Other urls found in this thread:
fo chan powah
>absolutely disgusting.
this is like saying your super secret name is david duke.
>Baiting the ledditors.
Either that or that guy is a huge soyboy and a massive faggot
sergey already pocketed 30mil usd u think he cares about some stuppid memes
usually i never use any filters on Veeky Forums, but this is just getting dumb
chainlink memes was funny at the start, but now its just pajeets and literal retards left bagholding
any ico buyer, including myself dumped a long time ago
get a grib, retard
how do we know the memes arent coordinated fud by pretending to be overhyped shilling
>sry guys i cant handle the memes
>im weakhanded
>i dont want to be rich either
That's what I read
>chainlink even has a plebbit filter
Truly /ourtoken/
i just told this faggot to suck a fat dick via PM
lel just bought back those links i sold at 7000 sats
does she have downsyndrome?
>Successfully baiting plebbit and Veeky Forums simultaneously
She's american
>through tons and tons of childish/vile Veeky Forums archive threads
time to post childish/vile link memes
and link dropped to 0 but in the 3rd day sergei released a working version from the private repo
how dare you downvote that post op? shame on you! -1
>selling because of my fiverr vid
Kek, please elaborate why you made the video.
- just to piss of the linkies
- to kill the project
- to acquire more link
get real fucktards,
thats exactly what everyone thinks when he looks at the autistic rubbish you produce
not like the soyboy who finds it vile, but everyone with half a brain knows that your saviour is deeply embarrassed by this shit
heck, i bet there are at least three of you stalker spastics who already stalked him in person while wearing his own signature cloths
thats beyond...i don't even find words for it
there will be mass suicides of deluded linkies when they realize this shit has gone nowhere or at maximum 2x
your whole pathetic screeching will end up in a phd thesis of a green haired, fat sjw anthropology bitch about cult figures for literal lowlifes
Stupid bagholder, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. There is a realm of existence, so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension. I am Bogdanoff.