How fucked are these niggers?
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Trevor has a son, they won't put him in jail
>Trevor has a son, they won't put him in jail
How does that work?
Trevon is the only one that's going to jail.
In some of his last videos Craig is lowkey snitching on Trevon. I bet he will work with the feds to get off with less punishment. They are related btw
Stop posting cuck threads you fucking nigger this is why no one likes you subhuman pieces of shits.
so in murrica you shill a pyramid scheme and end up in jail?
that's a free country if i ever saw one
How? Quote me something
Why is this retarded nigger spamming youtube with crazy rants now he is going after carlos. I hope they both end up in jail get aids from fucking other niggers and the females they are with hang themselves in some suicide attempt.
that one nigger looks like prop joe from the wire
lmao cant believe people spend money based on these nogs youtube videos hahaha
It's mostly other nogs and old people.
Maybe he's hoping to get his sentence reduced if he'd catch Carlos or could lead the police to him. Could also just be to save face
>Going after carlos
>save face
People unironically love him because his wife does not believe in him
In murrica you can get murdered over a nickle.
Kek. I never watched one vid of the guy. But he looks like a Trevon clone. Will be funny if his wife would dump him and grab half his stuff after he will be thrown in prison
Did you not watch the video? He wasn't in a suit and tie, that means he did nothing wrong.
Trevon will argue with the judge and dig himself into a deeper hole
Craig will act polite and reserved in the hopes of getting off
Nick will cry like the bitch he is and say he still doesn't know what a public key is
please tell me this nigger is really going to jail
i hope all niggers go to jail
except carlos matos, he's not a nigger, he's from new york city, new york
He tweeted that him and his wife are not talking anymore because people kept asking him about his wife after the crash.
if that is really his tweets
why are niggers so retarded that they are admitting their guilt to the public?
Its like they're literally incapable of shutting the fuck up'
Nick: White / shuts up deletes evidence (even though it doesnt matter)
Trevon/craig: black /admit guilt openly
ROFL yes thats exactly what i thought when i first saw him in thumbnails too
he has a way less hateable look than treyvon does , treyvon has whats that german word again for punchable face
somewhere between click clack and ooga booga.
hope he gets life sentence
his kid getting sterilized so it cant breed
and his whore wife getting the rope for being a coalburner
stupid niggers
>be nigger
>broadcast your crimes to the whole world to see
>be in a space with pretty much zero regulation
>still manage to break a law
niggers gonna nig, aren't they?
Aaaaaaaaaaaand another single white mother with a biracial child is born. Pottery.
its all about the technicalities
1/3 niggers will go to prison in their lives. not unexpected
They are niggers with an IQ of 80 or so
they fell for this scam like everyone else, difference being they started earlier so they ended up on top
ridiculous to sue them, anyone of the people being "scammed" by them would have done the exact same thing had they enterd bitconeeeeee earlier
Proper fucked.
nigguh nigguh nigguh ...
white women love niggers so much because deep down inside every white woman is a nigger.
great video review btw - topkek
Black people fall victim to their own acceptance of living the hood lifestyle. Last night at a Wawa, I bought hoagies using the kiask and the black girl was talking ghetto to some customer or her friend. Fucking kiosk on their side has what the person selected. She missed like 4 toppings I selected. Talking about buying fucking Jordans. I give up on cooperating with them. They don't talk normal, they wear their pants down to their ankles, and they buy police cars. Probably because they so much time in the back of a crown victoria, they eventually buy one. Then they put oversized rims on them. I just don't get it. The government is planning on outing the white race for the minority races. Suppressed people are easier to manipulate. It's worked on them the most.
I think Doug Polk should also sue Craig Grant for intimidation and threatening
>someone isn't acting like a good little wageslave and making my sandwich, unfailingly unquestionably and without distraction
>they're suppressed
maybe you're just a nerdy little bitch and no one cares enough to put value into anything that comes out of your mouth. are you a modern burger, user?
why the fuck would his son go to jail?
To punish Trevon ofc? That's what the US legal system is all about.
Real talk, I don't understand what they did that's a jailable offense. If people are dumb enough to buy into a ponzi scheme... isn't that their own fault? Trevon and Craig just gave bad advice
Found the nigger
>why is scamming people for financial gain illegal
someone explain to me why the unknown devs aren't being sought/prosecuted while everyone is distracted by these scapegoats?
also why no-one ever talk about cryptonick and confido
>tfw Tre hates white people
trevon's staying at the oceans 1 in Myrtle Beach, SC. I called this morning pretending i found a wallet on the sidewalk after the race and said that i found a keycard to the hotel in it and was wondering if the person was still there or if i should turn it into the police. I said i know you probably cant tell me if theyre there against some corporate policy but would you be able to tell me if i should turn it in to the police or to the front desk and they told me they could take care of it.
said id call in this thread the other day.
the marathon that is (it was on friday)
>Ulbricht deserved it
Bootlicking faggot deserves to get his shit pushed in.
They're not hood blacks. We never talk to cops.
t. literally saw someone get murdered and nobody said shit to the cops lmao