Can we get an official EOS redpill thread going? Seriously this thing is run by Dan Larimer, he legitimately is equivalent to Satoshi Nakamoto for genius level in the crypto space. I know there's a lot of buzz going on so let's come together and share our knowledge bizbros.
Other urls found in this thread:
The CEO is a pedophile who fucks cuban 14 year olds. I'd rather invest in a company with a nigger running it like Telcoin
cuban 14 year old boys EDIT
sounds like a man of fine taste to me
This is literally the only coin that doesn't need any shilling. Everyone will FOMO in when the time comes.
1. Will be faster than ETH will ever be (millions of tx/s)
2. Weiss ratings: EOS is *only* crypto to tie, and later SURPASS ETH.
3. $1B capital injection program for EOS projects.
5. No transaction fees.
6. Not vaporware. The testnet for devs has been out for months. Mainnet launches in June.
7. Can host Facebook on EOS.
8. EOS has partnered with big VC firms who will pick winning projects to fund.
9. Google co-founder Eric Schmidt has partnered with EOS through his VC firm TomorrowVentures. He provided a quote for an EOS press release.
11. Most VC funded EOS projects won’t do ICOs, they will airdrop to EOS token holders. Think of owning EOS as owning NASDAQ and receiving free stock in everything listed on it.
12. EOS tokens are real estate on the EOS blockchain. They give you access to EOS network bandwidth for dapps. You can rent your EOS out to devs for passive $, in addition to $ from EOS VC project token drops.
13. Real estate is better than fuel. You don’t burn it, you hold it for incredible gains.
14. Mike Novogratz (CEO of Galaxy Digital, former Goldman Sachs partner) & early investor in ETH, announced $325 million EOS fund. He sees potential in EOS over ETH.
15. Richard Jung, former CEO of Bithumb, joined to lead the Korean community.
16. EOS is the biggest thing in crypto since Bitcoin, and will probably flip Bitcoin and Ethereum.
17. Elite developers are excited about EOS. Much more so than any other platform. This includes Ethereum, Cardano, IOTA, Hashgraph, etc. EOS will crush all of them.
18. $100 - $1000 by 2018/2019
+ smart contracts compiled directly from C++
+ DEX already being developed by BitFinex, a top bitcoin exchange
But hey, what am I doing. I am not supposed to say those things.
C++ is fucking gay
You can compile into WASM from any language
scam pajeet coin DYOR
What turned me off is when Dan Larimer was like "Yeah we collected a billion dollars but we aren't even launching it in June, the community is in control of switching it on."
A legal gimmick to avoid getting ass-raped by SEC
All in EOS but I hate everybody here so I never post about it
and because of his attempted legal bs, there will be multiple eos chains from the very start, none of them official.
It's a confusing situation and I think a big part of why it hasn't been bought into that much so far
>supports apple bio-metric wallet unlock
>your user name is your wallet address
>launching with wikipedia killer already on the network
but that is not what happens in practice
the one that
meant to say the the one that honors the distribution will obviously win
don't be retarded
Don't forget the funds raised in the token event (over a billion dollars) are slated to pay for developers to make dapps on EOS.
im sure they all will honor the distribution, thats the problem
Doesn't HPB aim for a crazy number of tx's per second too
i can say that dan larimer did this for bitshares and steem and there isn't multiple competing versions of either
Salty that I didn't buy at 0.6$
this is why I don't trust EOS.
they could sent multiple falcon heavies into space and literally buy the SEC and all they have is fucking vaporware
Actually true.
I wrote the EOS redpill copy pasta here:
exclusively as a service to Veeky Forums
even if there is, we will get tokens on all of them. but one wlll clearly emerge
People are consistently massively confused on what mcap means. It does not mean anyone is worth that much. It means if every single coin was sold for that price they would worth that much. Every one knows with a decent sized sell off the price tanks so it isn't possible to do that. These companies are not worth more than Apple ffs.
This guy fux.
Seriously though, I get it, what happened to the biz of may17...
That's not how market cap works. By that logic, no company is worth their market cap, since trying to liquidate all shares at any current price would immediately tank the value. Retard.
What’s the deal with burgers and this coin? Don’t you have to KYC to transfer your coins to the mainnet?
if we buy them off an exchange we didn't particpate in the ico
>eth killer
Kind of true. mcap is much more complicated if you want to play (((doubles))) advocate. Theres a lot that goes into it. But essentially you're both right in a way. Anyways mcap meme needs to die.
only 88 more days to use this uninformed meme
What's a better metric?
You serious nigger? You're comparing speculative assets with companies that factually MAKE MONEY? That's a huge difference. And yes, if people panic sold for zero reason their mcap would plunge even in stocks. It is called a flash crash and has happened thousands of times.
i feel torn about holding these coins because Brock Pierce is a pedo...
i am not using overhyped vaporware, sorry
Just sold all by bags. Thanks OP
Depends what you mean. But point is looking at mcap as a glance means every coin currently valued at x$ * circulating supply = current mcap. But if even 15% of circulating supply is market sold the going rate will tank thus mcap will dip heavily. So its misleading. In crypto in my opinion really have to look at a lot of factors, sat value, usd value, supply, the tech, team, roadmap, liquidity, how distributed the coins are, etc. Its a lot more complicated to valuate a coin.
rofl @ the ada clowns who knows eos is going to body them
> muh pedo
dude was a victim straighten your shit out you dirtbag
EOS is next ETH. Strap on boyz 50$ comming this week!
If the coin has decent volume, you can sell your asset at approximately the market price with only minor slippage. Marketcap is still the best single figure for comparing project valuations.
Possibly might be the best currently.
He’s a child
NEO surpassed them both in the latest Weiss rating
EOS, Ethereum: B
Who gives a fuck what brock pierce did when he was a dumb kid.
In larimer we trust
you try again shithead
Nope, NEO got A- in the latest ranking.
100% false
and that's not the ceo btw
brendan is the ceo and he was an insanely successful entrepreneur long before eos came about
is it even possible for EOS fudders to get btfo this bad ever again?
Weiss is a scam, but if you'd have watched his "emergency" report on wednesday EOS was his #1 mention of the 3 to buy and neo was not one of them
It's enough to look at his discussion with satoshi in 2010 to understand he's a real deal.
>If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.
-Satoshi Nakamoto
already priced in
post the context
> I am convinced that bandwidth, disk space, and computation time necessary to distribute and "finalize" a transaction will be prohibitively expensive for micro-payments.
satoshi got btfo by dan
dan predicted the problems bitcoin has today and presented them to satoshi.
satoshi was wrong and dan was right.
remember that forever.
What the fuck is this shit
unironically the future of blockchain
eos will be the final boss of dpos smart contract blockchains
then something like a working tangle will come out.
Did somebody say jacuzzi?
tangled pubes.
Looked into the eos ico. These instructions are retardedly complex. Fuck this shit.
EOS is a fucking joke.
can u explain why it's uninformed?
wow the pedo says he's not a pedo! listen nigger, if your name is even mentioned with a pedo, not to mention multiple pedos, and you're a rape victim yourself...guess what you're a pedo. go suck baby dick you faggit nigger lover BTFO
great argument, have fun being poor
dumb people don't deserve to make it
Do they have anything coming in the near future? Memelines are favorable.
A working turd will become entangled in the nappy butt-dredlock that is Dan Larimer
Dan is legitimately the equivalent to Satoshi Nakamoto in his level of genius.
Read OP. You've been blown the fuck out. DYOR.