What the fuck is going on with me Veeky Forums
for the past ~5 days I haven't been able to properly eat
I seem to have become aversive to food
>I wake up hungry, looking forward to some bacon and eggs
>prepare bacon and eggs
>time to eat
>stomach says no
>feel gag reflex as if I'm full
>I'm so hungry
>manage to get 3 bites before the gag reflex gets too strong
>I'm pretty much dying of hunger at this point
>Crave subway, there's one right next to uni
>sub of the day is chicken fajita, fuck yes
>have two bites
>stomach says no
>can't go any further
>maybe if I force it, it'll go away
>one more bite
>puke in my mouth
>the fuck nigga
>working on PhD, pretty intense work
>have to eat at uni
>I fucking LOVE that shit
>I'm fucking dying at this point, I can feel my muscles are being burned up to compensate for the energy deficit
>2 bites
>halt motherfucker
>force eat like I've never done before
>Reach the last 20%
>It takes every strength in my body to resist the gag reflexes
>..much longer
>Gag reflex with the magnitude of a volcanic eruption forces out the 8 bites of food I had today in the middle of the cafetaria
>decide to call it a day and go home
>lie on the floor of my apartment, shaking from calorie deficiency for 2 hours
>decide to give it one more try, order pizza at midnight
>finish the entire thing as if nothing was ever wrong
And that was just one of the first days, this is day 5 or something
I can't seem to eat until late at night
I just literally can't
I ended up ordering pizza for 3 nights in a row before I just figured I could buy frozen pizzas
How the fuck do I fix this
What did I do wrong? Am I sick? I must add I have to take a shit like 5 times a day in the last week
Feels like I'm just shitting out pure stomach acid with some manhattan pizza at this point
What the fuck is going on with me Veeky Forums
Eat when you're hungry. Don't eat when you are not hungry.
That'll be 437 dollars and 16 cents.
But I'm hungry all the time, yet the sentinel at the gate refuses entry to anything and everything
Stomach flu my man. If it continues, I would go to the doctor for an IV/meds. Should be out of your system in a few more days tho
Eat crackers and shit full of fiber. Shitting that much isn't normal. If you have to drink some shit like Ensure since that's what they feed anorexics and old people.
Very rarely my body won't agree with me for the day despite feeling totally normal but in all seriousness if this has lasted this long you should see a doctor if on the off chance it's not just your diet finally rebelling against you. If you feel fine otherwise it is weird though. Try light shit, fiber and drinking nutrients so you're not starving. If that doesn't work in two days, doctor.
Go with painfully plain shit. No spices or something that even smells spicy. Drink lots of fluids too since you're shitting most of it out anyway so you can be dehydrated.
Possibly some kind of stomach infection, avoid greasy food for a few days, try to get something from a not fast food place or really spicy/heavy.
Then again you should go to the doctor instead of posting it here user, 5 days of that is not normal desu.
Yeah, I've had alcohol withdrawals too. Drink water and tea. Flush it out. Give yourself a week. Take your medicine if you're prescribed any and wait. You'll be okay.
I'm still on some antidepressants from a depression I had years ago
usually, if I don't take my meds, similar symptoms arise (minus the shitting), so I figured it might have something to do with that
but it doesn't make sense; I took my meds according to schedule
Could be alcohol withdrawal tho; I've only recently got my shit together even though my "depression" was allegedly cured years ago
Oh well now you're complicating shit. If you're taking your meds normally that is also weird unless you're so used to them you need an increase of dosage. But if you're tossing in alcoholism then its probably that.
Cancel some shit out, OP. It could be fucking anything at this point.
It just takes a few days. You'll be right as rain. Trust me. I've been there and done that many times.
You'll be just fine. Take your meds.
PS - yeah the excess digestive issues frequently happen. Just gotta deal with it.
Ignore this guy
Staying hydrated is pretty important. That nuclear looking piss you're putting in the toilet isn't good for your kidneys. Drink water and tea. The caffeine in tea encourages your system to piss (diuretics). Keep loaded on water.
I've been drinking water like mad these days
At least 3-4 liters a day, which is not even "targeted", I just drink and refill a .5 liter bottle a couple of times every day
I'm and Don't ignore me. Couple this in with meds, alcoholism then go to the fucking doctor. Even if it's some minor shit it's gone on too long at this point. Even if it is just adding more fiber or some bullshit it's been too long now. Maybe it is your meds, you don't know. Shit changes over time. A doctor can't wave a magic wand and make it all better but seek some real help even if it's just meds that make you don't make you shit or throw up
everytime. You might end up with an IV if youre that bad but at least it might kick-start something.
how are your sleep habits.
this sounds similar to something that happened to me a year ago. long story short i just had horrible acid reflux that had eroded the lining of my esophagus a bit. so my stomach was upset and starving but my esophagus was being a bitch and wouldn't let food pass or stay down. it was so bad it led to me not sleeping or eating for 2 weeks. shit was awful, after nearly passing out at work i went to the hospital and got a huge bill so they could just tell me this. they prescribed me a strong antacid and this liquid that helps coat the esophagus so food goes down better. i forget the name or even the brand i bought but neither were really prescription.
But to be completely honest smoke weed. fuck stoner culture and people who don't shut the fuck up about it and thinks it makes them look cool used right shit can actually help in positive ways. The meds i got were alright but I didn't really eat or sleep until I got high.
Ignore this guy.
I know you are already aware that you should seek medical help, counseling, support groups, etc. But I also know that you will do whatever the fuck you want to do. And that is your choice.
It is your life and you do what you feel is necessary.
I'm just here trying to help you through the rough days when you're shitting 20 times a day and can't eat without barfing.
I smoked weed err day as a teenager, quit at 21
Don't wanna start again, I just quit smoking cigarettes 8 months ago
I just moved to a new town for my PhD and I'm still kind of settling in
I'll have to find a new GP and all; gonna tell him/her everything about it
If this doesn't get better in a couple of days, it's time to do something
>Don't do anything you want to do even if nots seeking professional advice despite this is a longer term issue from the normalband instead let you continue to enable shit that may be harming you in the long term of starvation, food aversion and whatnot
Ignore this guy. By all means you keep providing new information. Meds, new 'scary' things can affect you're mental health and physical help. Maybe its mental, maybe it's physical. The two can go hand in hand. If it doesnt improve very soon, seek real help. I'm not trolling. If this is a real issue effecting you and your health, there is no harm in seeking medical advice and not us cunts.
Smoke some weed
Bump because fuck it, and this board is so damn slow.
make a shake you can pound down if you are feeling adventurous
oats yogurt egg whites fruit
doesn't work like that negro
you're gonna be on those pills the rest of your life
Dude go do tests for parasites, this little shits can do this kind of things to manipulate your body for their benefit.
>waaahh wahh I couldn'e eat anymore
just eat stuff you pussy
what the fuck is difficult about eating stuff lmao
Go to a doctor. Stat. This isn't normal.
>getting "high" from weed
Sigh, actually have to agree, and I don't buy into the medico-pharma meme.
You've got some serious shit.
>junk food
remember when humans used to hunt deers naked in the forest, compete for ultimate chadness and form drum circles ? We re a bunch of wimps waiting for cancer trying to cope with diarrhea and reality.
Go do some sport, some art and masturbate without a PC nigga. Then try to have a life you actually enjoy.
diabetes fool. adult onset type i
Go to a doctor, med student here. Seems serious and ignore internet diagnoses. Just visit your GP.
you might be a ghoul.
Sounds a lot like my experiences with the onset of my Crohn's disease. Go get help asap.
Do not force yourself to eat, or you'll self-inflict an eating disorder that will leave you still throwing up even after you recover. Try the blandest possible foods.