>literally can not stop having sex with beautiful women
The more pictures start popping up online of him with beautiful thots the more I like this guy. He's a true Chad.
>literally can not stop having sex with beautiful women
The more pictures start popping up online of him with beautiful thots the more I like this guy. He's a true Chad.
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You're not wrong
fuck yea he's the chaddest of the cryptosphere
who is him?
Look at how fucking hot this chick is
who is him you ask?
CEO of this shitcoin which holy shit might actually end up being the european ven if the partnership rumors are real
Ambrosus CEO Angel Chadsetti
Some autistic chink Veeky Forumsraeli started a meme channel for them like 3 days ago and the coin is just going full The_Versetti on Veeky Forums and Reddit
Jesus fuck those tiny boy hands lmao
Stay virgin
Only a true faggot would look at a Chad like that with all those hot women and comment on his hands being small. Wtf is wrong with you?
power does not come from hands size
Is he spanking her? What is the source? this is my stuff
Kids steal a cookie,
Chad steals a pussy.
AMB to the moon! You fags will regret badly not buying into this coin very soon
AMB moon will make us ascend to the heaven
>You will never fuck a U.N official roastie in an empty assembly room after pitching your coin to the United Nations
>buying a chad coin
I only buy virgin coins
that's what i expect from an epic chad like him
pajeet af tbqfhf
chad and his hoes, no other crypto has so much pussy invested in it. Deeply invested.
Oh man I wish that bitch would grind her ass against MY cock. I'd show her whose the Daddy
Right now he is.
And your fantasizing on Veeky Forums.
user, been waiting last few days to jump into this, you like the .55 entry point currently after that pump?
Short guy though.
I only invest in coins with autistic devs, Chads aren't cutout for this. Does he at least have autists doing his programming for him?
Go to bed Angel
he has 10 devs from Ethereum / Bitcoin space. Some look autistic enough
damn she has massive tits!
That's his mom and sister you sick fuck.
Not buying this shit coin since the founder looks like a turbo douche.
wow, so true!
$5.50 would be a good entry point. Dyor faggot.
This shilling is too cringy. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
>literally mentally fapping to some CEO