>The actual fuck is wrong with Ambrosus's CEO
Caption this picture.
>The actual fuck is wrong with Ambrosus's CEO
Caption this picture.
He's a gigantic faggot.
>being a normal human being on Halloween
Kys you basement dwelling neet.
Pussy Slayer
Mamma Mia, he's about to take over Italy with just a baguette.
he is a conqueror, that is all
This is some pretty weird shilling. I would like to have been in on the conference call when the marketing team pitched this idea.
Besides, we already have our chad.
>charged with crimes because he ran for office as a libertarian
>made shittons of money because of his spiritual convictions
>founding his own country
>champion of liberty
Looks like a gypsy out to pick your digital wallet
lol you jealous you jerk off less often than he fucks?
These faggots are literally getting shekels for shilling from a whale who owns 4 million amb and a 9 million eos, apparently.
Who the fuck invests in shitcoins like AMB, EOS, VEN?
someone who does their research, faggot. if you don't see the potential value in supply chain coins, you are the king of brainlets
>why invest in a coin with an actual use case in an industry valued 5T insted of muh shitcoins?
The state of Veeky Forums...
There are plenty of altcoins with use cases like Chainlink and NEO. ERC-20 tokens? Vaporware RFID tags on blockchain? Get fucking real.
AMB is the sleeping giant of 2018. The marketcap for supply chain coins alone will be about 50 billion dollars. AMB will be worth at least 10% of that market, maybe more
>There are plenty of altcoins with use cases like Chainlink
You're as deluded as these AMB faggots.
>late adopters are actually buying this shitcoin
how is the token for any supply chain tech even necessary? Having secure goods on the blockchain makes sense, but the token offers nothing in any of these
this guy is taking all your "investor" money and blowing it on clothes, vacations, and vapid roasties. but hey, you guys found the "next big thing" right?
Seriously, they don't even have a main net out yet
>You need actual partnerships and a fuckload of impossible vaporware tech to be worth even 500 mil, retard.
Lol you dumb herpes those are his pics before he started Ambrosus. We was already rich, well dressed and swimming in pussy. I would rather trust my money to an alpha male who wants to win, than to scammy chinks or pathetic pajeets
>Lol you dumb herpes those are his pics before he started Amb
Once cringe always cringe
someone sometimes can find redemption brah
Not gonna lie, former AMB bagholder here. This is fucking hilarious watching Versetti crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Egotisical douche bags usually run their companies into the ground just look at enron
but hes not gonna crash and burn brah
Get real. Is there anything that would let anyone but a brainlet think that he won't just scare away potential clients with his behavior? He'd literally need direct connections on his team to broker deals at this point.
llike that team member of his working for nestle since 30 years or wot?
they have half of Nestle and Big Pharma on their team, not to mention President of Crypto Valley, Cofounder of Ethereum, Cofounder of IoT and a bunch of professors from Harvard and ETH Zurich. You think like a fucking baby boomer. AMB CEO is the next gen businessman. Watch him win and cry for not getting enough AMB
this chad could actually convince 2 heavyweights to work for him (vlad trifa and gavin wood) i'm sure he will have no problem getting clients. your fud is weak as fuck and that makes me COMFY
youre right lets commit tons of developer resources to build a blockchain and tons of distributed computing power to confirm transactions and then just let everyone use it for free because we are all just swell guys
Just remember, biz fuds all the good projects. It’s like you’re scared of making money
I can't invest in Amb, CEO isn't smug enough. Now Ven on the other hand..
fuck man if this isn't smug enough idk...
>when a walty walks into my restaurant
is there any reason AMB should be valued less than vechain at this moment especially considering that it isn't a chink scam? seems like an obvious 30x
>is there any reason AMB should be valued less than vechain at this moment especially considering that it isn't a chink scam? seems like an obvious 30x
AMB doesnt have a CCK doing retarded borderline illegal shilling of a gook vaporware scamcoin. its actually legit and above the board and will pump harder than mandingo on viagra when the partnerships and hardware are revealed in Q2/Q3. buy now or regret forever.
OMG I didn't know he's the chad of crypto O.o