is real estate the only investment opportunity the you can't lose with ??
Is real estate the only investment opportunity the you can't lose with ??
You can lose with real estate. Did you never play monopoly as a kid?
People mass suicided in 2008 after the housing crash. People get homes foreclosed on everyday.
Real estate dropped even harder than equities in the last meltdown.
Real estate is not for pajeets.
You can lose with real estate clearly, but I'm convinced rent seeking on real estate is the easiest shit in the world. The company I work for has a recent client that leased some land for their transportation project, to be used as warehousing. The lease basically says "you're responsible for everything", which isn't abnormal for commercial leasing as far as I have seen. There is a property owner just collecting checks somewhere while this company stewards his building and land for him out of their pockets. I don't really see the downside except for a broke lease fucking it cash flow necessary to service some debt or something.
>niggers moving in
These will all ruin your RE gains.
no OP there is this thing called bit coin have you heard of it
Yes (at long-term)
Only pajeets invest in Ponzi schemes
Yeah. Go for it.
Get one of those interest-only mortgages on them too.
Then invest in mortgage tranches.
Can't fail.
Never in history.
Trust me. Would an user lie to you?
>There is a property owner just collecting checks
Most rent is used to pay off property tax.
Mortgage repayments are getting real bad again.
The only true risk-free assets are U.S. treasury bonds, strictly because if those were defaulted on, the world economy would collapse and you may as well kill yourself. Basic fucking financial markets, pajeet.
Commercial properties can sit vacant for years in a recession.
I buy foreclosures and fix them up, keeping 25% in equity. Cashflows 500+ a month and I'm protected if there's a down turn.
I only do 4% 20 year mortgages
Not true
In Aus they are. Maybe not true in your country.
Fair enough. Us, but depends on state. Wisconsin prop taxes are about double or triple minnesotas.
this. what a shitshow it would be if german/chinese whales started dumping their bonds
Well we have probably one of the worst property bubbles in human history.
Uh, real estate is actually going down right now. Haven't you heard about the retail stores and malls closing? You can make money on real estate but you have to have the nerves to ride out the rough waves (it can take years).
Not buying your bags, Kys.
Depends on location and use my pajeet
Domestic rental near a city? $$$$
Buying commercial? Full retard
This is the future you chose.