redditors are dropping out of chainlink
Good job, mates!
Reddit is sick of chainlink
Other urls found in this thread:
Do keep us posted about all the reddit happenings.
hahah i got a solid chuckle from this travesty.. keeping me entertained while LINK is down....
>And let's face it.. more often then not the community makes or breaks it
KEK. Leddit groupthink capitulated. Good luck with that nano coin goys.
Lol that guy is the typical soyboy cuck ledditor
Kek that is sure as fuck some Veeky Forumstard FUDding
Don't click the link guys.
>implying OP of the reddit thread isn't OP of this thread and probably the guy who paid for the video
top fucking kek
>I understand it has none to do with Chainlink/Sergey & the team, but the community is just vile. And let's face it.. more often then not the community makes or breaks it.
> And let's face it.. more often then not the community makes or breaks it.
Wow what a dumb faggot. Reminds me that 90%+ of humanity should be sterilized
he's right though these memes are getting really cringy
Stop it please, chainlink actually is a good project, it doesnt deserve to be associated with this junk
Just rebought my link stack
Faggot friend wanted to play online poker with eth and i was trying to help but he wont pick up the phoneeee
We did it, reddit!
This sirs chainlink is vely vely good coin, don't listen to OP sirs
upvoted, lets reach front page.
edit: thanks for the gold!
maybe it is a false flag/fudding campaign to make it look less legit by being assigned to autistic basement dwellers.
Downvote this fake news!
Kek you gotta admit he has a point
Imagine Bloom(((berg))) getting a hold of this scoop
"Cryptocurrency bubble linked to alt-right forum Veeky Forums"
"Veeky Forums also asociated with child pornography and russian meddling in US election"
This is great. Thank you Veeky Forums, I love you guys
>The community behind the software that enables peer to peer trustless transactions is somehow the important part
I fucking hate normies, redditors, and "investors" like that fag.
no Im not the reddit OP and I didnt pay for the video. i swear by kek
Can we stop fudding or pumping this coin to accumulate.
Let it organically grow now
chainlink hit 20000 addresses today. Congratulations sergey!
Fuck offff with the chainlink threads fuuuuckkk offfff
Thank God, this must mean the singularity really is upon us
Im a redditor who found this post via Veeky Forums. So be careful alot of comments are Veeky Forums users as this post is gaining some weight over there. Commenting this for the newer members of this sub reddit to be careful. But you can probably tell there is a lot of Veeky Forums comments because of the general tone/troll in the comment
So what if im a redditor? Does that bother you that redditers make up most of Veeky Forums userbase? Time for you guys to grow up and stop harassing people.
Dappydoodle3 be careful you are being doxxed as we speak turn off your PC and run .
>reddit FUD
you have to go back
Who /vile/ here
So this picture is real?
I thought it was photoshop.
As someone who has been here for years, pre-crypto. It might be time to put this imageboard to rest.
If we try to move to somewhere with a higher barrier to entry as a group the normies lurking here will follow.
The only way we can get back to something good is if we all leave, and let someone create a spiritual succesor to Veeky Forums in time that is annoying enough to access that normies wont bother. Hopefully the brightest of us will naturally end up there. It's been a fun ride boys.
count the pixels you ignoramus
These guys look like all they do is smoke weed and eat big macs and you dumb asses really think it’ll be worth 1k? LOL stinky linkies will be a meme for eternity even when it’s crashed and burn and no longer around your kids kid will go around calling fat asses stinky linkes
>Bitcoin finally broke 11.5k yesterday
>Markets due for a reversal in the coming weeks
>Low-average cap coin that has managed to remain relatively stable throughout the shitshow of the last few weeks
Hope all these redditors FOMO back in at $50 and I can start offloading my bags onto them
I'm not joking I wan't those fuckin cheap linkies.
not til mainnet bitch
If there is a link holders board somewhere I will join.
kek, all i did was copy and paste what some nigger said, and you just come off assuming im bothered, and what 1 guy did reflects the whole image board. nice. typical plebbit hypocrisy
People tried migrating after GooberGate and all it did was lock them in an even worse echo chamber for a few months, then when they inevitably came back we got an infestation of mouth breathers.
this one was real
photoshopped is pic related
this is what happens when we make it on national television. kiss of death.
social media has enormously changed in the last 10 years, we can see it perfectly since the internet saves everything
top cuck
>Sergey, i know it's not your job or position to having to babysit a bunch a loitersacks, but you at least could've refrained from acknowledging them
kek he thinks its fucking real
Honestly I agree with the redditor.
Any "serious" investor/developer looking into ChainLink or Sergey Nazarov is going to be bombarded with these shitty memes and autistic discussions from Veeky Forums. It's getting to a point where any normie that does any amount of research on ChainLink is going to be turned off by all the autism
People always make comparisons between Link and ETH/ANS about how much they were shilled here before; well not even they had the kind of bizarre memery going on these days with ChainLink. You guys are jeapordizing your own success
It's real, faggot.
>ripple, ven and link
what the fuck
post tits. man or woman i know you got some soy bags drooping so post 'em
The OP is a moderator of /r/halalchain.
>most of
Speak for yourself, kike whelp.
Bitch i have 400 Link if you think i will stop fudding you thought wrong.
Now you know what to accumulate
I hope you are baiting, but if you're not, please fuck off you fucking nigger and never come back.
Don't buy LINK my friends, buy premium halal products my friend. Many gains to the moon
tell me op, who the fuck is not sick of this shitcoin?
Actually just saw a juicy tip from a whale regarding LINK. I'd tell you but I grew up around Jews and they rubbed off a little bit on me
You serious right now? About believing that shitty little larp in the other thread
>Redirecting you to
I actually believe him. Sold 5k link and put it all into WINGS until the 15th
>tfw r/biz has reclaimed their token
glorious day
>accumulating link
They will FOMO back in once LINK reaches $10 EOY
Everything is going as planned. The greatest trick /biz ever played was convincing the internet that Chainlink is a meme.
GTFO OF Veeky Forums
What is this? How did I miss a link larp I've been here all day ffs
Hello, reddit.
You're playing with fire, and all based on what an anonymous person on a Cambodian yak decorating board said to you. You know this place is full of fucking liars, right? And you're willing to stake your future on this information? Why not just be ready to sell and rebuy lower, especially since you apparently know when it will happen?
I don't give a fuck about you.
Why so salty, reddit-kun? You have to go back.
It was literally nothing, someone posted in a thread earlier saying "Whale here, we're dumping after conference, sell now and buy back at $x"
Oooh so its dropping price because ofrece reddit
Almost ha a stroke there
Keep in hodl
The fucking cunts are buying now. They see through the FUD.
I'm literally holding this shit until it does down to $0.10. My linkies are a no daytrading zone.
>3 posts by this ID
And each post has the same message.
>Hurr go back to rebbit XD
This isn't your private little club for broken records. Now fucking insult me like a man with more than 80 IQ or just don't bother.
I'm never selling, I'm getting the link logo engraved on my fucking tombstone.
Fuck off.
Sergey works there? Wtf I'm right around the corner.
LINK will not moon until all Redditfags sell. MORE FUD
newflash, real investors don't even know we exist. Nobody fucking cares. If it is meant to be, it will happen regardless. We could have 24/7 satanic sergey hitler fuckfests here and it wouldn't affect anything.
It makes SJW fucks like that redditer sell, which is wonderful, so keep it up goys!
faggot gb2 reddit
I bet you still believe in the holocaust.
>tfw your token is so abjectly undervalued the only refuge for accumulation is to feign disgust over enthusiasm
Kek nice fud
>grug go where grug want
this is probably our last chance to take the fud to normieland and buy chainlink under 0.20$ now or never biz/
Will Pewdiepie bring about singularity?