Chess thread, what the shit edition

Chess thread, what the shit edition.

White to move and win.


Nd4 so the passed pawn on the a file can freely queen?

Black is not obliged to take the knight, you know.

he practically is, he cant move any closer to the pawn on so it can still queen freely, you know

I'm shit at chess, but this comment made me realize, Nb4 means black either captures the knight allowing free passage or black moves to a position closer to the pawn and knight defends its next square.

No it can't, black can always pick it up. Not the point, really. You can't go Nd4 Bh8 a6 or something.

no it cant pick it up, Nd4 forces the black king out of the pawns capture box, checking the king on a6 if it pursues and forces it onto b6, from there mate is easy, and his bishop is blocked both by the pawn on f6 and the king on c5, so cant get to d4 to capture the knight and protect against the queening of the pawn on a

Nigga give me a full line

shit Im sorry I see what you mean, a6 is just met by b6 and white gains nothing, I guess the best move is Nd4, bh8, Nf5 then a long line of king maneuvering

Any sources for getting into chess? Learning theory, tactics, openings, etc. And I'm talking for absolute beginners, like 500 elo-tier.

To clarify though, Nd4 is the right first move, but you are arguing you'll be able to queen the a pawn. While the promotion is a threat that limits black, it plays no immediate role in the solution. You can't queen right now (it's bad to push the pawn too, but it's still winning if Bh8 due to something else, which is the point of the study) and we can assume black won't go full retard and take on d4.

Anyways, Nd4 Bh6 and what now?

Depends on how motivated are you. I really have to make a pastebin for this, but easy mode: chessacademy, basic opening principles, basic pawn endgames. Hard mode: yusupov books. General tips: anything

you mean Bh8 right, Bh6 still leaves the bishop open to attack from Nf5. but after Nf5, Kb5, Kg3, Ka5, Kh3, Kb4, Kg4, Kc4, Kh5, Kd3, h4, Ke4, Kg6, Kf4, h5, (some black king move, maybe just f4f3), Ng7, Bg7, Kg7 from here there's a queening race that white wins on h8 with blacks pawn on f3 or something similar, white plays Qh1 protecting against black queening and mate comes easy

adding to this, I just started on desu senpai. blitz through all the lessons on there and do the tractics and puzzles regulary and it'll at least give you a nice background fuzz of understanding, like learning how to automatically do sums in your head sets you up for higher math.

Bh6 Nf5? Bf4 =
There's something much more elegant.

idk senpai, finding a solution thats 'elegant' just because of bad play from the opponent seems a bit weird, but i cant find it so show me pl0x

Thanks m8. Your help is much appreciated.

>idk senpai, finding a solution thats 'elegant' just because of bad play from the opponent seems a bit weird, but i cant find it so show me pl0x
M8, I don't think you understand how chess problems work, it's not that it's "because of the bad play from the opponent", it also works with best play from your opponent. You gave a line where black equalises in a move, that's bad play by white.

Anyways, Nd4 Bg5 Kf3 f5 Ke2 and whatever black does loses. Point is, black's Bishop is fucking trapped. Check it out.

Pls post a shittier pic. This one we can still make out to be a chess board

We're all waiting on your high resolution scans of the Russian books from the seventies.
