Alright fuccbois it's been a while since I made these, got distracted with coursework/research

>No premeds
>No orgo I/II questions

>I'm a future doctor and I have to take orgo next semester. How to protect my asshole????
Drill practice problems, don't you dare touch those flashcards
>Recommend me textbooks
Clayden is fantastic, be sure to do the practice problems online*. Wade is also a very interesting read. Bruice is OK too, lots of problems and they can be really fun.
>I wanna do research
Email a prof and ask to volunteer, they're usually very willing to take on extra hands as long as you're not completely retarded

*For Clayden problems, go here:
Username: clayden2e
Pass: compound

>Share mlg tips
This new prof taught me a badass trick for dry-loading your column; rather than adsorbing your compound onto silica, use celite instead. Celite has no retentive properties so your compound will immediately get pushed down into the actual packing and collect there as a thin band. This is especially good if you have a very large quantity of shit that you want to dry-load, because you can use as much celite as you want and don't really need to worry about band broadening.

>Argue about fun problems
See pic related


a) kinetic enolate formation
b) 1,2-addition (enolate into the acylsilane)
c) 1,2-brook rearr
d) 1,4-addition (the allylic carbanion resulting from the brook adds into the enone)
e) protonation

alright guys

where do i obtain reliable equipment and glassware at a minimum of cost if im just a normie with no scholastic or business ties?

Where can you get high purity hydrogen peroxide?

eBay nigger, half the stuff my prof buys is from eBay. He was telling me that there's a charity somewhere that picks up equipment from labs that are shutting down and sells it to poorfags like you and me. We bought an HPLC from them, it's a bit stubborn and sassy, but about as affordable as a good microwave oven.

Ur mum lel

I need to find organic chemistry by janice smith 4th ed. All the trackers only have the second and third. Anyone see this shit anywhere on the internet?

cool cool.

who is this magical charity of which you speak?

Look it up I'm not your bitch m8

If I wanted to propose a fragmentation scheme in mass spectrometry, how do you go about providing evidence to support it? Calculations? MS^3 spectra? Is simply providing a scheme that fully explains all peaks in the spectrum usually enough?

Diels-Alder, Retro-Diels Alder to spit out N2 (double bonds formed such that the remaining N-N bond is a single bond), Diels-Alder again, and lastly a [4+2] in which the cyclopropane ring bond is cleaved and dinitrogen is released..

Holy fuck that's genius, I only dry load my columns. I'll definitely be doing that

>no premeds
>no orgo I/II questions

How do you expect aspiring organic chemists to better themselves then?

Yeah actually it occurred to me that it's a dumb rule, I guess I get annoyed at "do my homework" posts. You can ask us introductory level questions user

Will anyone here be at CSC 2016?

By reading their textbooks and attempting to learn the material instead of asking HW questions to online communities?

Here's the answer


Here's a more joocy one

In case that last one was too joocy for you


In part A, there is a 3-membered ring intermediate (an O-atom of the acetate interacting with the anomeric C). Essentially an O-acyl epoxide, which is opened to give trans stereochem much like a bromonium would be opened to give a trans-halohydrin.

In part B there is a 6-membered ring intermediate, here S is interacting w/the anomeric C. The two rings together are like a trans-decalin - and opening one gives syn sub'n
unlike part A.

I've seen this before, but am too drunk to recall.
Something something oxime, something something something else.
Selenodiazoles can be formed from ketones and then decomposed to alkynes, liberating Se and N2.
There's no Se in the reaction mixture in this example, but the oxidatizing conditions and loss of CO2 are suggestive.

>3-membered ring, O-acyl epoxide
no that's wrong, I fucked up
see pic

the argument still works:
in A, the ring-fusion in the intermediate is cis, the Sn2 product is anti

in B the ring fusion is trans, the Sn2 product is syn