Walton chain has committed less of a crime at this point than Vechain. Are you still backing waltonchain?
Walton chain has committed less of a crime at this point than Vechain. Are you still backing waltonchain?
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Sunny himself said on twitter that he personally buys VeChain on the open market. Him and his buddies are the ones causing the sudden spikes an hour (or sometimes even just minutes) before an announcement is made. Shady fucking shit.
Low level FUD, nice try salty.
jamal has committed less of a crime at this point than tyrone. Are you still backing jamal?
Kek I need a source for that tweet
Link? Archive link?
>the fake tweet FUD
fake enough for them to tweet an official apology:
It's not fake I saw it live.
whats this all about ?
I'm backing Vechain because its name looks like Vietnam who are also well known for utterly fucking over """""competitors'''''
Hahaha holy shit fucking cheeky cunts. I always had a feeling most of these giveaways were fake hahaha wow
ho boy you missed the party then
that tweet over there cost them like 70 million USD in market cap
so did the person who tweeted get fired ?
What crimes has Vechain committed besides Sunny groping someone in an elevator?
they ded homie
Nice b8.
Even the nocoiners at buttcoin got a kick out of it.
Hot if Khazar
holding either of those turds right now while ripple is pumping at least for another 36hrs. toppedt of keks. stay poor
Vechain Thor..the name itself is a fucking joke, are they marketing to 5 year olds?