I was told not to wear my rolex to work anymore by a manager. I'm a server at a restaurant and will probably quit over this. Everyone else wears shitty walmart watches but I can't wear my rolex?
I was told not to wear my rolex to work anymore by a manager...
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full story?
He's crypto-rich and bragging about being crypto rich and still wagecucking while owning a rolex, or just roleplayin that
you posted this yesterday. kill yourself
no I had a 24 hour ban so It must have been someone else
you can afford a rolex but you can't afford taste that's why your still a fucking pleb
>get lucky and earn your first 90k in crypto
>immediately buy a gay ass used Rolex for 6k
>constantly brag to coworkers about it, even try to show it off to customers
>call coworkers "poorfags"
>manager gets complaints from the majority of employees after a week of this
could this actually happen? I have a unpretentious $20k rolex and will probably be going into business strategy out of undergrad, will people assume I'm a pretentious fag nevertheless?
This. OP doesn't realize that he is a total sperg. If you were a cool dude people would think you are cool. Soprano was cool, you are just fat. Why do fatties always think they are Soprano?
Holy shit, if I was holding a $100K a plate fundraising dinner I would have anyone who showed up with a plebex escorted off the premise immediately. Shit-taste baby's first expensive jewelry would not be welcome anywhere near myself or my powerful international banking allies.
i own a restaurant and none of my servers are allowed to wear watches or flashy jewelry.
its too distracting, and potentially disrespectful to customers.
your there to serve food not show off your bling
Why don't you stop being a faggot
>I would rather my servers sneak to check the time on their phone than just be able to glance down at their watch
As a customer the watch would be far less annoying.
>wearing a watch
Only niggers think like this.
I assume anyone who spends $20k on a watch is a faggot.
ever heard of a clock on the wall?
and every server station has the time on the screen...
yes and we serve niggers
seriously, your waitor can't be more balling then you, it would make some uncomfortable
yeah but you're probably also a shut-in virgin
I would agree, most of the time when I see shit like that I just label the guy as a try hard faggot.
t. not a virgin
Sell your Rolex and go all-in on XRP. Keep working. In a few years, show up to work in a Patek Phillipe.
Only curry niggers wear rolexes and wait tables, he is doing you a favour.
Also 2018, wearing a rolex lol
completely depends. if you wear it normally and never mention it then no
if you are like OP, you probably will do one or more of these things:
- have the band not fitted well, contantly fidget with the loose watch
- inappropriate rolling up of sleeves
- talk about it
- comment on other people's cheap shit
what should i wear
>works in service and gets all high and mighty
stop being a little bitch about it, quit your job and live the life you think you should be living. this job obviously is beneath you. or so you feel, anyway, if you have to brag with a fucking rolex, while working a SERVICE JOB.
oh, and btw. who the fuck told you that rolex bragging is still a thing. that's for old boomers who want to feel important.
have you seen the sleek and new digital watches that cost as much as rolexes, lately...
i'd rather have a piece of high-tech, shiny, black, futuristic beauty on my wrist than a round old mechanic piece of crap made of gold that does nothing but attract gangs of subhumans who want to rip it off me, to pawn it immediately for weed or whatever.
because of safety reasons you retard..
If some nigger spots you walking in with a rolex he will come after you with a gun shooting up the restaurant
Something functional which doesnt make you look like a nigger or a faget.
Your clients probably think it's fake. You're a server, you're a wagecuck no matter what.
THis but unironically. You can get a much nicer watch fora better value.
How about just tell time by looking at your fucking phone and invest the rolex money in mobius.
listen to this user advice sir. mobius is good coin. make you very rich sir.
If you have a networth under 1 million and you're wearing a 20k watch that's pretty faggot. Unless your job requires you to larp as richer than you are.
> Unless your job requires you to larp as richer than you are.
If you have a job that requires this should probably reconsider career path.
>unironically buying a rolex
Lmao did you google "expensive watch", or did you buy something you heard about from a rap song?
the watch cost $6k. how much should I have to be an appropriate purchase
it's a 1975 Cellini. Very classy.
Exactly this. You shouldn't be wearing any jewelry at all at a food service job, except for stoneless wedding bands (the stones can fall off into food), and earring studs.
>ask autistic nerds that pee in water jugs for fashion advice
just another of your many mistakes in life
OP , sell the Rolex and buy a Cartier . That’s what a real baller wears. Only Pajeets wear Rolex
I can understand the manager. Rolex is a pleb/nigga watch.
Sell the Rolex and buy a Grand Seiko. Or if you really want a Swiss watch buy a Zenith El Primero. Both cost as much as a Sub but are far better watches with a better image.
Problem solved!
desu you deseve it for wearing a rolex
Rolex is nigger tier. Stay poor
god tier watch, nice advice user
Buy a Tudor Black Bay or a Grand Seiko.. Stealth Wealth.
desu i would fire anyone who wore a rolex
imagine being this petty
Cartier is a fag brand.
I mean you can wear a non flashy watch. I wear a black weathermaster with a rubber strap to work cause I dont want to ruin my daily driver, and that's only a Seiko.
>keeping a clock on the wall
Now that's fucking tacky.
Wearing a fancy watch so others will notice is for faggot. Wear a $10 digital watch from target and spend your money on building real wealth, not useless shit.
Just wear one of these cunt
Fun to tell people about how Al Qaeda would turn them into bombs
Veeky Forums plebs don't deserve to wear the GOAT watch
A watch is a symbol of status and power.
What is the point of wealth if you can't show it off and influence people?
lol OP is such a faggot
I remember this paralegal who was Kingsman / Colin Firth (same height and face) posh who had a Rolex. Never thought I'd notice that about someone however I did notice it about him. Struck people as aloof and stuck up however I actually ended up striking a pretty interesting friendship with him because I spotted he spoke / could read Russian / Cyrillic.
He got mugged for his Rolex - I would have paid anything to see it. Some kid came up to him and said "You got the time bruv?" Then he's proceeded to try to wrest this watch off of him. He started hitting him with an umbrella before apparently hurling the watch over a hedge.
He was a bit peeved, but 2 weeks later, the watch turns up at his house in a green Rolex brand bag. Someone found it, returned it to a Rolex dealership and they identified who he was and sent it back to him. It was like the One Ring making its way back to Sauron.
This story is true. Whether or not one should always presume someone wearing a Rolex is a faggot I don't know - however in this case I didn't consider this guy a faggot. He's what you call class.
A server at a restaurant won't be influencing a lot of people.
You're nigger rich.
AP. But I'm not sure if you can afford it.
>whiteboy thinks some old faggot isnt a faggot because he's old and speaks russian
why the fuck would someone waste money on watches when there are mobile phones? besides you can get a watch for
He was in his 20s. Plus the average Russian whiteboy would twist your head off for calling him a faggot.
5$ Walmart watch here. 450k net worth. Still haven't been robbed by niggers despite taking public transportation to my business every day.
Nice watches are a meme
Tell them it's fake. Then tell the hot underage hostess it's not fake
the GOAT watch fuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark
if you don't wear this watch you are never going to make it
>he spends money on am expensive wrist ornament because media taught him it was a good way to express wealth & status
Bugman general?
The dudes I see wearing flash watches are old men or skinnyfat sclubs 90% of the time
The only person I've ever seen with a rolex stole 40 dollars from me. He also has more bitcoin than me so what gives?
Dude sounds awesome tbqh
considering niggers rap about these I'm gonna go ahead and say no. OP check out tag heur