This exchange, along with COSS, will probably be the in the top 10 exchanges by EOY. As long as they make good on their promises and follow their roadmap it a very likely 10x at least and 100x if you have hands made of adamantium and resist the urge to sell early.
this is the 1 / 100 ICO that is actually legit. maybe you want AMGAWD 500x here but you will make very good money for less risk. This proably wont pull a binance but the tokens will be appreciated.
Also, we have so many scams and retarded shit going on, this is a legit exchange with stock / FX experienced team and they want to bring some maturity into the scene, which we badly need to make actual gains and get normies. (inb4 this will be a HUGE normie exchange).
Do it or not idgaf but if you do use my links fgts.
thank me by using my ref: refId=5a95eafbc84fcc6aac51e1af
Michael Ortiz
How is it the same? They aren't promising daily returns, you just get bonus tokens for referring people. The money theyre getting from referral,2.5 percent of that goes to the guy who referred dumbass.
If you have any actual questions, go on the telegram and tag kevin, and he'll answer it but none of you fudders have come on to actually challenge kevin
Chase Cook
First of all, don't you fucking dare group coinmetro with that piece of shit of an exchange called COSS. Second, shut the FUCK UP about it so we all benefit from the burn. You'll benefit more than from the pennies you'll get from shilling your ref link.
Henry Barnes
Isaiah Richardson
lol dude just stop, you are not gonna be able to convince him because basically he holds xcm too and trying to FUD for the coin burn.
I understand him but I don't think it is needed, this is a guaranteed 10x in a few months no matter what price level the ico ends in. You might as well get some more coins with the referral.
Jace Hernandez
7.5% of total coins are put aside to be use for bounties and bonuses
Austin Kelly
They have a percentage of the tokens allocated for the bonuses mongoloid I know a lot of people want the coin burn to happen but i want this project to hit the hardcap. If we want it to succeed, CM needs as much as capital as possible to compete.
Jack Harris
None of the fudders ever come on the telegram to challenge Kevin, obvious XCM owners who want the token burn to happen
Ayden Jones
Jeremiah Bailey
Jesus you're dumb
Distribution Breakdown - 50% through Token Sale - 20% Liquidity - 10% CoinMetro Team & Shareholders - 7.5% Community Rewards - 2.5% Advisor Compensation - 10% Public Pre-Sale
From the 7.5% community rewards.
Jonathan Campbell
Holy shit you're stupid, i'm sorry, i thought you can get through this. Now lets try slowly. Where do money come from?
Ian Bailey
Are you a massive Brainlet?
Yes you are a trisomy 21 autistic sub human iq retard who can not FUKING READ YOU MOTHERFUCKING RETARD
Leo Powell
It makes the market cap 7.5% higher than it would have been due to 7.5% more tokens going into circulation.
I'm not losing any sleep over it pal.
Samuel Johnson
>more tokens make market cap higher Holy shit, i'm out. This is beyond brainlet already. Enjoy your bags of worthless exitscam tokens.
Brayden Sullivan
Hey user, I had actually missed the breakdown, I appreciate it. If any anons want to check it out, they also have a beta app out. Don't think people should be writing this off as a pajeet scam; they're playing their cards right and we're spreading the word for them through their referrals, it's just business. Ref is link in the pic if anyone wants to bother. Their telegram will answer most questions that aren't openly seen on their site!
Liam Gutierrez
Go buy your ico's where the whales hold 70 percent of the tokens ready to dump at any given moment like Coinmetros competitor Legolas.
Kevin said he's getting some big money on board soon, he just wants to make sure they aren't whales looking to dump at any given opportunity but actually have faith in the project.
Liam Ramirez
Lol what the fuck? Of course the amount of tokens affects the market cap when you're buying into an ICO. What are you on m8?
Brandon Davis
Copying from another user, for anyone saying "whales are gonna dump on you"
what Veeky Forums calls a "good ICO": Matrix Chain, Matrix Chain is an extremely sketchy ICO where a few dozen wallets hold HALF THE TOKENS. Legolas exchange: 60% of the tokens sold privately before the ICO even started. RKT: 80% of tokens sold privately. This is before you factor in wash trading etc. CoinMetro had a public presale, they only sold 8% of their supply, and there's a 6 month vesting period, but the key point is ANYONE could have gotten in.
Ayden Baker
>>Enjoy your bags of worthless exitscam tokens.
Hahaha i bet you have bought into BoldPure right?
jesus man, you are legit the most retarded guy i have read posts from in at least the 3 days.
Do you think the CEO of an albeit fmall but well established Forex-trading company will damage his name and future for an exit scam? They want to build a huge new exchange and they not only have the means and the connections as well as fiat backing, but also the devs. They even hired the district0x frontend guys to create the art etc. This wont be an exit scam but something realy amazing fuck dont buy it, i really hope you wont, because i will post a thread in 6 - 9 months from now with the screenshots of your posts knowing you will read it and knowing you will sit there in front of you computer thinking to yourself how retarded you are. Did you miss the binance tokensale as well? We all know how bad that went and what a shitty exchange it is. And dont fucking compare this to COSS, MAYBE to legalos but thats it.
Lincoln Lopez
Exactly this, Kevin is a standup guy who takes time of his day to come on the telegram to answer all concerns himself personally with a voice message. Why would an exit scammer reveal his real life business and name for some penny change scam especially with a crackdown on ICO scammers that's coming eventually.
Please come up with better fud, I need a good reasons to question my investments not solidify my trust in it even more.
Nicholas Ortiz
How is this a beta if none of the functionality works? This is a mock up.
Ryan Moore
It's just listed as a beta, you're correct! It does show they're working to deliver on the end products, though.
Kevin Turner
Stupid dumb fuck.
Blake Gray
Dumb fuck Coin burn on unsold tokens
Biz doesnt deserve this yet,
Ryan Rogers
Can burgers get in on this?
Gabriel Cooper
Currently working on it, they just need a get go from the lawyers and then burgers should be able to. Any day now.
Parker Nguyen
Naw man, they should get to their hardcap. They need as much as capital as possible to make sure its succeeds.
Carter Ward
Please quit shilling your streetshitter coin OP its tiresome reading the same thing over and over.
Easton Collins
What does the coin do? Dividends? Discounts?
Henry Evans
The coin is used as the backend for every transaction + holders are eligable for special discounts while holding (fee reduction etc.) The exchange will start with a default fee level @ 0.1% fees. Also, there will be "maker" rewards like in the stock market, if you place a buy order and someone sells to use @ market price you will actually make a bonus (like in the stock market). Every transaction will have fees of which a certain amount will go into a reserve which will be used to buy back the tokens at market value at certain times (every 90 days the reserve will be used). A part of the fees (tokens) will be burned (20 - 33% i am not sure). Also the token will enable fiat / altcoin pairins for (starting with 10 Coins (top 10 cryptos on CMC)) and they are planning on listing a total of 20 coins as soon as possible. Good project, read the whitepaper it explains everythingvery well, then watch the ama, aftter that join telegram to ask your questions (over 14.000 members) admins or even the ceo will answer any and all questions (if you have a very good one or real doubts just ask he will leave a voicemail)
Jayden Morgan
So its like BNB? KCS also has the same feature + dividends. How is it better than either of those?
Ryan Rogers
One more thing, usually stock-exchanges /FX-brokers take about 50$ fees per 1 million order volume. Crypto exchanges have absolutelly, insane fees, no normal stock / options-trader is going to use them (if they are normies). This exchange will basically bring traders from the stock world and normies into the cryptocurrency scene. If you have any doubts or real fud, just ask / or read bitcointalk, read the whitepaper, ask in telegram etc. The is only one red flag which is that the developers are not blockchain experts, which is countered by their experience in scaling matching-machines for forex and more. No project is perfect, but this one is way, WAY up there for crypto standards and they are very professional. This is the best ICO I can find at the moment.
Oh and if you invest, use my link. Yes I am shilling but idgaf and it takes time to write this shit.
also, they plan on having hundreds of coins listed, will offer x50 leverage and margin trading, are a fucking fiat gateway, will offer fiat-altcoin pairings on the website and the app, and ETFs (ETCFs).
Also if you are very good at ta people can "follow" you and you wil actually make money by trading for them. pretty insane ;)
Isaiah Martinez
It's like BNB used for discounts and other stuff that their planning on their platform.
Holding more XCM also gives you bigger discounts
It will not be paying dividents because then it would be classified as a security and there's a lot of legal issues with that so Kucoin might get pinned by regulators later on. Rather than paying dividents, there's going to be a token burn, token buyback by the coin metro team to keep the price stable and every trading fee on the platform will be used to buy XCM (basically if you buy a coin, the trading fee you pay automatically places a buy order for XCM tokens)
Logan Lopez
Kevin also said he wants to add fiat pairs for popular coins out there that don't have them like Nano. I can see that bringing in a lot of people.
Jaxon Morris
Sek let me check but first I want to withdraw a couple of thousands USD from binance and buy some link for euro just one se..oh oh fuck right! This is a crypto only exchange in china hmmmm. maybe my granddad can withdraw some USD from binan.. oh fuck no he cant. also he doesnt trust the chinese and its crypto only hm.
Np, I heard the AI and HealtCare coins in china are pretty strong but i dont want to invest in a certain coin and want to buy some ETFs and a Fund to play it safe ok let me.. oh fuck i cant righ! Because binance and CuckCoin dont offer them hm.
Also, you fucking retard, CoinMetro is neither a direct competitor nor does it WANT to be a direct competitor of Binance (again, watch the ama the ceo eplxains thsis very well).
Also see this: The Matching Engine will allow clients to send both standard and non-standard order types, including: Markets, Limits, Stops, Limit Stop Orders and OCO (One Cancels Other) orders, which are a combination of Stop and Limit orders on the same ticket. The system will also allow for several different TIF (Time in Force) options, such as FOK (Fill or Kill), IOC (Immediate or Cancel), and GTC (Good till Cancelled).
CM will be THE FUCKING NORMIE exchange that pulls normies AND old traders into the scene, off which we will need BOTH to actually make good it or not, in this case the phrase "Or stay poor" actually fits for once.
Christian Bailey
>How much are they paying you to shill this 2.5%. Can you not read?
Nathan Brooks
Hey man no need to call people retards for asking questions lol, just explain it normally
Ryder Carter
They buyer gets 2.5%, the one refering gets 5%, read the fucking whitepaper.
Jaxson Smith
Sorry man usually i don't rage that much it's just that, i browse this board so long and every day i see the same shit link threads and some fucked up ICO like BoldPure I don't know. I understand that peiple are sceptical etc, but i started to make real gains once i actually started to research ICOs for more then 30 min. I actually invested over 20 hours researching this, looking over the whitepaper, talking to the team, watching the amas. I am based because i see the insane potential this one has and just kind of look down (subconciously) on people who do not invest the time to research. Only today i had to spam the BoldPure telegram people to not invest into it etc. I don't want to be mean, but i also miss the old days of Veeky Forums sigh. love you
Bentley Parker
Yeah man agreed, every Coinmetro thread there's always some people calling it a pajeet coin and saying it will be dumped by the presale people. It's infuriating because they don't do any due dilligence on this project.
Kevin gives me a lot of faith in this project, probably one of the best CEO's ive seen in a ICO for a while straightforward no bullshit stand up guy.
Nathaniel Hughes
Also, what is vesting? He also addresses the go-live dump of the price in his ama.