>Marketcap Bullrun 465 Billion: 26Billion Volume
>Marketcap Now 465 Billion: 15Billion Volume
Shits not moving, this market is dead.
>Marketcap Bullrun 465 Billion: 26Billion Volume
>Marketcap Now 465 Billion: 15Billion Volume
Shits not moving, this market is dead.
sounds good kid, markets dead and there's no point in investing so go run along, you got homework to do for tomorrow
Sad but true. Interest in crypto in general is slowly fading atm.
Also kind of a good thing.
low volume indicates a bottom
fucking newfag
>Low Volume indicates a bottom
>Look at me anons I'm mr Bulltard
Market is DEAD period.
Low volume either means no more people want to sell at a certain price or no more people want to buy at a certain price
if you weren't fucking retarded you'd understand this
No Low volume means people are becoming/have become bagholders, the market is dead.
you sound retarded
If the market was dead, we would be sitting at 6k right now, possibly even lower.
Market is going sideways because we just experienced ATH's across the board. Volume doesn't mean shit in this case and you're a fucking faggot for thinking it does.
>Volume doesn't mean anything
I'd post a brainlet if I had one
Cmon user, he clearly stated 5 times that the market is dead, therefore it must be true. Only thing that could make it more true is repeating it in caps.
Look at the history of BTC besides "muh bullrun" of 2017 and learn something pajeet
Or do us all a favor and kys
MARKET IS DEAD deal with it. We're headed for doomsday. Gone with the pajeets (wind).
but I'm yet to make my millions. Where do I go? Forex?
forex is where you lose everything.
trust me, i've wiped my account 5 times.
I rage in forex like i never rage in any other market.
It's the opposite. At the very bottom, volume is high.
They'll be another bubble in a year or two. Because crypto is so volatile, most people are unable to think long term. But that's precisely how big gains are made.
the market is dead til it’s not anymore
it is cyclical
the next nuclear bullrun will start sometime and normies will miraculously remember crypto again when it is all over social media again and new highs are breached
muh bubble talks will begin again
We just had a huge bullrun and a big crash. This is going to take some time to pick up steam again.
>thinking market cap matters in crypto
high res of this please friends
I was making breddy gud money scalping shitcoins in smaller time frames. 3% profit here, 5% there - it adds up if you have a good win-rate. The problem is that I need a healthy orderbook to do it. When there's no-one buying or selling, my buys have to be much smaller so that I'll be sure to get my order filled when I decide to take profit. What are some alternative markets? Bitmex on leverage? Or just switch to larger timeframes?
ok. please sell the bottom and gtfo
OP is a moron yet again.