Ask Subway's newest employee anything

Ask Subway's newest employee anything.

I just had my first shift yesterday.

What do you think about the bread? How is it baked/packaged?

why does my clothes fucking smell like subway all day after waiting in line for 5 minutes

Why are you up at 3 in the morning?

gluten free bread options when?

The bread is frozen. Some breads we wet with water and put seasoning on them. Then we bake them in an oven until they're done and then we cut them open. With my first shift, we threw away 50 loafs of bread. I don't like it when people order flatbreads.

Subway smells good so I can't complain (at least for now)

I fell asleep at 6pm because I'm also a student and I was exhausted from today.

when you stop being a faggot or celiac

There's gluten free where I live in Canada. 6 inch only and costs a bit extra.

did you enjoy eating subway before you worked there? has your opinion of the place changed since being hired? why do you faggots always skimp on my god damn shredded cheese

yes I've enjoyed eating at subway and still do. we get a free 6" after every shift and I'm poor so I can't complain.

The only way my opinion has changed is realizing almost everything is frozen, and I won't be ordering 100 veggies on my sandwiches anymore because they're a bitch to make.

We skimp on shredded cheese because the meats/cheese person has to have a specific amount listed. if you ask for more you'll be charged extra.

how long til you quit

wow, that's good news. hopefully they do that here too eventually. gonna start monitoring their website. cheers.

i can understand the sliced cheese being allocated to four per sandwich, but its fucking shredded who cares. you'll pile a fuckload of lettuce on it and pinch the fuck out of the cheese like a rabbi and his pennies. how do you even mandate that. oh the tub is half an ounce short i'm going to write your bitch ass up. this genuinely frustrates me.

i actually think i'll like this job but ya never know

why shredded cheese then? why not get slices of cheese if you're so autistic about it?

serve sliced cheddar faggot

whyd yall niggas git rid of honey oat?

it's not popular

why are you attention whoring on Veeky Forums because you worked a whole 8 hours at a fast food chain

are you a girl?

When are they gonna bring Jared back??

Not that user but what? it was the best bread.

Also, my question, what do you get when you build your own sandwich?

My personal favourite is
Honey oat
sliced cheese
let it get toasted a bit
Red onion

no sauces or anything just that.

Are you Indian or Central/East Asian?

How do I trigger a Subway artist?

Can I order a hamdog now?

why do the bins of ingredients all have white scum on them?

is that mold? ice? bits of old cheese and meat?

Sounds like your Subway is run for shit, my dude.

I've put in 2.5 years at this point, and it only gets worse from here.
That "Good" smell will permeate every fiber of your fucking being. Your clothes will reek of it, your skin will reek of it, and everything you touch will reek of it.
Don't expect to enjoy eating Subway for long. It's not that seeing where it comes from turns you off of it, it's that you slowly begin to realize that every FUCKING INGREDIENT tastes the exact same. At this point, it's more a job of choosing what texture I want my lunch to be rather than what flavor.

Also don't be a fucking cheese prude, dude. Unless your manager is breathing down your neck you can give people a living salary of monterrey cheddar goddamn.

One tip though: get on closing shift ASAP. I cannot stress this enough. Working Lunch is not worth it. In every store I've worked at, Lunch is twice as busy with the added shitshow of having the managers swarming around doing business hour shit.
But if you start at 3pm every day, you're set.
>Everything's already prepped, just have to make sure your cheeses and dressings are stocked and shit.
>Important people are gone
>Dinner is laid-back
>After dinner all that needs to happen is panning bread, cleaning the floor, and doing dishes
This past summer the other closer and I would just chill on our 3DSes once 8pm hit because the job literally fuckin' does itself after lunch. As long as you get the bread in the retarder at 9pm you're set. Even on a bad day, I'd be locking up the store and leaving only 2 or 3 minutes after closing. It really is that simple.
Also on closing you can get away with so much shit because even if you fuck up they'll just leave a strongly worded note. The managers get in at 6am and are long gone by 3pm. As long as it's not a sty for them when they come in in the morning, you're set.

Probably mostly ice, but you can't rule out the stray frozen mozzarella.
The front line runs at some arbitrary amount below freezing, so the areas between bins freeze over. Don't worry 'bout it

It's just not worth it to make anymore because at 90% of locations most of the bread they throw away is Honey Oat.
You have to make up probably 20 loaves in the morning just in case people suddenly want it, but over the course of the day I'd maybe sell 5.

I'd rather they have the room in the inventory so they can start doing limited time breads again. Garlic was GOAT, and Jalapeno Cheddar was similarly based.

those vegetables are just plastic frozen trash right?

The veggies are all fresh and chopped in-store, actually.

Why do you think working at subway is something to be proud of?

Who was the most physically beautiful person you have made some part of a sandwich for so far?

Also were you personally shocked by how the organic rotisserie chicken tastes?

I worked in a Love's Travel Stop subway and it is a 24/7 shit show. You have no time for prep and dishes because you're chain ganged to the front line (constant mega buses). Having a good day there is literally not wanting to be dead 2 hours into your shift. AMA

I don't think he will be back after he put his six inch inside a child

We had bagged lettuce spinach and vinegar based stuff (pickles etc.) But Cucumbers Peppers and Onions were chopped

I've never been to a subway before but they will be opening one soon near were I live and I really don't want to look like an idiot when ordering something. what is the best way to order?

Are you Romanian?

enter at the wrong side of the line and start by ordering vegetables

1. Write your order on a card
2. Hand to sandwich artisan
3. Thousand yard stare as the make your food and silently judge you

As a 40yr old loser I can tell you working at a Subway is one of the easiest jobs I have ever had. It sucks I work around a bunch of teen girls and the manager is menopause; but the work is cake.

I have had a many a shit job in my life - too many bad choices on my part - but Subway is not that bad as far as fast food work goes.

Tell us more of your stories friend, what are some experiences from your other jobs?

Do you guys have buffalo chicken? If not, fuck you.

If you don't say anything and keep completely silent, they'll assume your deaf. I've seen this at Taco Bell a few times,, and not just at the counter, but in the drive-thru

Many. I have been a baker, a short order cook, refueled diesel trucks, union roofer, delivered caskets to ghettos, certified locomotive engineer, mover, pizza cook, worked at "asian" restaurants, factory/wharehouse work, retail work/including a head shop, volunteered at a vegan farm rescue place, hopped freight train for bit, lube tech, few fast food places, and various other dead end jobs.

>what are some experiences from your other jobs?

pine-sol. black funeral homes uses this stuff because they don't pay for shit on time and they let bodies sit out for days. I have actually seen dead nigger storage and it isn't pretty. I had to meet up with a black pastor one day who was only good for cash and cram a casket into the back of his mini van over an old dead black women's corpse on some side street in the hood.

While working at "chinese" restaurants I have seen the owners pick up a piece of shitty battered chicken that has been stepped on and they toss it back into the mix.

While working at the head shop I would often get gangster dealers who thought it was a a weigh station. They would produce a wad of cash, ask for a scale they produce a softball size rock of coke when I put the scale out on display.

never went to school?

I actually tutored anthropology at a state university as a freshman. Was on Deans list for both Arts and Science, won awards from the department and almost had a paper published as an undergrad - if I just finished the damn thing(Chinese history)

I am the very definition of smart, well read and lazy. I say this not to brag; but so others don't end up like me. Don't end up at Subway doing fuck all.

you majored in chinese history?

Anthropology and East Asian history, though mostly Chinese. I wanted to pursue EA studies and anthropology of food.

And I thought this was just me

The moral of the story is that if you're going to college, have a clear cut plan.

>The moral of the story is that if you're going to college, have a clear cut plan.

While there is a lot of truth to that it isn't the the only option. If I had to do over over again would learn a trade like pipe fitting, electrician or carpentry. Something that you could always market regardless of the economy.

You can always spend your time learning stupid stuff about Chinese food. Maybe even make money at it. But knowing a real trade will almost always pay better than writing lectures.

Is college fun at least, user?

You can become a history teacher if you get teaching credentials.Takes a year.

I guess. I like learning and went late in life. I was in my 30's when i started uni.

Well one thing I have been offered is a few good jobs in shitty places teaching English. I Just have to get my TEFL and give up beer, pork and fun in order to make good money.

Did you get outcasted because of your age? Did girls still come onto you? Did you go to parties? Did you stay in the dorms? How hard was it for you to make friends?

Why don't you like when people get flatbread?

Which ninja turtle is your favorite>?

Yes and almost half my age.
Hard, I am a complete introverted asshole.

Why didn't you go to parties, were you not invited? Did you get to make friends eventually despite it being hard for you? Are you attractive since young girls were hitting on you? Where did they hit on you at if you didn't go to parties?

>Did you go to parties?
I should also mention I got in trouble from the school because I threw an "unofficial" back to school party one year for the anthro dept that involved a keg of Guinness and I got warning over that. Apparently the club president isn't allowed to buy beer or something.

Loud groups of people are not my thing, invited not the issue

Yes, met some great people.

7/10 at best and ginger. And that is pushing it. I am just fun to talk to.

In class. I was the old guy that knew stuff and the professors were impressed with.

>ey gingerboi pass me that pencil over there
>wawww they hit on me sugoii

I'm going to university soon which is why I am asking so many questions. How easy is it getting invited to parties? How do I make friends?

While there was a lot of that, there isn't a lack of college girls with daddy issues.

Show up to class with a shirt saying "invite me to parties". Trust me.

spent a year of my life working at subwayy at 19
OP trust me
get the fuck out of there
so many more productive things you could be doing

>How easy is it getting invited to parties? How do I make friends?

I don't know. I could give a fuck about either of those things. I went into social science for much of sort of the same reasons crazy people go into psychology- I don't like people on the whole and needed to understand that from an evolutionary/historical/cultural point of view.

And the more I learned about us the more I hate. I am not the person to ask..

Oh shit, that's a good idea. Did it work for you?

Y-Yeah, I p-promise hehe.

was everything/everyone around you dirty as fuck. did you always worry about catching some sort of disease.

And I am guessing you are East Asian - because Indians have huge amounts of hubris.

Some advice: fuck parties, find a nice girl and make good friends with your dept heads. A letter of recommendation means more than a guy you got drunk with. Get good at what you are learning and don't get smug at that cute girl from the village your family is trying to hook you up with.

I'm actually a white female but I'm kind of average looking. Hopefully I meet a nice guy though, thinking of lurking around the engineering department just to.

you will almost never meet a nice guy at a party. If you just want to get your box rocked, yeah, you will find someone. If you want to meet a person for long term love and family, wait until grad school.

Loves user here. Yeah it wasn't filthy but it wasn't spotless, the people were pretty clean but less than refutable.