Why would Von Neumman be anticommunist?


john von neumann was an anti-communist, that's unexpected due to the fact that communism is (theorically speaking) almost a flawless ideology (in comparrison of capitalism), and john von neumann was truly a genius. i wondered if anyone here could please show me any science-based argument against communism, as one that von neumann would argue.

were von neumann's reasoning about politics fundamented on his personal utility? or was something beyond individuality? is there any (actual) fundamental fault in marxist theory besides the economic calculation problem?


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He was Jewish.

Fuck off JIDF

he did game theory m8

so naturally communism is retarded

listen man all I know is my code usually gets evaluated from top to bottom unless theres some asynchronous function calls i don't know nothing about no 100,000,000 dead in the 20th century

His father was a banker as well.

>why would Von Neumman be anticommunist?
He was a realist, not an idealist.

yeah, i thought the same, it MUST be an actual argument based on game theory or cybernetics against communism, unfortunately as i've searching, he never deepened more about his political inclination

come on, i appealed to /sci instead of /pol just because i thought you could argue better than this...

wow....really makes you think...

Your cognitive bias is showing. It's historical for Jews to be capitalistic and to handle wealth. Maybe you need to read more.

This is not science or math, please stop baiting

Stop falling for the bait. Make sure to sage, report and hide non-science threads.

He was an anti Communist because he knew the goyim literally cannot compete with the Jews and domination over the goyim is the natural order of things.

Veeky Forums is a slowly sinking ship anyway. There's no stopping the decline now

damn if only you gave something to argue on. instead of "von neumann was against communism, a flawless ideology. why?" which calls for a truthful answer, not just a valid one.

> This is not science or math, please stop baiting

political science, economy and praxeology

i asure you i's not bait, therefore i would post this in /pol .

i can fall for whatever bait i want m8

op is either incredibly uneducated in terms of communism and/or is a teenager

>political science, economy and praxeology
These are social sciences. Veeky Forums is about physical and natural sciences plus math.

You should come over to . We have a lot of serious discussions of leftist theory and philosophy. You might need to do a bit of reading though, because I'm not sure you have a firm grasp on the framework if you're asking for an argument "against communism" without bothering to define what in particular you mean by "communism."

pol here.

capitalism rewards hard workers by letting them become rich by making their own industry or bussiness.

also capitalism rewards smart people who make new shit so they can patent it and companies tend to hire smart people to make cool shit to sell so they get bigger wages.

comunism doesn't reward this, but rather rewards the mediocrity because nobody gets a big reward, so nobody cares about their jobs because a doctor will get the same reward as some janitor.

this equality is actually the problem, because all the hard working people and smart people tend to emigrate or escape to capitalist countries.

so this brain escape of human potential drains resources and let the comunist country be run by generally corrupt people that takes resources, because a centralized economy means there will be corruption, dunno why, but people tend to be corrupted on the goverment.

So, comunist starts great but tend to slow down until it collapses because all the hard workers leave the country and all the smart people also leave, also that includes the inefficient of having a centralized market rather than a free one, even china uses something similar to a free market.

So, in every sense, comunism is extremelly inefficient in a pragmatic way, ending up on another revolution to take the country into a more free and capitalistic one.

>, that's unexpected due to the fact that communism is (theorically speaking) almost a flawless ideology (in comparrison of capitalism),
hehe nice try arent gonna bait me this time.

yeah i hate having fun too

>john von neumann was an anti-communist, that's unexpected due to the fact that communism is (theorically speaking) almost a flawless ideology

>john von neumann was truly a genius
>john von neumann was an anti-communist
Genius can't be anti-communist. Commusim is truly rational theory. Capitalism as opposite, based on irrational feelings such as egoism, greed, fear etc. I never met a capitalist in my life who can think rational.

Conclusion: von neuman was an idiot.

>comunism doesn't reward this, but rather rewards the mediocrity because nobody gets a big reward, so nobody cares about their jobs because a doctor will get the same reward as some janitor.

No one reward you for shitposting on Veeky Forums. Why you come here every day and post bullshit, huh? Something wrong in your theory.

>that's unexpected due to the fact that communism is (theorically speaking) almost a flawless ideology (in comparrison of capitalism), and john von neumann was truly a genius

Probably because a true genius is able to differentiate between a pragmatic solution and one that only works on paper. Inherently unequal capitalist societies are still better than communist ones that pave the way to authoritarian dictatorships.



kys commie.

Lel. Another proof that anti-communists are all retards
Thanks for posting

>he needs to be rewarded in order to achive his maximum capacity

>let's ignore what welfare does on niggers

Degenerative branch of the human evolution.

Why Socialism, Communism, Marxism and Leninism are flawed:

Socialism is a type of leftist fascism that removes intellectually honest procedures and replaces them with ignorant and skewed populist opinions, dominating and suppressing free will, individualism and the very nature of progress itself: free discovery and correction... in spite of arrogant group serving stagnant or static views of the status quo.
Argumentum ad populism is a logical fallacy not a political ideology anyone should strive for.
Any political system that weeds out the nature of free progress is inherently destructive and naïve.
Politics should strive to follow what systems work, the scientific method and epistemology... neither devoted to totalitarian consensus but review of what is true, based on testing... Not belief.

Secondly, most people that purport to be heros of the downtrodden are in essence either narcissists exploiting others for social gain (and therefore other gains) or to up their narcissistic self worth.

Munchausen Heroism +
Anti-epistemology +
Antisocial Behavior towards Minorities
[wealthy, intelligent, talented]

Everyone does.

Pick up a book.

Hitler was an even greater genius and Hitler was a Socialist.

checkm8 JIDF

Because anticommuting Clifford algebras are what you're supposed to build your fermionic field theories on.

>is there any (actual) fundamental fault in marxist theory besides the economic calculation problem?

how about the fact that it encourages a violent purge of the upper and middle classes, followed by an oppressive dictatorship of a single party that claims to 'represent the people' (ha!), you insane radical cunt?

Societies in which people are rewarded for their honest efforts are societies which work better on a fundamental level. Humans are animals and behave like animals whether you like it or not.

/pol/ here, came to Veeky Forums to see if there was really any intelligent people here
OP proved otherwise
goodnight all