Stage 0: Reluctance >"Crypto's a fucking scam. Lmao if you actually buy that shit"
Stage 1: Bitcoin >"Hmmm okay maybe I'll buy some Bitcoin after all."
Stage 2: Top 10 Alts >"Woah, coins like ETH and LTC have way more room to grow and have a stable following. Fuck BTC, it's a dying old piece of shit anyway."
Stage 3: Tokens >"Holy shit, tokens like OMG and VEN are going to literally change the world. Fuck ETH and LTC."
Stage 4: Low Cap and ICOs >"At this point, I understand these markets. OMG and VEN are way too overvalued. I'm going all in on ELA and JNT. Way more room to grow there."
Stage 5: Understanding >"Wait a second, most of these coins and tokens are extremely centralized and sensitive to whether the company can even procure business. Are they still even crypto? I guess I'll just hold. I mean, I'm diversified enough I suppose."
Stage 6: Peak Knowledge >"These tokens and centralized coins defeat the purpose and are literal gambling. Decentralized currencies and commodities like BTC, XMR, VTC, and SUMO are the true game changers. Everything else is glorified stock in shitty start-ups."
Based on popular shilling, I would wager that the majority of Veeky Forums is still in Stage 3 and 4, with some of you passing into Stage 5.
Stage 1 >wow bitcoin sounds cool I’ll get some Stage 2 >ethereum sounds better than bitcoin I’ll buy that instead Stage 3 >ethereum has won crypto no other coin can even compete I will hodl ETH
Bentley Ross
Sounds like you're still in Stage 2, bud. Try your best to leapfrog over 3 and 4 as best you can.
Jeremiah Stewart
>ven >changing the world
You almost had it with this post, if only you didn’t mention a couple of those shitcoins..
David Torres
If you couldn't grasp the irony there I don't know what to tell you. Basically every quote outside of 6 and 7's is made to mock those trapped in earlier stages.
Mason Butler
The majority of biz(including me) needs to "gamble" on shitcoins to make it.
Just putting it into BTC wont cut it.
Nathan Murphy
You don't need to go all in on BTC. There's 20+ coins of varying market caps that offer decentralized benefits, and that number is growing every year. One of the coins I mentioned isn't even at 10m market cap. DYOR homo. You can make sick returns without gambling on faggot developers.
>LINK cube in pic >No mention of it in stage 6 of his blog
Isaiah Nguyen
You mean stage 3/4?
Jordan Perez
Stage 7: Ascension >ChainLink
Angel Phillips
You pajeets know no bounds.
John Hughes
says the guy with the brownest id in the thread
Julian Richardson
do the needful
Sebastian Stewart
Stop bumping this shit thread you faggot Sage
Kayden Robinson
Kys newfag
John Collins
lol this thread is so painfully obviously a subtle SUMO shill thread
Joseph Butler
You forgot stage 7
>Wow, decentralization is a fucking meme, and every one of these currencies is market manipulated by early backers! I should follow market trends and buy what normies buy regardless of fundementals just to catch the waves and get the fuck out while I can!
Thomas Sanders
>SUMO My nigga
Eli Turner
>follow market trends
Enjoy those bags.
Samuel Martinez
come see me at the end of the year when nano replaces LTC, and TRX is legit normie bucks for gamers
Elijah Baker
>nano replaces LTC
Good fucking lord lmao
Connor White
Stage 7: Realizing crypto is all about flavor of the week and riding new coins speculative hype for gains to increase your sats
Jaxson Harris
Wyatt Parker
I only ever bought ICO tokens and centralised shitcoins like xrp for the pump. Sold most of them not at ath but always at a large profit. Most of the market is a scam.
Jacob Myers
Sumokoon is trash when XSPEC exists
Chase Lopez
holy shit there's a wikipedia page for this >"Do the needful" is an expression which means “do that which is needed,” with the respectful implication that the other party is trusted to understand what needs doing without being given detailed instruction. The phrase is common in Indian English as well as in many African countries such as Kenya dying
Jayden Rivera
> 1 > ppl can't possibly do money in crypto, rright? > 2 > I'll buy whatever Veeky Forums shills and turn my $300 into $10k then I can take less risky decisions > 3 > AAAAH, I AM BELOW MY INITIAL INVESTMENT. GOTTA GO TO BTC TO AT LEAST NOT LOSE ANY MORE > 4 > DAMN, THOSE Veeky Forums ROCKETS I USED TO HOLD ARE ACTUALLY TAKING OFF > 5 > Ok, this time I learn TA and gonna do decent analysis b4 investing > 6 > Finally, I am back in the gain zone. I can't withstand all the stress tho. I guess I'll just hold the cheapest coin out there hoping it pulls an antshares. Time to leave all exchanges and never come back to biz
P.s I’m in stage 17: >A decentralised currency can only truly succeed if it fulfills three prerequisites thus making it better than any fiat or security: total anonymity/fungibility for transactions, a recognisable brand name and community strong enough to get good devs, a proven track record and existing liquidity/fiat pairing. XMR is the ONLY true cryptocurrency of the future.
Adrian Harris
Don't act like Monero started off with the last two requirements. However, we mostly agree on your criteria, and you line up with Stage 6 better than you think. VTC and SUMO are small positions.
Christopher Davis
Those are staking wallets which will make your wallets public. Everything else is still private (transactions).
William Phillips
That's me except i thought bitcoin was gay from the start Missed out on bitcoin, but got in eth at $30
Isaiah Clark
Oh yes, another reason to avoid XSPEC. You do realize how inherently flawed the logic of asking stakers to hold currency is, right? PoW is messy but has yet to be usurped in terms of incentives.
Henry Stewart
Private staking in the works
I'm tired of convincing you. This will be 10$+ EOY
Landon Miller
you missed Stage 7: all in LINK
Colton Russell
>VTC >SUMO just lol. the latter is some no-name fork with a dev pre-mine. the definition of a scamcoin.
Bentley Clark
Staking in general is a flawed economic model. The only thing it incentives is market illiquidity.