What happened to Zclassic? I mined it for a month and suddenly it is worth nothing? Should I have been anticipating this? How? Was it an exit scam akin to Bitconnect?
What happened to Zclassic? I mined it for a month and suddenly it is worth nothing...
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Yes, you should have anticipated this. This is what happens after airdrops. It is still worth more then it was before the drop was announced.
Price was inflated because of the BTCP snapshot, now there's no longer any reason to hodl it.
Why? It's not that different from ZEC.
Don’t know/care much about zec. All I can say is I have seen this happen many times. Next time you will be more prepared.
You were mining for the BTCP right?
Will this happen too to ETC?
If you launch now widespread shill campaign you could be millionaire.
No, I mined it for itself because it was more profitable than ETH or ZEC for a while with my setup. I'm kinda baffled why would they need to airdrop BTCP out of it, what was wrong with ZCL that they needed another coin?
I lost 80k
And I thought I was out of the loop.
dev forgot to premine zcl
kek that chart looks worse than bitconnect, a literal ponzi
Still amazed people are this stupid, but whatever. The btcp fork has only been spammed for months. Either retarded bait or just plain retarded.
Free money by getting idiots to think btcp will be worth anything so they fomo buy zcl.
Hopefully you will get your BTCP
so what happened really with zclassic ? they had an air drop ?
hahaha poor you, did you got the fork?
Bitcoin Private Fork happened
1 BTC = 1 BTCP
1 ZCL = 1 BTCP
dude zcl was basically a future contract for bitcoin private after since they announced the fork
so what he has now BTCP ? what's the problem? What I'm missing?
> smart enough to know how to mine Crypto
> unaware of ZCL/BTCP Snapshot & Fork
>I'm kinda baffled why would they need to airdrop BTCP out of it, what was wrong with ZCL that they needed another coin?
it didnt have bitcoin in its name
easy 10x on any shitcoin, just fork it, rename it to "bitcoin so and so" and sell for profit
this market is so retarded
ZEC is trash, so why would people use a fork of it