I keep losing money. Please help. What coins will get me in the green
I keep losing money. Please help. What coins will get me in the green
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DYOR dumbfuck. you think anyone on biz can read the future? lol
It's not the coins. It's you.
post nudes
God I hate this bitch's stupid fucking hair, I just want to throw acid on her face and watch a 6/10 deteriorate into a 2/10
The coins are weak.
R her tots fake or real
Buy link and hodl for 1 year.
cause you're definitely a 9/10 LMAO
>I just want to throw acid on her face
How is life in London treating you, Muhammad?
Buy some bled out coins that are beginning to show resistance. Mid market cap ones that haven't boomed since December yet. Nuls, Wabi, PRL, Sub maybe.
Maybe ICX though that's not a low/mid market cap one.
I decided a lot of girls have fake tits but keep it secret.
I came
riecoin, it flattened out
not even a shill, just look at the chart. It's going to be a large part of NEO's success and nobody seems to give a shit
>zoom out
Buy monero and do not touch it till it reaches above 1000 usd. Simple.
etc my man, any minute now! we going to fucking mars - everyone is gonna be rich, isnt that amazing?
I'm surprised no one on here is talking about TKY
I'm talking about the all time chart. There hasn't really been a moon given the coins use-case
being an attractive white female is the equivalent to being crypto rich.
I only came here for this
welp, time to masturbate.
I finally found a salsa to that frog
This is a fucking MASTERPIECE. Mona Lisa of out times. Look how fucking PERFECT this reproduction is.
Put it all in ethereum. Walk away from crypto for a year.
You probably don't have the fortitude for trading, so just buy and hold. Small consistent gains over a long time are much better than trading losses. I don't have the patience for trading.
May I have all of the roasties here? This time I will save them all.
Let's start with that in the mirror and one with stockings and slutty devil suit
someone spam her insta with this
2/10 for getting me to reply
yeah no one gives a fuck you chimed in with your stale copypasta. now fucking neck yourself cunt.
Just stick with BTC and swing trade on the 4h chart. Switch between 1d and 1h from time to time too to get perspective. Listen to our tripfriend ZataZu also.
you sound mad, friend :^)
Who is she?
Why do you say that?
fap fap