I fucking hate chemistry. Why do people go into this field? I enjoyed both my college physics courses...

I fucking hate chemistry. Why do people go into this field? I enjoyed both my college physics courses, but chemistry is driving me up the wall. What kind of autistic, bug-collecting pokemon fanatic has the time or disposition to memorize the periodic table? These naming conventions are a total mess. And then there's the nonstop mindless number crunching. Explain yourselves, chemfags.

>memorizing the periodic table
>mindless number crunching

Because chemistry beyond gen chem is fun?

>naming conventions are a total mess

Eh. You have math at the purest level. Then there's physics. Chemistry is just very, very applied physics, as such. Of course, that means that we have to obey the preceding paradigms (phys and maths) on top of ours.

I'm an industrial chemist by profession. Trust me, many of us aren't exactly sure of what we're doing or why it works.

I ended up making rubber with a seal manufacturer. It involves all and none of my chemistry at once, in that, no one gives two shits about the theory (because I'm the only chemist there), but I'm expected to simultaneously know ALL the theoretical chemistry as well as the modifications to make it function in real, practical life.

Number crunching is easy, we usually pass that on to computers. Great excuse to buy personal beast pcs using grant money.

It eventually starts making sense... eventually. Or well, you start to understand why certain conclusions are as they are - and simply accept that.

tl;dr chemfags are possibly permanently high as a result of solvent exposure

>accepting certain conclusions

So what did you not understand? I am a chemistry major and not once did I just accept something. That would be stupid af

I believe it has something to do with the General Chem courses that everyone has to take such as chem 101 and if you're a bio major or medicine you have go through o chem as well.
Gen chem 101 and OCHEM 1-2 tend be very boring, weed out classes that shove a lot of information in your face at once. Along with hours of lab work and lab reports about boiling some white powder. No one but a chem major will ever see past that. That's where all the chem hate comes from.

Nobody likes gen chem. It's the chemistry equivalent of learning the alphabet before you are ready to read baby books and eventually big boy novels. Don't paint the whole field by it lol.

I'm a professional chemist and literally haven't done math beyond yield calculations for half a decade, and some of my colleagues do high-level physics daily, so it's a pretty broad field.

>memorizing the periodic table

if you don't like chemistry, there is always a place for you in art school.. have fun!

>memorize the periodic table

What shit school are you going to that you have to do that?

Seriously, I hope this is a troll.

All throughout Highschool and Uni we were allowed to use the table on tests. Hell, we even had a bunch of formulas given to us too.

I don't mean memorizing the entire thing. Just having to know the names for every symbol, the regions, classifications, ions, etc. As well, if you DON'T have a good bit of it in memory, you'll just be too slow on tests.

Ever heard of studying?

>tl;dr chemfags are possibly permanently high as a result of solvent exposure
You know it nigga.

It's very difficult to teach chemistry because until you have the knowledge from all the traditional fields to logic through why something happens, it just doesn't make sense. Taking gen chem is insufficient to understanding how a chemical reaction works.

its that diethyl ether used in damn near every organic synthesis

Chemistry is what makes everything get this everything. Physics is amazing but its like salt and pepper you.need the chemistry also. The periodiv table by the way is actual was intended to be a sphere. It comes though you'll know when you do.

Sorry about the grammar had few drinks

I really hated chemistry. I'm gonna take 101 during the summer, but I'm going in with a different mindset to it. If I go in thinking I hate the class, I'll be miserable and probably get a bad grade.

But yh, this shit is boring as fuck lol

I like to put off studying and then cram, and I can already tell that Chem is an anti-cram subject. I've taken up to PHY2 and CALC3 with my current study habits and done fine. I'll probably do fine in Chem but it's gonna suck ass and be a slog.

>The periodiv table by the way is actual was intended to be a sphere

I love stoichiometry for some reason.

>memorize the periodic table
Never had to do that in any of the courses I did. After a while some stuff is ingrained, but certainly you'll never be expected to do much of anything without access to a periodic table.

>mindless number crunching
That's gen chem I & II. Once you get to organic it'll be a lot more fun. Then you'll hit analytical and want to kill yourself.

>naming conventions are a total mess
No argument here. Ancient chemists were inconsistent, to say the least.

There's something oddly erotic about doing dimensional analysis and cancelling out all the units before getting your answer.

i've only had to memorize the periodic table for one class
it was graduate level inorganic chemistry
the reason was because knowing the d-electron count of the transition metals and how they reacted was important knowledge to have
being able to quickly say oh, yea that's Fe(III), it has 5 d-electrons and is gonna form this kind of complex is extremely useful

You're a faggot, I can already tell

>I fucking hate chemistry
Go to a therapist instead of whining here.

>memorize the periodic table
Nigger what? You'll literally never be required to memorize any part of the periodic table unless maybe you're in some high level class like .
You are always allowed access to a periodic table to reference. Hell, my Organic II professor put it up on both projector screens during exams, and gave us hard copies.
I think the only memorization you need to do is knowing the locations of the metals, nonmentals, and metalloids.

>Explain yourselves, chemfags
Get the fuck out of here troll

Same here but undergrad inorganic. Professor was autistic as shit though. He went as far as to give additional classes surrounding the possible shapes and forms of the periodic table.
Niggah, I don't give an academic wether shit you want to place He next to H, i'll read about it on wikipedia in my own time.

"Benjamin: Come on, Mr. Simpson, you'll never pass this course without learning the periodic table.
Homer: I'll write it on my hand.
Benjamin: Hoh! Including all known lanthanides & actinides? Good luck!"

>memorizing the periodic table

>endless number crunching
are you in P Chem or gen chem m8? Gen chem was basic math

>naming conventions are a mess
Absolutely. Down with the IUPAC!

Don't they have chat rooms at the university fraternities ?

DCM is best high ever

we had to memorize it in highschool, at least up to the lanthanides I believe. In practice, it's pretty easy to get familiar with ~70% of the table just as working knowledge.

I hated chemistry now I am applying to graduate school to become a geochemist(I was always a geology major). I am going into radiogenic isotope chemistry to be exact.