Why the fuck is the CEO of Icon tweeting stuff like this instead of telling us about the project and keeping us informed?
These gooks are really starting to piss me off. Fuck when can I drop these bags
Why the fuck is the CEO of Icon tweeting stuff like this instead of telling us about the project and keeping us informed?
These gooks are really starting to piss me off. Fuck when can I drop these bags
Other urls found in this thread:
We got gook'd
Buy Tron if you want hype.
hell yeah OP! he should keep us informed of every little bit of progress and major event so the price can rise for 2 hours then fucking crash instead of working on the genuine product
what the fuck
I got 10% of my folio in this and now you tell me the CEO is a faggot
jesus christ biz what have you gotten me into
Couple of weeks ago I was fucking hookers with the CEO and some devs of this coin.
They paid for everything cool as fuck!
>why they don't play the daytrader game??? wtf???
im not even kidding im in a small telegram group with this guy. i thought he was some low level coder or something lmfao hes ceo?
this guy pools presales with us im crying
He could let us know hey the token swap is on schedule still (since it was scheduled for march and we are awaiting confirmation).
Instead, it's some picture of him being a faggot. Not being gay, cuz if you're gay that's fine. No problem with that. Just being a faggot.
I'm so fucked with this shit bought at $12 bought more at $3.50 seeing this shit I'm frothing at the mouth
perhaps even worse than a SJW coin
Sigh. I don't want these bags anymore guys. I DONT WANT THEM ANYMORE
>he bought the literal top
>two-finger sign
he wants to finger you as well OP, offer yourself to him xx
Just hodl srs. If you can last until it hits $12 again you will get to $50
the fuck is this fag thinking posting shit like this?
never trust gooks
this gook was really fucking annoying during the conference and turned a lot of whales away. this shit is not going anywhere with such a spoiled dweeb in charge
Holy fuck, cant belive i bought this. thought forsure it was a legit coin. wtf
I did and it worked with NEO fag, fucking ICX is trash. I thought koreans had the highest IQs in the world wtf.
LMAO I'm so glad I dumped this shit at $8.50
how much icon to cum on taytays armpits
i'll buy your bags faggots go ahead sell them
Thanks, I wanted to buy low but I changed my mind after this post. Close one.
He'll be dead before that happens
so glad i dumped these bags. they were getting heavy AF.
Kim Min once visited my town and all the cows walked strangely after that. Weird experiments or just simple bestiality? I dont know, but I'm not touching that coin with a ten foot pole.