How fucked are these niggers?
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Trevor has a son, they won't put him in jail
>Trevor has a son, they won't put him in jail
How does that work?
Trevon is the only one that's going to jail.
In some of his last videos Craig is lowkey snitching on Trevon. I bet he will work with the feds to get off with less punishment. They are related btw
Stop posting cuck threads you fucking nigger this is why no one likes you subhuman pieces of shits.
so in murrica you shill a pyramid scheme and end up in jail?
that's a free country if i ever saw one
How? Quote me something
Why is this retarded nigger spamming youtube with crazy rants now he is going after carlos. I hope they both end up in jail get aids from fucking other niggers and the females they are with hang themselves in some suicide attempt.
that one nigger looks like prop joe from the wire
lmao cant believe people spend money based on these nogs youtube videos hahaha