I want to invest in Crypto. Where do I start?
Memes aside, I need a wallet, right? Where do I get one?
How do I purchase Crypto? I've heard coinbase is garbage
I want to invest in Crypto. Where do I start?
Memes aside, I need a wallet, right? Where do I get one?
How do I purchase Crypto? I've heard coinbase is garbage
Other urls found in this thread:
who is this semen demon
I don't know. Can you help?
learn to google
Veeky Forums,stop spoon feeding,
need to get the new inlux of normies out of here
have you heard of google? it's easy and free to use, faggot
i have no clue if this roastie is 25 or 45. really weird
$1000 EOY - You Roastie
actual good advice: gtfo crypto. you're obviously a lazy brainlet, and lazy brainlets always get btfo in crypto
hah, stupid normies and their real money.. they dont know anything. crypto is the future!
dont touch my chuck-e-cheez tokens!! ree!! hah
unironically kys
reee hah. right? reee
(im 23 never had a real job but im a crypto millionaire)
Fuck off, we're full. There's no need for poorfags that can't even use google.
whether or not crypto is the future, you'll always be a lazy brainlet. do our gene pool a favor and kys
learn to google u fuckin DICKHEAD
Cryptos might go up but it is far from guaranteed it is effectively gambling it is 90% guess work, unless you do high frequency trading but I wouldn't advise doing that if your new to it.
there is a saying in investing buy whats hated, sell whats loved this is very true of cryptos there was a time I'd say go for it but market is so oversubscribed now i'd be vary, crypto futures are slowly getting implemented and given how much the establishment hates crypto's they could make it near worthless if they really wanted too.
If you want genuine investment advice
Short the NASDAQ 100 make sure you buy a CFD not the futures
the nasdaq will probably go up another 10-30% from its all time high so don't buy at leverage and be prepared for your position to lose money leading up to the crash but it will crash >60% or more, every single investment bank GS, BAC, MS etc... have all stated a 80%+ chance of a recession in the next 18 months.
buy gold and silver as well, unoriginal I know but they are still good value and offer a decent return if you buy them now
there is no get rich quick scheme that goes mainstream some people had great early success with crypto's and they may go up more but seems very similar to dot.com bubble where people are piling into any or all internet stocks/cryptos and they aren't backed by anything
damn.. those some nice ass mommy milkers hubba hubba
c-can I take your picture mom
It would depend on what you're wanting to invest in, but you might want to start with a tutorial. Google is your friend.
Coinbase is where you want to bring your money in. Buy btc or eth and then transfer to bittrex or whatever.
Otherwise, you could buy gpus and mine shitcoins to trade for eth and btc. I like this better as a business model. All parts are a write off and coins can be held in private wallets, unknown by the irs.
If you're not larpin. Bitcoin changed the game. Ethereum will change the world. I would invest in Ethereum. However, you can't go wrong with either. You are highly probable to double and potentially triple your money this year.
Myetherwallet is the easiest wallet to set up. Coinbase is currently the go-to for US citizens. That's literally it. I would not touch any alt's until you do some reading. This is both a good and a terrible place to get advice on projects. If you're a beginner like me, I'd only use this place for the laugh.