report knowing it'd put a shitlog in her mouth and she'll feel bad for the day.
If the SEC comes knocking and she'll be gone it'd be even better.
I just came for the kek.
You know it's a quality investment when the top investors are Nigeria , Philippines, Ivory Coast, Bangladesh, and Ghana
She's neck deep in MLM's. Look at her upload history and you'll see that this isn't a new game for her. She knows exactly what she is doing and that it's going to end up with people getting burned.
can someone post this link where the SEC puts a bounty on shitty icos etc on her side?
I know all this my man. She even started her own "crypto" MLM bullshit. This is why I filed the report. She knows she's doing wrong, and keeps doing it. And since she's now stepped up to be an operating entity pushing a ponzi, it's easier for the SEC to get involved.
Who did this?
What is their telegram?
they ban pretty fast tho
Holy kek
>Thebillioncoin.trade is an exchange where you must sell your TBC for Bitcoin. The exchange does not support withdrawing your TBC coins to a Bitcoin wallet...these transactions will be rejected by the bitcoin network and you may loose all your TBC coins for making this mistake. TBC Coins may only be withdrawn to a TBC Wallet.
Also check out their sweet exchange
Fucking discounters
there is a parasite feeding off the system. In the military the technical term for this is FUBAR
>he doesn't own any kringle
Fucking newfags get out
The whole Kringle/Santa thing is brilliantly done to attract uneducated, middle-aged women living in some podunk Midwestern town
As far as scam rip-off's go, this one has abnormally low production values.
The whole "let's all agree that it's just going to go up in value" angle only makes sense to morons, so it's logical that the pajeets behind this won't bother spending too much time making it look nice.
i know right? at least lazer fund had dope ass synth music
That's why the smart money is going into GoatCoin.
It has all the benefits of a crypto (blockchain, smart contracts, immutable ledger), but it has price stability because it's the first goat-based currency.
Kringle cash is the real Kringle
ITT: salty nokringles
Guys my shitcoins arent approved by the department of homeland security. Did I get exit scammed?
I can't wait until this shit is shoved under the SECs nose and it all comes crashing down
This IS the new bitconnect and an untapped amount of comedygold
>our angents
Veeky Forums should make TBC Cash for lulz
>We are watching
>We eradicate all the filthy discounters
>Notify TBC Police immediately if you see anyone discounting
I say again its Todd Howard. He is behind all of this.
They're gonna get fucked kek
Report this shit to the SEC.
By SEC u mean the TBC police right?
Compare the man in the masks eyes and shirt. You know it to be true. They threw Kylos mask onto the master of lies.