I have 2k REQ and just sold some Nano and link to fomo into XLM and have some 5k XLM.
Not sure if I should have split more of that money I put into XLM into more REQ
Daniel Jackson
REQ makes up at least 30% of my portfolio. The biz obsession with this coin sometimes makes me wonder if it's not actually my smartest hold.
Michael Wilson
I'm just tired of Veeky Forums, man.
Kevin Robinson
You own XLM
Aaron Hughes
XLM is an overvalued shitcoin. Enjoy your 5x gains EOY, while REQ does 100x.
Ian Mitchell
I'm tired of living near feral pavement apes. So if biz helps me move then it's all worth it
Easton Johnson
I actually believe you
James Powell
Reqqies are so deluded lmao they held through a pump and dumped back to the prices before the bull run lmao
Gabriel Wright
I don't even hate niggers that much. I hate white people who love them
Connor Ward
>t. deluded venfag
Andrew Richardson
I came from /pol too, for pretty much the same reason.
Aaron Bailey
$10 EOY, $100 end of 2019
Christian Cooper
The prophecy is real
Luke Scott
You all realize that REQ requires LINK to work.
So you might as well invest in LINK instead.
Dominic Reyes
Could use alternatives
Ayden Moore
like what?
The only oracle service with fiat paring at the moment is chainlink, Request also say in their latest project update that they are in talks with chainlink for their oracles and they do not mention any other solution.
T. 10k REQ holder. Not trying to FUD, just discussion
Jackson Ross
They said they had 4 alternatives outside of LINK that they could use but due to a large overlap between REQ and LINK holders they are giving priority to LINK.
They haven't gone in-depth into what the alternatives would be so nobody besides the Request Network team themselves know.
However I personally also hold a bit of LINK so I don't mind them using LINK. Still this does not make them dependent on LINK. Just that it's a mutually beneficial relationship due to holder overlap.
Daniel Wright
Not sure. I have 50k REQ. All in.
Caleb Robinson
I have 10k since .07 - i dont plan to sell. Am i gonna make it?
Daniel Hill
Kinda tired of the endless threads, but I legit think it's absurd that a project like this is at number fucking 90 on the crypto charts. There is literally no reason it should be below 50. What the hell even is Aeternity.
Jacob Gomez
Parker Taylor
Its still a young project. Its actually pretty high up on CMC considering how old it is.
Bentley Allen
If you hodl till 2020
Alexander Phillips
China will get involved and there willl be a huge crash in November. I'm from the future
Ayden Davis
What worries me is that they are being dependent on link working before they seriously consider backup solutions. And if link works then there is no doubt that the price climb will be much higher and faster than req. Makes me wonder if holding req is worth it.
Christopher Wilson
What will REQ be worth EOY then?
Logan Reed
What price can we realistically aspect eoy? 2$?
David Hernandez
They only need LINK for oracle services such as tokenized fiat. Not their entire product hinges on it and they still got 3 months to figure it out. I'm sure they have a backup that they could always use if LINK doesn't work out. Again they specify that they have 5 different options for oracles somewhere in the whitepaper or updates (forgot where I read it).
Jose Wood
$100 when?
Logan Baker
How can you believe in a project that outsources it's promises to pajeet developers ? 30 million for something thats suppose to compete with Venmo and Paypal top kek
Blake Fisher
I unironically rationally think we'll reach $2 within the next couple of months. They have a bunch of partnerships with big firms that they still haven't announced and they will announce at least one of them this month.
They say it's a YCombinator company. People are speculating Coinbase trading app uses the Request Network protocol or AirBnB starts adding the "pay with Request Network" button as an paypal alternative.
Josiah Howard
Because those "pajeets" already finished some apps and turned out they weren't pajeets but German software engineers:
They have 42 other companies making apps for them now.
But enough shilling for now. Just here to make other REQ holders realize that they just need a bit of patience.
Nicholas Garcia
Shit will take off if any of that happens
Jeremiah Rivera
yeah i think he is back
John Gray
Who is?
Michael Rivera
I think holding both REQ and LINK is a good idea. Both are going to be top cryptos in the next year or two. Just look at the absolute shitcoins in the top 50, some even top 25. There's no way these projects dont make it.
Evan Adams
It has gotten to the point where I start to worry about my holdings if I see it shilled here.
Shilling on biz = FUD.
Ian Jenkins
My portfolio right now. I love Req, but I am not certain enough to convert my btc into req. Grandpa might go on a huge bull run and wreck all alts. What do?
Charles Lopez
>We will see a bullrun never seen before on Veeky Forums even ETH and Antshares(NEO) will pale in comparison to what REQ will pull off in 2018. Hmmmm where have i seen this before O yea.... Ven as well as with 10 different coins shilled on Biz >Massive sell walls finally go away on Ven >No bull run Never trust a shill on biz folks, DYOR If the shill matches your research invest, other wise you will be left holding bags
Ian Flores
This is sensible But pls buy REQ sirs
Sebastian Richardson
not to be that guy. but vechain DID go on an ETH/ANS-level bull run. did almost 100x over the last six months.
REQ is less than 10x from the very bottom (post-listing, sub-ICO prices). it definitely has room to pull a 10x from here. even if it just goes back to its ATH it's already 4x
Mason Anderson
You stop trying to time the market and just hold the projects you seriously believe in after doing research and not care about small movements.
Bentley Bell
True but by the time VEN was shilled on biz daily it was already over $4 and we were all waiting for a 20x I have since sold Ven for a profit, i got in at $2.50 We were all waiting for it to moon like crazy but every time it would get blocked by sell walls from VEN partners them selves
Now Ven is just bleeding
Req is a good project, i've done some reading on it. Problem is , it is really hard to get in the space. It will take a long time before something like that is implemented as 'paypal' 2.0 Fact is , there are so many projects today solving issue A , B , C, D , E Some promising to solve all those issues They cannot all do a 20x It just doesn't work like that.
Colton Edwards
Is 100K enough to make it?
Dominic Turner
This is exactly the type of comment that makes me think link and req are a scam
Gabriel Gutierrez
so you're saying Not everything can pull a 20x (this is obviously true) but you were fully expecting VEN to pull a 2000x? what?
ppl on biz see REQ consistently in the 90-100 range on coinmarketcap. they rightly see this as undervalued, at least in relation to the rest of the market, given the strength of the team, the quality of the roadmap and partners, the opportunities presented by the request fund, and the mainnet burning mechanism that has yet to be priced in.
it's less about "this has to go 20x just because" and more about "this really ought to be valued higher than a bunch of projects with currently a higher marketcap than REQ"
Jacob Collins
Holy shit you're a fucking retard, do you have any idea what XLM needs to do to even reach $1.50?
Isaiah Cruz
kek let him dream He will be supporting Negroids in Africa dumping their 10 xlm bags on him in the masses
Ethan Watson
REQ should hit $10 before Link, thoughts?
Carson Johnson
I always see this being shilled here and my research leads me to believe this project has no reason to be adopted. It's not really trying to be PayPal 2.0.
Juan Sanchez
The FUD on req has evolved immensely from actual concern and dumb questions from brainlets to meme questions, then to funny memes. Now that the project is about to take off it's regularly shilled and now getting hit with the classic "oh it's shilled on Veeky Forums obvious scam". Amazing to watch and see on a week to week basis
Wyatt King
It's very similar to how OMG was fudded like fuck last year, but now you really don't see any of that and most people on Veeky Forums are bullish about it.
Besides the rare strangler that brings up >lmao vaporware no product when they just finished releasing their wallet SDK. Before, it was >scam, skateboards, chinks, fucking Thailand lmao, Mcdonalds.
I feel like most people on Veeky Forums are bullish on REQ now. All it takes is a team consistently delivering good updates, transparency and communication, and deliverables to shut down most FUD since there's honestly nothing left but memes at this point.
Adam Morales
I'd say my all-time favorite meme FUD is the >With my luck, they'll pick my tokens to burn most of the time
absolutely brilliant, subtle and hilarious
Anthony Torres
>It has gotten to the point where I start to worry about my holdings if I see it shilled here. I feel the same way.
Jace Hall
It's not about whether LINK fails, REQ fails, or if REQ switches to backup, because right now mostly likely LINK will provide fiat for REQ, and they'll both be sucessful.
What matters is LINK would need to be adopted before REQ, so there's no point in holding REQ.
I'm not saying REQ is shit just that LINK's price will explode first.
Tyler Bennett
By the time you get absolute official confirmation REQ is accessing fiat through LINK.
LINK's price will have already exploded.
Jeremiah Baker
Disagree. Request Network's "Pay with Request Network" button will release this month and already be used by the companies they have a partnership with.
LINK will only be used for oracles of fiat pairs. Fiat pairs will only be introduced between Q2 and Q3 2018. Meanwhile REQ price is already rising since it's already being used. Just not all features will be ready.
Dylan Ramirez
I don't doubt REQ will go up.
REQ may 4x, but LINK may 40x.
The fiat conversion is what is gonna make REQ do it's own 40x.