Serious, by end of year it will be more than $1000!
Serious, by end of year it will be more than $1000!
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This so much. Only one real mental idiot would not buy VeChain right now!
It has BMW partership and DNV partership.
We are going UP, UP, UP. Buy now before it is too late for you.
you forgot to change ips you stinky pajeet
VeChain is the best investment I have ever made. It would take a real mental idiot to not buy when it is guarantees riches.
Who are you talking to? Fuck you and your mother.
This shit is so ridiculous. $10Million strength nodes huh? How can THOR power possibly justify that kind of valuation by years end?
Can you not read? BMW partnership and DNV partnership. Do they need the node? You ask them yourself, then.
seems as though a couple broken english chinks are trying to pump ven to sell off company coins
No, they need THOR, which will be consumed cheaply. The VeChain network cannot succeed otherwise. Nobody is going to pay $10Million for something that generates 4 THOR a day.
It's the same chink.
$1000 would be great, I am just hoping for a couple hundred each so I can buy myself a new snowmobile for Christmas. I have been accumulating and will till $10
Vechain is a huge scam. Better to buy other supply chain coins that are legit. I mean the whole Thor thing ia just cringey and lame
>BMW partnership
basically between the handbrake and the tachometer there's a coin miner running on gasoline.
BMW can't wait to make gullible pajeets rich overnight
Youre dead wrong. Vechain will be top 10 coins in few months easily while you're shitcoin waltonchain will be in the gutter. VEN has proven support and respect by many multi billion dollar companies. Get in while you can you dumb fuck, or buy my bags at $100 in few months
found the downs
>doesn't know the meme
found the newfag
You are wrong, and frankly a giant idiot!
The new technology that is presented by VeChain will revolutionize logistic, and who can you ask for this? BMW and DNV!
I have made a video to show support for Vechain. I encourage whole community to follow my lead, and we will show that Vechain is the best investment in blockchain.
It's a great project, but that doesn't mean it will make you rich. It's certainly not going to happen in the next few years. Once the mainnet is released and enterprises are actually operating on the network, all this wild speculation will get shut down. Because then THORs annual consumption rate will define VETs valuation, and it won't be anywhere near $1000.
Together as the VeChain community it can be spread to whole community within cryptocurrencies that we are the best investment. Together here in Veeky Forums I am certain that we will succeed.
Literally neck yourself, samefagging pajeet go shit in the street
i feel like this thread is reverse fud
ITT waltys doing fud shills, getting desperate, be talking about API's soon, kek
Salty walties getting desperate lmao. They know their time is coming to an end
The run up to the 7-11 announcement starts today. Get your cocks out.
Fuck your mother if you want fuck.