Do I buy LINK before the conference on the 14th or do I hope it dumps after the conference and buy then?
The suspense is killing me
Do I buy LINK before the conference on the 14th or do I hope it dumps after the conference and buy then?
The suspense is killing me
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Before, last time it went up to 0.9 i think
Just don't be a nolinker when the singularity happens
no rumours about what'll be said, it's all a surprise, good news will pump it.
link doesn't dump after conferences like other coins
Idiots chainlink wont be mentioned its about smart contracts killing lawyers. General talk
dont buy link its a fucking meme, buy omg
No chance of dumpin, my friend. 60 cents is the hard floor. People are anticipatin' huge things.
dont buy it at all
How can you know?
>that video
fucking genius
Hey. Are you guys professional gas lighters, or are these products actually worth anything?
And I’m only asking because I’m curious. I think I finally understand it, just looking for your guidance.
Don’t fall for a literal meme for fuck’s sake.
the code is shit. it's basically a websocket wrapper. that's it. no scalability, no sign of improvement. golang is a fisher price language
chainlink was mentioned at the last conference
Wait. It's going to be sibos 2.0. I expect a dump to 20 cents at the minimum.
Doesn't really matter. Anything under $10 is cheap, anything under $1 is basically stealing
Well, I'm dead fucking serious personally. I've been researching ChainLink like a mad autist for months now and I am not kidding you when I say my biggest fear is that I won't get enough in time.
Don't know what else to tell you.
I thought the conference is the 17th?
I get my bonus on the 14th so I’m gonna be mad if I miss it at the bogs pump it before I can buy any
Sergey's speak is 14th of march
Sold my REQ for it even though mainnet is soon. Just too risky with Sergey tweeting + conference.
> So genius Mr nazarov, how exactly will smart contracts kill lawyers?
>We are working on this cool project called chainlink. Its a decentralized oracle system (insert genius)
Whale here, buy on the 15th. we are dumping 30 mins after sergey speaks, heed this warning. Buy back in around $0.35, which we should hit within 4-6 hours afterward
Thx bro
I may have no choice but to do exactly this so I hope you're not bamboozling me cause this is comforting
Really hoping for something like live feed like at the super conference . Shit was exciting :3
I am confident that it will dump back to at least 40 cents.
"SmartContract CEO, Sergey Nazarov will be presenting at SXSW on March 14th, 2018. The panel focuses on how smart contracts and ChainLink oracles will revolutionize the way legal agreements between parties are reached."
He's half right, it's a panel on getting rid of lawyers, but I can't imagine how they'll get through the discussion without mentioning chainlink.
I got to 10k last night and I'm not planning on selling for at least 2 years. By contrast, I wouldn't make that kind of statement about any other coin outside the top 10
No reason whatsoever to think this, except irrational hate of LINKstas.
Sibos2 is already happenin.
This gonna be devcon: a conference market won't react to
Chainlink will dump 38.43% like Vechain
looking for help trying to remember more basic LINK research
Except LINK is a good coin with an actual use, unlike hype beast "lookit all muh partnerships" vechain
Ye, and crypto is an efficient market with perfectly logical investor.
its the best buy right now
What a click bait seminar title. No way is Sergey going to stand up there and unironically tell a crowd of people that smart contracts will replace lawyers. He's not going to alienate the old money we're banking on to give us our singularity, r-right?
Wrong. Look at this, written by Tom Gosner (DocuSign founder):
>Where will the data come from to connect smart contracts to the data they need to make decisions? How will we know we can rely on these data sources?
>Do smart contracts require a decentralized "trust-less" block chain to operate? Or can these same contracts be built on ‘trusted’ networks?
He says "blockchain" but he means oracle. SERGEY WILL ABSOLUTELY BE TALKING ABOUT CHAINLINK. He is there to discuss decentralised oracles, and how that all fits in to getting rid of lawyers.
Just to emphasise my point, Gosner's post also says
>Finally, we’ll hear from Sergey Nasarov, CEO of about the importance of oracles to get data in and out of smart contracts securely.
That explicitly states that the purpose of Sergey being there is to talk about decentralised oracles. I would be highly surprised if he didn't mention LINK, when he is there to talk about the importance of decentralised oracles for smart contracts.
> no scalability
sounds like docusign is going to announce their own blockchain to feed data to smart contracts. good find.
I literally had to watch this five times in a row.
tom doesn't have anything to do with docusign anymore. he stepped away from the company.
I don't think there will be any announcements because it's a panel. I don't think people make announcements at panel discussions. Maybe I'm wrong. However, Gosner says in that post that smart contracts will be
>Highly secure, managed using encryption and digital signature technology
So I'm quite sure that DocuSign wants in on smart contracts. Combined with the fact that Sergey was hinting at being involved with "e-signature" companies in an interview he gave, I'm 99% sure that Docusign and are working together already.
But you'd be wrong thinking that docusign is going to "announce their own blockchain". That doesn't make sense, why would they need a blockchain for e-signatures??
>im trying to cop a deal make a million +
> Lets lift it open to the chainlink trust
He's still qualified to talk about how e-signatures and smart contracts could be combined. And I'm sure he must have some idea about the future direction of the industry.
Anyway, my original point was I think Sergey will be shilling LINK again.
says the 50k LINK holder
And actually he's a Board Member for Docusign, I just checked!
Checked the checkers check
there's our boy Tom Gosner
Check out this interview with him from last year.
>Gosner: What I do at Seven Peaks is focus on new and innovative companies in spaces that I know. If you look at the digital transformation bubble and everything from what DocuSign does, there’s lots of branches from that. ... For me, from an investment opportunity perspective, it’s natural to be looking at who’s inventing these new things, whether that’s identity technology, identity management, the innovations on blockchain technology, smart contracts, payments — those are all areas that I’m pretty familiar with. It’s kind of natural to be looking at those markets and those companies and also looking at this from a DocuSign strategy perspective, so they fit together pretty well.
>GeekWire: What’s your role at DocuSign these days?
>Tom Gonser: “I’m on the board, so pretty active in that regard. I spent quite a bit of time just talking long term strategy with the CEO and a lot of the execs. I’m still pretty connected to a lot of people in the company
Read between the lines, it sounds a lot like he's got his fingers in the LINK pie
It will be even bester tomorrow and at 30% discount in a week
> In order for a contract to be smart, it has to get data from the outside world. It can get that from people when they fill out forms, but if you think about contracts becoming truly smart, there needs to be a way that it can get triggers from things to know that clauses need to be energized or payments need to be made, etc.
He's talking about oracles/LINK in April 2017
Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
> tfw a whales put a 7 btc buy wall to stop LINK from reverse singularity
>tfw buy at 7700 sats during bitcoin superconference
>now at 5300 sats
>at least it never dumped
quick Veeky Forums how do i buy sinky linkies
I will suck your cock or at least refer you but please, i must be part of this meme.
It dumped quite a bit actually, got pumped allot aswell tho but it seems to hover around the 60 to 85cents range all the fucking time.
>tfw went all in at 7050 and can't buy any dips
lurk moar
you poor, sad, idiot
at least tell me where to start
Get ether from coinbase, kraken, gemini, my local bitcoins, whatever it takes.
Then send that to binance and exchange ether for link tokens. If binance is closed for registration try huoboi. Alternatively if you're feeling brave, as it sounds like you're new, and have your own wallet, use IDEX.
> tfw sold @ 5100 before the pump
> tfw fomoed in on the pump
> tfw need 4200 LINK to restore your stack
I done fucked up, guyz
you shouldn't have sold the bottom of a no-volume dump
this is being manipulated by 1 guy and he will get rekt when a real whale buys all his sell walls
I thought I had more time to cumulate, but the price just went up and never went down.
I also did not expect a conference pump thiat early
Buy ETH from coinbase, send to binance. Buy link on binance.
why spoonfeed him
Done accumulating and wanna get that referral money lol. Will post my code if OP feels like being cool
You absolute nigger. Go larp a fucking cock down your throat while you are at it.
exactly why it will dump. There is no docusign partnership, Gonser and Sergey are merely sitting on the same board.
Is 7k linkies good enough for the singularity?
Are you me? Almost exactly the same number lmfao
Maybe in like 3 years.
Kek. so much this.
Everyone link hodler has a PhD in Link Fudding.
Ha just watch
no shit, but the docusign guy will def endorse linky
one of the best pastas
dont care, will never sell. but whats wrong with fisher price anyway?
Ask yourself some simple questions, how many motherfuckers will be buying specifically in anticipation of this conference in order to sell at the peak? The answer is A LOT. So if you miss the peak which you will then you will get fucked
You buy before, inbetween and after.... this way you can only be right.
well now is the bottom so how fucked can you really get? what if there's good news?
That's what everyone said last time and the price went up like 15 cents.
If there's good news it'll be pumped before the news. Trading is not regulated. LINK'S uncle, friends, brother in law and all his stuff are waiting to dump on you
well, let them dump, I'll hold and dump on financial institutions in a couple years
checked. dumping on goldman sachs in a couple years
>when you day trade away $4.2MM
>golang is a fisher price language
so should we just all program in assembly or obscure dead languages like cobol? would that meet your definition of a l33t coder language?
>golang is a fisher price language
As a software eng and a stinky link; fucking kek.
holy fuck, that was quality pasta m8. Please delete though as i am still accumulating, k thankx bye.
this meme has gotten way out of hand