The Neo sub-reddit is crowd sourcing other deluded Neo holders to try to refute developers telling them Neo is garbage.
You can't make this shit up.
Neo sub $40 eom.
The Neo sub-reddit is crowd sourcing other deluded Neo holders to try to refute developers telling them Neo is garbage.
You can't make this shit up.
Neo sub $40 eom.
Other urls found in this thread:
they are fixing it though, what's the problem?
Neo is a mess, are you kidding..?
It's a really bad sign that they even fucked up something so basic.
omg that was brazen
are there any videos of this semen demon putting that tongue to work?
What's with all the NEO FUD today
biz fud = strong buy signal. Made quick gains on KCS yesterday, now I all in Neo
It's a sign to buy cuase we moon soon
Stay mad faggot. I bought NEO at 7 bucks.
Maybe you should focus on finding yourself a gf
as long as they identify it quickly and fix it quickly, i literally see no reason to worry. These kind of "obvious" mistakes come up in nearly every major software project, it's generally just a matter of time until they're discovered.
s-she asked me to find out
someone shitposted on twitter and "neo is a mess", how gullible are you?
god i love him
heard you can find her flushing toilets at hogwarts while dominating harry potter
The should never have existed. What else is broken?
This is why ADA will win.
This and/or Achain...
Ah yes, it's just meaningless FUD, sure thing. Kek.
Its a chink scam, so there ya go.
you sound retarded
What's this type of porn called?
>Please Madame
>no Chink Scam
of course it is, the twitter shitpost was already debunked and the author of it proved his incompetency by not doing a single bit of research and basing everything on one discord message
you're very gullible, crypto is probably not for you
As if having Da Hongfei isnt enough? You guys realize China is tired of the US dollar (like everyone here) and will be looking to diversify into blockchain assets to increase their power and guess who is their number 1 advisor? HONGFEI creator of NEO. Asia had 50x the transactions of the West last year and when China re-enters, NEO $5,000. Stay poor. Seriously.
thank me alter anons
that is some good tongue.