anyone buying in NaviAddress ICO?
any cons/red flags?
Anyone buying in NaviAddress ICO?
rispekt one of the few hot white instagram sloots that isn't riding a nigger dick
she is though isnt she?
Bless your heart
You've been bamboozled by pol desu, there's really not that many white insta models with niggers at all. The most blacked women I see are all hispanic, mexican bois must be mad af
I am in. Working product, legit team and project, low cap. You can buy at ICO price or wait to buy at 10x on the exchanges.
Bless all these pictures in this thread. And to actually attempt to get down to some business instead of staring at these photos, I actually think Navi has a legitimate product with a non-shitshow ICO structure. WABI did it perfectly last time and I think Navi will do the same.
completely unorganized, looks disgusting desu.
so many grils here im unsure whether to spend it on navi or them
shes hispanic and shes dating an asian.
thanks senpais, I am also very positive on this
the no bonus fact reminds me of wabi and that went nicely as I've read!
Im buying Navi, look at the use case pajeets. Hugeeeee
Navi is solving a genuine problem on global structuring of the address system using blockchain. Also team seems to be strong. I'm in.
every pajeet can have an address now!!
I threw in a few eth. Being run just like wabi. Bullish on this
Buying Navi because the technology is actually backed with a legitimate use and need in the world. 4 billion people without addresses. Navi will eliminate that with the combined geocoordinances/postal to create a simple short numerical string of numbers to locate any place on the earth. Partnerships are solid with Uber, and also they actually have a working product out! I don’t have to wait until q4 of 2025 to figure out how they will actually start solving problems.