>Exchanges this month >Backed by Chinese AND U.S ex-Microsoft, Facebook, Google, among others >mission to simplify smart contracts so anyone can write one >China FUD non-applicable here
I could go on and on with buzzwords here, but this is yet another warning. You've been good to me, Veeky Forums. You've made me a lot of money. Anything under $1 is an absolute steal here. >
your description is really but shitty but atleast you tried lmao
and yeah this will explode
Thomas Nelson
You guys think this could be the next nebulas, neo or even ethereum?
Lucas Sanders
More NEO than Ethereum. I'm trying to get in if VEN keeps pumping so I don't have to dump at a loss.
Noah Roberts
better than all of it more backing than all of it
DYOR lazy faggot
Christopher Watson
Hey OP, when is the rumored exchange date? I want to try to get in before it pumps, or even better if it dumps, but I'm bagholding VEN til then. Disclaimer: VEN is still a great project, but I don't have enough to make it worthwhile.
Matthew Cruz
pretty much this
Brody Green
Yeah looking back I really read like a non-English speaker which is sad I guess.
But really, this shit is gonna go bananas.
Charles Wilson
You can buy it now on IDEX. They keep rumoring major exchanges for March but no solid date.
Grayson Murphy
you have ambition and you're realistic, good.
too many venboys with hardly any ven praying to the gods that it goes to 100 when they should just be moving on to yet-to-explode beaters like matrix
Aiden Wright
Thanks man
Nolan James
Shill me this coin Veeky Forums, I kind of wanna buy in
Benjamin Hughes
how is this coin different than the billion of other interp coins like ark and aion....
Eli Adams
What is it? Not everyone is familiar with all the logos
Connor Nguyen
not even gonna shill this
either you read up on it or not
if you do you will know what to do
Carson Cooper
Hoping the VEN conference is before it, then. Fingers crossed!
Thanks user, I appreciate it. I respect people for sticking with VEN, because it's a sure-thing, blue chip investment, but I don't believe it's going to have the payoff that a slightly riskier coin like MAN will. Of course, I wouldn't be buying MAN at all if I thought it was risky, I just mean that it hasn't been fleshed out yet so it's a bit more uncertain.
On another note, they're adding masternodes for MAN, I think? Just wondering if the number needed will be higher like VEN (10k+) or something like 1k+ as in DASH.
Yes it's a chink coin but they want to compete with Ethereum and EOS to become the biggest open source blockchain.
Jonathan Carter
They are in deep with the Chinese government. Many of their chief engineers have political backgrounds and were instrumental in developing wireless in China (one I believe literally invented the chinese wifi chip). Working w/ government on a 900b modern silkroad infastructure project.
Aaron Campbell
backed by chinese goverment
bye vitalik
no they will co exist but if u know what chinese goverment support means u will know how this will explode
there's even more but you can dive in yourself. im not even concerned with shilling yet anyway
Cameron Cook
There is a presentation on YouTube where they said that. It's in Chinese but some of the slides are in English. I was just quoting.
Blake Lee
for real ?
hahaha you can't make this up..
chinkscammed while making fun of you lol...
Elijah Stewart
lol they won the PASCAL Award 2017 in AI beating facebook INTEL google
cant be more real dude
i know ur trying to fud but whatever
Charles Long
it may not be traditional masternodes in that sense, but rather anyone can be a masternode, but if you have a low amount of coins you're just much less likely to be selected as one in that consensus round
meanwhile his firm's clients are LG, Total, Dell, Samsung, etc etc..
Adam Watson
I got some great tips from Veeky Forums in december on zcl and trx. made good profits. Just trying to give back.
Jacob Barnes
I'm always wary about Chinese tokens desu, the Chinese are natural born scammers, most of all to one another
Matthew Ortiz
yeah i know
but they will basically rape eth
even mining their fucking coins will contribute to society and not just waste ppower
Justin Morgan
That makes more sense. If VEN doesn't shit the bed I think 1500+ MAN will be worth it.
am I blind or why cant I find any info on him on google?
Isaiah Butler
I've been reading up on this for literally two weeks and still don't know what it does
>but muh coding in simple language
we're so far away from this being possible
if you buy this you're going to be holding bags for at least two years
i'm writing this off as a chink scam until someone can tell me in one or two sentences why the use-case is viable
Logan Ward
I agree with everything you said about the actual project, but who cares, it has good momentum, and exchange listing will coincide with btc bull run so this should explode.
Jaxon Price
it already works in chinese DYOR and find the article faggot
just because your tiny brain cant handlle it doesnt mean probably the smartest team of all china cant get this done
Jaxson Butler
googling chinks is for high iq only. no shots fired, it takes exp.
>picks out one small part of the project
you might be retarded
Bentley Torres
This is a long-term hold. If you don't see the value of smart contracts being as simple and widely available as emojis than I don't know what I can say to change your mind.