Is trading an addiction? Did it affect your sex life?
Are you addicted to trading?
I think I might be addicted to Veeky Forums
I'm an out of work actor and writer. When I try on a persona I get really, really into it. It's just a character, but you see the character is addicted to constantly consuming trading information and spitting out analysis.
In effect, yes.
Yes, I'll never play a videogame again. Forex and crypto are the most superior game I've ever played
What sex life?
I fuck more often because I can afford to.
Jerking off while making thousends of dollars trading crypto is my addiction
Really it was a seamless transition from playing CSGO all day to this, except this time I make money and learn stuff.
Call it what you want, I'll take it.
It affect my sex life because now I prefer buy some shitcoins rather than pay a slut
My what now?
Sex. Fucking.
What’s sex?
Used to be addicted to open now I'm just addicted to browsing biz
I was for like, a month, but then it got stressful just because of relative gains. I didn't even have huge amounts of money in the market, I put a meager $100 in November to get a feel for everything and just kept playing with it. It was $800 by January, I was daytrading all the time. I felt a mixture of invincibility and fear, this couldn't be that easy. When everything went south and all the shitcoins were red I pulled out. My actual peak had been 1,300 at one point, but after some steep and fast losses I just exited. I was tired of staring at my screen everyday.
Anyways, how's your sex life?
nope, but my gf knows my holdings now does everything for me, she asked me yesterday if she could blow me she bought some new kind of gel i dont know man, since she knows iv got some money shes my fucking slut now, and she has a nice niiice ass.
Oh hi mark
She knows how much you have invested? Have fun regretting that.
I know right, but i was on my laptop and she saw my binance account... but i dont give a fuck we aint married she cant take shit from me.
not really, the july crash did mess up my sleep a little bit though, as i had too much money at risk, its good now
it didn't affect my sex life at all, as i've never had a girlfriend, nor talked to a girl my age since high school, which is like 5-6 years ago
Lexi a cute patient
You sure about that? Serious question because there are some fucked up finance laws when it comes to jaded women, at least in most western countries, and not being married is not a loophole.
Do you think her farts still smell nice even though she's small?
No farts smell "nice"
>Did it affect your sex life?
>it is
>i get home from wagecucking
>smoke a fat doober
>sit and hawkeye crypto
>shell out my wagecuck money for triple monitor setup
>one with charts, one with Veeky Forums, one with music or whatever game i am playing
>stay awake until 3-4am every night
>maximum 5 hours of sleep
>downsize all of my expenses, cancel netflix and other subscriptions so i have *that* much more to throw at crypto
>gf getting mad that all i do is trade when im not at work
>she understands that im making money off of it, but still wants attention
>"i'll give you attention when i hit 250k"
if she leaves me i would be sad, but still focused on investing.
wrong. i know its hard to believe but as a former professional in microbial husbandry I can confirm that the gaseous releases of specific combinations of microbial cultures kept on the right diet and feeding schedule can be quite aromatically pleasing and even arousing.
>invest $15k
>make about $10-$15k extra from CND
>take out initial $15k investment
>put remaining money 90% in NEO
I check NEO's price once a day, thats it. Haven't even logged into binance in a week. I seriously was so stressed out before when I had 100% of my money in crypto. It feels like a weight has been removed from my shoulders, I sleep better. Sometimes, your mental well-being is better than getting the most gains possible.
Are you me?
I daytrade BNB
It's impossible to not make a profit
no, he's me.
Girlfarts smell good
no i fucking hate trading, it stresses me out way too much
but i gotta do it anyway
>did it affect your sex life?
I can't tell you how many times mentioning that I'm holding B2X and NAV has gotten me laid in the past 3 months by both males and females.
Do you still fuck her?
Your threads are fucking cancer. Why do you need 4+ personas and why are all of them insufferable even in small doses.
PS “top dog” or big boy or whatever is way to close to Z. Style size they are a little different but you need new angles.
>Did it affect your sex life?
No, I'm married so I don't have a sex life.
Disregard second link
yes, but not NEARLY as frequently as i used to
this is basically me minus the 3 monitor setup.
unfortunately my girlfriend is a smokin hot mexican and she needs constant attention. I fuck the living shit out of her so much that my dick gets sore and i need a break. she's insatiable. i just want to make money and spend it on crypto and fuck every now and then is that so much to ask?
now she's freaking out bcs i dont want to marry her and shit. shits getting old. like you said - if she leaves me, yes I'll be sad... but i'll almost be relieved if it happens so i can fuckin focus
point of the story to you nerd virgins:
the grass is always greener on the other side
how the fuck did you just describe my life?
>gf puerto rican/white mixed, that is literally the only difference
same badgering about marriage and such.
my brother!
>sex life
if you are also a ginger who wagecucks in the meat industry, you might just be my doppelganger.
Fuck sex. I jerk off to big green candles. Money FTW
As a 31 yrs old dude who's going to get married soon, this is scary as fuck