Guys please help me find the next 2015-2016 Ethereum. I am begging you, I cant live like this anymore
Guys please help me find the next 2015-2016 Ethereum. I am begging you, I cant live like this anymore
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lmaoing @ ur life
go fuck yourself, you don't deserve anything good in your life.
Send me your coins and I will tell you, sir.
LUX or MAN, maybe nebulas if DAG shitcoins catch on
why man
SOY coin
If you are tired of living like that, then go do something about it, I'm not gonna give you the answers, now fuck off and either rot in your shitty life or do something about it.
timestamp hand to make sure youre worth saving
Genuinely trying not to sound like an asshole here, but the people who made it big on ETH in 2015 were tech savvy risk takers who did their own extensive research and invested prudently, whereas you're just some guy begging a board full of shills and trolls to somehow make you rich.
Unless you change your attitude you're not going to make it.
why cant u just help me?
Shhhhh not yet, I need to acc
the funny thing the next eth was already posted here
but hes not even gonna read up on all these posted coins
so stay poor OP
die in a fire, OP
copy my portfolio and you'll make it. no need to dyor, i already did it.
JUST 101
why MAN ?
Streamr $DATA
As if op with his $500 inheritance will clear out current supply
Wanchain. Buy as many as you can when it hits exchanges below 3 dollar.
There was a reason Trump was memed to death on /pol in 2016.
There's a reason _____ is memed to death on /biz in 2018.
No one can give you the correct answer here. If you want big gains, you need to take a big risk with a small market cap coin.
electroneum, dont listen to what people on here say about it. you will get 200x gains.
pick one:
That would mean, more than Ethereums Marketcap.
I don't see this happening in this dimension.
It's LINK, friend. Memes are real.
it's not link, sorry
Ok op since I’m a kind person I’ll tell you.
It’s unironically ADA.
Now pay it forward.
Listen and listen close. It’s komodo kmd. Get in or stay poor forever
But it is
Is it MAN? I’m curious user
>I am begging you, I cant live like this anymore
kek not liking the comfy NEET lifestyle?
POA for a short rocket ride.
Did sergey pain this retarded kid to run around and scream to fud link from reddit? What does he mean by this? Im so confused atm
Fuck, I mean paid*
No, that is a legitimate owner of over 50k LINK. He is a very good representation of who is buying this meme coin.
no you didnt otherwise you would have BTC
Nuls or Zil
Currently trading on IDEX, tidex, and etherdelta.
Their alpha was running at 200,000 transactions per second, the mainnet will be able to handle 1,000,000 transactions per second when it releases early this summer and the tokens are switched over.
guys im tired of being a cashie please tell me what to do. I have another .5 btc on exchanges. pls
I also have too much cash sitting in my bank. i need to be a millionaire or il kms
send to an exchange and buy BTC immediately
tell me why tho
Powerledger will fucking explode in 2018
You’re so full of shit I bought ethereum in May of last year because I liked the name. I had no idea what I was doing and I still don’t. This market rewards people like me sometimes.
just give me something brief, stratis already fucking moond. i want to be on the ground floor of something new
No joke go with bitbean
Unironically TEZOS (XTZ) and ICON (ICX)
Just as NEO was the trendy coin last year and early this year, XTZ and ICX will be the hot ones this year.
Get in while everyone is desperately trying to FUD them and ride the train to pic related
unironically link,
if you have an IQ over 125 try AGRS, and QRL
Put all your money into HORSE.
Now wait a year and live off the dividends.
I'll accept your thanks in advance, have a nice life.
It's Cardano. Not even joking, even though filthy poodoo dothead pajeets will shit all over it.
hmmm i do like cardano. but 21 billion supply? wew
jesus why do people still use the supply meme. all that matters is whether you think it will increase or decrease. a 100% gain of your investment is the same whether you bought $10000 btc or $0.40 ada
You need to do research yourself Rajesh, Shiva won't help you find happiness in Bangalore if you don't work for it.
Privatix iexec RLC sumokoin Axpire
Bloom (BLT)
Get it and hold for at least two years. Future you will be very thankful.
Why can’t you google shit on your own you baby
the next eth is xrp or tron
it's one of the mentally ill link holders
Nano is a solid pick. I honestly think it will overtake litecoin within this year, and likely bitcoin too in 3-5 years.
DYOR but basically -
> feeless
> instant
> scalable
The best cryptoCURRENCY out there by far.
There user, I've given you the key. Do with it as you wish. Or just listen to the faggots telling you to put all your money in link.
youre looking for neo. youre a bit late though
Hold these for a year and retire
ARK and get in soon. Nobody knows when V2 core and the VM will be coming but its sometime in the next few months.
One word: Deep Brain Chain
You've been warned OP
all memecoins except digital gold are gonna get fucking rekt by backend tokens
you dumb faggots don't even see it coming
that's gonna be my favorite part
thats not going to happen for several years. Even mainstream adoption is tokenized right now. No one has made a switch to using tokens as the back end that im aware of
no faggot. This is for short term normie gains. will be up to their ears in tax probs. XMR and ADA all da way.
See Tezos.
Nano top 10 by December
You can't even be bothered to type out proper sentences, why should I help you?
Maybe if you weren't so fucking lazy your life wouldn't suck so much, ever thought of that?
NEBL you net. Literally ETH in 2016. Better tech than ERC20 token, 10% POS and imminent release of NTP1 toke not allow for ICOs on the blockchain.
Mainnet been launched since pre-ICO, working desktop wallets since pre-ICO, rest APIs in 8 languages due in less than a month.
>tfw too scared to fuck around with icos while SEC is doing their thing
a lot of people are going to get btfo
+1, read about it for like an hour and you will know this, OP.
trump was a scam president
And anyone that bet on him won big
more like they're stuck holding russia's bags
Dyou think trump won thanks to /pol/?
Dyou think eth is 1k usd thanks to Veeky Forums?
VEN if you’re a normie that overly trusts the Chinese
QASH, OMG, COSS, and I’m holding NCASH too but plan to get out after a 2-4x