Made this Chicken Alfredo with angel hair pasta
Made this Chicken Alfredo with angel hair pasta
1/10 cause the chicken looks edible
It is something to eat. If you need to eat something, this may do the trick.
Others who do not base our survival on scraps would offer remarks of an unimpressive manner.
You, on a Styrofoam plate, placed unimpressively cooked chicken. The noodles are just a fuckin heap with a cheesey sauce that you supplemented with more cheese.
This is bland aids on a plate, and your cooking is a blight. Try adding a vegetable or a sauce that's less boring. I cook shit like this because I don't have time to do better or give a shit when I'm feeding myself. You posted this on the internet for strangers.
I'm a fucking expert at cooking trash, and I can recognize it when I see it.
Is this phillipino
Any non americans care to explain what angel hair pasta is? I've never seen it for sale in the spaghetti isle
it's really thin pasta meant to go with light sauces
It is revolting. Only marginally better than those god awful glass noodles or whatever it is Philippinos put in their shit tier 'cuisine'. Avoid at all costs.
Don't ever 'cook' again.
Rice noodles are nice but are totally different to pasta, since they aren't made from wheat
Filipino food sucks ass but there's other SEA food that's God tier
screw you guys - i'll eat that
this is chicken wings, ramen noodles and medium cheddar. mufucka all you need is a plastic fork and a little nappy headed knee-knocker in the back wearing an old diaper holding an empty juice box and crying.
>fully cooked chicken
that shit should still bleed
Looks more like Alfred's chicken with Cheyenne's hair
Glass noodles are not rice noodles, you inbred, slackjawed mongoloid.
Looks like a jap pooped out his noodles from lunch on a plate and threw a couple of kraft singles down before garnishing his literal shit with some 3 day old portuguese chicken pieces.
>whatever it is Philippinos put in their shit tier 'cuisine'
Vienna sausages?
I didn't ever say that glass noodles were rice noodles you stupid fucking cunt face
its a very thin pasta here we usually add them to chicken soup
>this much damage control
that's cute
Capelli d'Angelo, a traditional type of pasta which is usually eaten with broth.
Generally, here in Italy it is given to kids Learning how to eat pasta.
>spaghetti isle
>a whole island dedicated to spaghetti
Thanks, that explains why I can't buy it in the first world country I live in. We have much better things to learn how to eat than pasta.
>Filipinos have "shit" cuisine
The stuff you get at restaurants is rarely similar to stuff filipinos cook at home. There is this one dish called Laing that is GOAT tier.
Why so testy? Guy answered a question in a perfectly reasonable way.
On your period?
this actually looks pretty tasty. I mean its buffalo wings ramen and some cheddar cheese but it looks pretty good.
>Chicken Alfredo
I see no Alfredo sauce
0/10. Image does not match description.
Also, those are ramen noodles. Nothing wrong with that,but call them what they are.