Just reminding you what kind of retards most of you are.
Just reminding you what kind of retards most of you are
>muh hindsight
kys faggot
6th reply is mine, the one with the cute pic.
>says we are retarded
>has screenshots of chinese cartoons on his laptop
you're not gonna make it pathetic faggot
The only chinese cartoon pics I have are stolen from you guys, how about that user?
he made 0$
nigger do you even know where you are
seriously kys if thats the best insult you could conjure up, or atleast go back to your subreddits
sage goes in all fields
>Most cringeworthy anime
Why do Veeky Forumstards like this anime? It's shit.
Yes, I like this one better.
>No English dub
Even worse.
I don't support nip language.
I only speak American.
>(No I refuse to call it "english" cause that's the lanaguage of the cuck brits who nobody understands nor is as universal as The American language")
t. Cletus
>retards go on the "but he could have made 30" bandwagon
>wasn't relevant to the question
The question was immediate profits.
The first transaction had $10 profit, the second also $10 profit.
"lost opportunity" is not relevant to the specific question.
nor do we have any context to the buyer/seller.
OP is a faggot for giving an incomplete question.
Monolingual detected.
Indeed, if you are not executing the perfect strategy you are always "losing" opportunity profit, holding is strategy as is any other, people somehow just get blinded by it.
Ah yes, the show about a perpetual loser who keeps digging himself deeper into the shit truly is what Veeky Forums is all about
They’re both bad also op stole his pic from me. Also I’m the op of the goat thread from year AMA
Thanks for the pic, user-kun!
He bought low and sold high
>No I refuse to call it "english"
>cuck brits
>you literally speak English though
Haha faggot come up with your own language, and no, spelling words wrong doesn't count as your own language
>Implying english is same as American
American is just a higher, evolved version of the primitive language known as english.
There is a good reason why the brits enjoy watching their wives get fucked by brown muslim men and still have the primitive monarchy while American has a democratic system that voted for the greatest president ever that even liberalist website known as "yahoo" agrees he is the greatest president in comparison to the greats.
Eat shit, pajeet, you poo in the loo shitskined cuck.
Brush your teeth. britbong.
Stop projecting cletus
Lol trump, the greatest president? Sorry bud I voted for him too but even I know he’ll go down as one of the dumbest presidents in history with the lowest approval rating of any president. Mother fucking tomato doesn’t even know where Saudi Arabia is on a map
Doesn't matter.
All that matters is how much benefit he has given to the country.
And since his presidency, he has literally benefited the country 10 folds. Undoing all the shit Obango cause.
The economy is better because of him.
pick one
Fuck that gun grabbing faggot, he's a cosmopolitan liberal masquerading as a conservative. What's troubling is how many rednecks fell for it just because the celebrity said pretty words, no different than all the kids who loved Obama for no reason.
>believing that gun grabbing comment
>falling for his 8d chess
>hey bro he's just playing word games with your constitutional rights, why you mad?
fuck off to newfag central