Is this a fruit or a vegetable?

is this a fruit or a vegetable?

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It comes from a cow, therefore it is poultry.

>if it's used for savory things
>if it's used for sweet things

It's not fucking complicated.
Nobody gives a fuck about actual botany.

would you put it in a fruit salad though?

though so.

it's a tomato

Scientifically a fruit, but considered a vegetable in cooking.

My mother does. She's a botanist.


>fruit and vegetable salad

>nobody except your mom and a couple dorks give a fuck about actual botany
There I fixed it.

>She's a botanist.
Ask her how much she love cucumbers.

I don't know why this made me have a giggle.
Also, all her botanist friends are dorks. I think all botanists must be.

If I make a jicama and tomato rojak with pecel manis, which is the fruit and which is the vegetable? Jicama is a tuber and is sweet and juicy, btw.

>jicama and tomato rojak with pecel manis
english please

Botanically it is a fruit.
Culinarily it is a vegetable.
Objectively OP is a fag.

Pecel manis is... um... it's a sweet dressing based on peanut butter. The rest should be figure-out-able.

It has seeds, it's a fruit.

Just like peppers, cucumbers and eggplants.

Anyone who uses the culinary vegetable meme is probably too stupid to understand why Pluto isn't planet. People put other fruits in savory dishes all the time.

>Pluto isn't planet

That's about the level of sophistication and discourse I would expect form a Pluto denier

I fucking despise Pluto deniers.

nah your mom's actually a carnivore eating my fucking dick faggo

so breadfruit is a vegetable? what a world.

its a berry...

They made a new category for it called dwarf planet. Catch up bro

Backpedaling and flip-flopping does nothing but prove that they called Pluto "not a planet" based on a bunch of random bullshit that they made up on the spot and pulled out of their skinny nerd asses

>It's a planet!
>No wait it's not a planet!
>o-ok we quickly made up some new bullshit, now it's kind of a planet!!
lmao astronomy is fucking pathetic

>World ends at the horizon
>No wait its flat
>no wait its square
>no wait its round

So is geography

>its a fruit
>no its a culinary vegetable
>no wait its a super fruit
>no wait vaccins cause autism

lmao humans are fucking pathetic



nanners are berries

It's a tomato, can't you even read your own filename, you jigaboo?

It's called salsa

a vegetable

see: nix v. hedden
