Is the start of this video from one of you user's? he just stole your shit bro
Is the start of this video from one of you user's? he just stole your shit bro
Reddit meme at its best
step up your game 4channed
It's from Bizonacci, his vid is all over twitter now with people crediting reddit for it.
>slaps nearly the entire video in
>can't get to 10 minutes by himself for the youtube shekels
I hate that fucking autist
what a fat disgusting stealing bitch he is...fuck how i hate these normie crypto youtubers
Fuck this guy, going to report his videos. Pajeet scum
Is called remix culture
Wow the dude doesn't even have the decency to unshrink the link to Bizonacci's channel. What a fucking faggot
bizonacci report for a copyright fuck this fat fuck
what a cunt
Jesus Christ literally EVERY comment is something to the likes of "HAHAHA best intro ever you're the best!!!"
fucking report the cunt
I call it pajeetry/chink scamartistry
he links source to reddit lmao
bizonacci has no credit on it either, they are biz memes for fuck sake, the bogged video is based on a greentext that was posted here
fuck that guy, now we'll have an even bigger influx of normiefag
that's not a link to his channel, that's a link to the reddit thread kek
>13k upboats on a Reddit reupload
>Intro credit links to the stolen reddit post
Fuck I hate normies so much
This is "who made this??"-tier
the second faggot has no idea how to reply to someone on plebbit
It's pretty clear that this guy is from here
An actual good Plebbit meme video. Fuck, we need to step up our memes 4 Channel.
holy shit this, what the fuck is going on? do they lack a functional brain that they can't find the original source?
Even if a redditor pasted these memes together in Sony Vegas, every single drop of content in it comes from this board. Its always been this way.
There it is..