This week .
Announcement tomorrow .
Tuesday is the big day .
This week .
Announcement tomorrow .
Tuesday is the big day .
cRipple, get out fast you guys are in a big surprise next week if you dont get out!
what announcement should happen? there won't be anything besides the interview on cnbc....
and forget the coinable stuff. won't believe it til I
saying this as someone who ones quite a few xrp ffs
This is going to be ugly, every crypto veteran knows this ripple/coinbase rumor is bullshit, just like last time.
They are trying to get one last pump before the dump. Mark my words- 5 minutes after the CNBC interview reveals there is no coinbase listing ripple will free fall at least 50%
cRipple shills out in force again hmmmmm
-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.
-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.
[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.
-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!
-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list
-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%
-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump)
Have you heard about nano ?
Coinbase had to wait for March to add new coins based in a deal they had with bitcoin core , XRP will happen and everyone knows it , just way too much money to be made
Should i pick up some bags when it tanls spectacularly? I own 0 cRriple and have done literally 0 research on it
have you heard about paypal?
Bugged double spend coin shilled by Lee?
Id rather kms
have your heard about venmo?
I don't even like this coin, but I went all in half an hour ago. This is the easiest 2x we've had in weeks coming up.
Next world reserve currency.
So here is the problem with this board and most crypto discussion in general.
Rather than actual legitimate good shilling, and realistic predictions, you rustle everyone’s jimmies with this kind of happy puppy bullshit.
Your hopes and dreams don’t matter you fucker, holders hate this because it’s hype/false hope/disinformation.
People who hate certain projects are disgusted by you and come in to shit the thread up.
Potential investors shy away because you sound like a flaming pajeet with scorpions in his 7 day shitters.
Please refrain from your terrible, terrible shitposting. You’re annoying the fuck out of all of us.
nano is a proof-of-stake garbage, and it has security issues
Ripple is faster and cheaper than Paypal. It's also permissionless.
You spoke for me. OP should khs.
Nope. Even the banks who use xCurrent do not and will not use ripple tokens. Ripple even went to court with Canadian banks who wanted to use their tokens because their contract entitled them to free XRP, which ripple did not want to give them since the price increased. They had an option of paying more to acquire the tokens but refused. Baidu ally this shows that banks do not want to fork over the cash to use XRP, and Ripple isn't going to give it them. So no XRP in banks.
So? Why should I pay 2$ for 1$ in paypal, same logic
>store of value (supply is fixed)
at any time ripple the company can decide not to mine your tx, for compliance reasons, or for any other reason they like, they own the network and decode what txs are acceptable or not.
its just like using twitter.
It doesn't matter if it's permissionless if I still have to upload my ID and a dick picture to get some BTC/ETH to change it into NANO
So you can scam without giving out the name
Limited supply does not mean jack shit if the total supply is fucking ridiculous and nothing stops them from increasing the supply lol. They even have the fucking ability to double spend that shit.
ripple is shit
you can use paypal instead
that's not true, if Ripple Labs disappear today, the network would continue to function. Validators only vote to agree on order for the transactions, they can't censor.
Unlike Bitcoin and all proof-of-work coins, double-spending is not possible with Ripple.
>nothing stops them from increasing the supply lol
It is as “easy” to “print” XRP as it is to “print” BTC: you need to modify the software and get people, exchanges, businesses and organisations to adopt the scam against their rational self interest.
Also, the following would happen.
1- XRP's price would collapse immediately
2- Their main source of revenue would be gone.
3- Their reputation, the most important thing you need in this business, would be irrevocably destroyed. No one, not users nor banks would trust them ever again
4- they would be sued into oblivion by the institutional buyers who bought directly from them under the fixed supply assumption
>If announcement, Ripple is tripple
No announcement, Ripple is cripple
Biz doesn't like it, so go all in, got it..
Tuesday, 5PM eastern.
paypal prevents people from moving money if they dont like them. nano is better.
NANO Marines report in!
It's time for operation RAPE Ripple.
Fuck them fast and hard NANO style.
Pump & Dump that shit take profits to NANO!
This needs to be the new Veeky Forums pasta.
why did they have to wait until march? to give them a chance to get lightning going?
Maybe because of the pump and dump of BCH and the ensuing SEC investigation?
Maybe because Coinbase had difficulty handling the traffic when everything was going crazy in December/January? This would explain why they are having 90 new support employees start on Monday, with 500 being hired through May. I don't know.
NANO Marines report in!
>Operation RAPE Ripple is initiated!
good points, makes sense to me
XRP $1000 EOY
Or it's a fake out so it dumps and they buy the dip. Then add it in coin base a month later
Prepare your anus boy because some big dicks are going to enter it without lube and condoms.
Ever got your shit pushed back in hard and deep?
>Gotta be a first time for everything ain't it.
or they announce on Tue that XRP is being listed a month later, to establish liquidity in the order books. a month long pump
XRP is the most useless shit in the crypto world.
Just ask yourself. Why the fuck do they primarily offer CONSUMERS the "investment opportunity" when the whole shit is meant ONLY FOR BANKS?
You are fucking idiots.
not a fake out it was set to happen but the bcash fiasco push backed a lot of things
this is the most likely scenerio
if so its not going to be late to buy in
The sad thing about these announcements is that insiders are usually the winners and if you're not careful and sell the news you'll get tucked. Crypto trading is not regulated, before announcements staff, family and friends stock up then they dump on you right after the announcement
>t. a literal faggot with no memes
>with no memes
You can use your asshole as a meme after it has been used by several NANO Marines.
There will be dripping shit, blood and sperm out of it for days, at least 40 stitches guaranteed.
You will feel like a female that feels love for the first time.
We will make you love us!
>The official RAPE Ripple asshole meme
Go back to South Africa.
I want to go inside of you.
I want to feel your shit with the tip of my dick and push it back in deep and hard.
I want you to say that you love me and that I make you feel female and that you never want to feel like a man again.
>MEME inside your anus
Too much of your personal fantasies in that one faggot. Buying ripple now, never letting my money touch the nano faggot scam.
Think of me tonight entering you anus.
Dream of how I take your anus virginity.
>NANO Marines report in!
Operation RAPE Ripple!
nano marines losing volume to ripple and about to get dumped on when roadmap is released.
Subtle FUD.
Told you guys itd be the last time we ever see ripple at .89-.90 cents kek.
XRP is ok. I bought a large position at 0.92$ expecting some 10-20%, but it won't triple for no reason in a bull market as long as BTC doesn't have a serious breakout.
You obviously don't know how a coordinated P&D works.
>All profits will towards NANO
i doubt it will triple but i could see it almost doubling. the market has been waiting for anything to breakout. it's going hard now, the FOMO may get out of control, especially monday
Yep, wont triple for no reason. But is XRP does get added on Coinbase it will at least double for sure. And looking at the fomo right now i wouldnt be suprised if it trippled
>all profits will toward nano
Operation RAPE Ripple!
No, I rather keep my profits and don't lose them by putting it into a shitcoin like nano
sell the news
I love you all , Especially
its mooning now. doesnt matter if ur nazi brain makes u hate the coin. Buy and sell tomorrow. Easiest 2x ever.
fuckfuckfuck it keeps going up, should I just fomo in right now?
are they compliant with with Coinbase's policies now after the release of these 2 papers? Cobalt and some other.
balls deep RIGHT NOW or never make it. Easiest choice to me senpai.
Yeah itll probably correct to this price after tuesday if no major news , so theres low risk of a long term loss and a good chance at a quick profit if youre looking short term gain.
dear lord look at that fucking volume
they are not policies
Yeah, it's TRX all over again on Binance. Lagging like crazy and the desktop version is not working for some reason...
Normie monster waking up?
Sign me up. All in.
Holy fuck for reference it was at 4629ETH 17hrs ago.
ok not policies, the "factors they evaluate" then.
you may need to uninstall the current one manually and install the new version
by the end of 2018 there will be very few validators (if any) run by Ripple Labs, in addition to that, Cobalt will make node inclusion more decentralized
Ever hear of stocks? Ripple needs the capital to invest in their tech.
bought ripple at 0.62 AMA
everybody, look at this user and let him be the remind you that going outside every now and then might be a good idea
Ripple to be listed on coinbase confirmed
Bullshit. Where?
Already dumping xD LOLZ KEK
i pajeeted my english there. i guess im the one that needs a break
Exactly!!!! I keep telling people this but they are too fucking dense to do 2 seconds of research.
so is this connected to a possible coinbase listing? do you think they'll announce it on that show?